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Everything posted by hannibaldaplaya
I approached Kamyshovo on a near full server, scoping out the area. After using my Long Range Scope to scout the town a bit, I found myself sighted in on 3 armed fellows and 2 fresh spawns, 1 dead. I had heard the gunfire earlier, and knowing that these fucks were going to stay and keep on messing with newly spawned players, I lined up my shot on one of them and fired. The man fell, hitting the ground with a thump, the bullet tearing right through the middle of his chest. As I pulled back the bolt on my Mosin, the other 2 bandits ran into the nearest building, scrambling for cover. After taking 4 more potshots at them as they ran away, I fled to cover. 20 or so minutes later, after getting to another hill with a clear view of Kamyshovo, I scoped in, to find the same 2 guys mugging yet another fresh spawn. Unfortunately, my Mosin was still zeroed in for a close shot, and I had moved significantly back- My shot ended up being too high, and by the time I had adjusted my zeroing the 2 were gone. They eventually DC'd, after looting their dead pal's corpse of all valuables, of course. Afterwards I ran to Elektro, sniped a guy with a Payday Mask on a Hospital roof, started starving to death, and gave my revolver to a fresh spawn at a Firestation and engaged with a few hostiles with him. I ended up running into a dead end for cover and got shot down as I blasted a guy who was trying to rush me with my double barrel. Hopefully my long range scope and Mosin are in good hands.
A while ago, after me and my friend (who had broken his legs) decapitated a man for not giving us his morphine (which he instead injected into himself, right in front of us), I had accidentally ate a rotten banana as I tried to force feed him it. Not worrying, I soon found myself sick. My friend had to go, so I left the Fire Station, taking my time, Double-Barrel shotgun up. As I looted a house, I heard footsteps, so I called out on mic. After a while, I stepped out of the house, heard a voice come over on proximity, asking for black spray-paint. I didn't have any, but I offered him my green. After I lowered my weapon, he revealed himself- A man in black clothing, decked out mosin. I then asked him if he had any charcoal tablets to trade. He eventually led me to the hospital, gave me medical supplies, and then disappeared. Right after he left, I found black spray-paint in a nearby school building. I called for him, but I was greeted with the lack of an answer.
Acquiring my first Long Range Scope- A motherfuckin' adventure
hannibaldaplaya posted a topic in General Discussion
Today, I went on one hell of an adventure. With a few of my friends, I went from Kamyshovo to the Kamenka Military base, eventually acquiring a Mosin, Long Range Scope, a Sawn Off Shotgun, a Revolver, a Beret, an FNX45, tons of 7.22mm bullets, tons of 12 gauge shotgun shells, a few .357 bullets, a shitload of .45 ACP, and some badass shades along with a badass rock to use my badass mosin sniper gun thingy from. Here is the general route of our journey; Here is the story of our journey; It had all started after I fell off a cliff and respawned. My friend, who was in Elektro, was sick, and also starving. Since I was close to him, I loaded my pants with some spaghetti and medical tablet whatevers, and ran to him. I also got a box of .357 rounds, and since he had a .357, he agreed to give it to me. So we meet up, I give him the gun, he gets the meds, we loot Elektro together. Eventually we get our friend to come on, who has a broken leg in the Elektro fire-station. We give him some morphine, and we all start dashing away after lightly gearing up towards Balota. I go around Cherno and the cities, afraid of lag, while they cross through. Our formerly crippled friend leaves. When we get to Balota, we search each area alone. While in the tower, I hear the sound of someone logging on, so I silently go down the stairs. Seeing the fellow, I pull up my magnum, and fire two shots into the back of his head. He has a shotgun- I have a saw. Boom. Sawn-off shotgun. Here is a picture of me showing off my trophy, taken by my low-on-blood friend- After looting his corpse, we finish scavenging everything we can from Balota, and head to the Kamenka military base. I find an SKS, then a Mosin. My friend paints the shit out of his M4A1, garnering over 200 5.56mm bullets. Afterwards, our friend gets on, who is at Balota, so we head there. After getting to Balota, we search the area, providing our chump with some 5.56mm for his new M4A1. Then, my friend finds a Long Range Scope from one of the hangars, and gives it to me. Victory. Afterwards, we spend several minutes screenshotting each other for no reason, messing around with the poses, taunts, all of that stuff, and we look for good places for me to utilize my scope. We eventually find a nice little tree line with a rock for me to lay on, which I won't show because I don't want you knowing where I am when I'm (potentially) about to fire a round at your head while my pals look for shit. -
The current melees should get some sort of temporary damage buff against zombies so that the hatchet / axe aren't the only good melee weapons in the game. Until a flesh-outed, realistic, complex melee system is added, make it so that zeds don't take up to 10+ hits from a crowbar or baseball bat to take out. I'm getting sick of not being able to take out one zed without wasting a shitload of my time because apparently my shovel, machete, bat, or similar weapon has to hit the fucker more then it really should.
Temporarily buff Melees to make them Useful
hannibaldaplaya replied to hannibaldaplaya's topic in General Discussion
I'm not asking for in-game advice, I'm asking for problems like this to be fixed. Not being able to 'fight them inside' because of the nature of the game is just silly. Please, come back with some valid points on why a crowbar takes 10 hits to kill a zed. -
Temporarily buff Melees to make them Useful
hannibaldaplaya replied to hannibaldaplaya's topic in General Discussion
Still, the lack of different swings, thrusts, and a shove that specifically is meant to push down opponents would be useful and realistic, as without it, the melee system lacks any depth. -
Temporarily buff Melees to make them Useful
hannibaldaplaya replied to hannibaldaplaya's topic in General Discussion
They spaz out like crazy. All of you guys who say you just need to 'aim for the head' really agitate me, as sure, you can try, but the zeds glitch around so much that its not exactly 'easy' -
Temporarily buff Melees to make them Useful
hannibaldaplaya replied to hannibaldaplaya's topic in General Discussion
Why would a machete be like a kitchen knife? I'm pretty sure a machete can kill a zombie in 1 - 3 hits if you aim for the head, though this is nearly impossible as there is no shove / stun mechanic, so you just spaz around the enemy, spamming your attack. The only thing similar between a kitchen knife and a machete is that they are bladed weapons. It is like comparing a butter knife to a steak knife, there is a clear difference. -
Temporarily buff Melees to make them Useful
hannibaldaplaya replied to hannibaldaplaya's topic in General Discussion
This is a good idea, but they aren't going to implement this until later. While we wait, we have to deal with a strafing contest that literally frustrates me because of how repetitive it is. Taking out the zeds isn't hard, it is just annoying. There is no fun to the melee combat, nothing feelings rewarding. I feel as if I'm just fighting the game's dodgy mechanics when I have to fight a zed, even with an axe, as though it is easier, everything just feels rough around the edges. -
Temporarily buff Melees to make them Useful
hannibaldaplaya replied to hannibaldaplaya's topic in General Discussion
What about the machete, bat, shovel, and other weapons? 10+ hits with a crowbar is unacceptable, especially due to the fact there is no stun or shove mechanic in the game right now. In all honesty, all weapons except for the very puny ones should be 3 - 4 hit kills, with the axes, machetes, and more deadly weapons being in the 1 - 2 range. Then, once you fix the zeds, you up the amount they are, and now the problem is being overwhelmed instead of hit by a glitchy no clipping zed that can withstand several crowbar bashes. -
Temporarily buff Melees to make them Useful
hannibaldaplaya replied to hannibaldaplaya's topic in General Discussion
Uh, yes they do. In the current state, the melee is literally a strafe-fest unless you have an axe. Instead of using any sort of melee system, you spam swing as you move around the zed, repeatedly, until it dies. You waste your time and get frustrated as the bugger clips through walls, fences, and just doesn't act like a zombie. Compare this to other melee systems- You go up to the enemy, or the zombie, you can power up your swing, shove, etc. You have more control over what you do. This is what we need. Of course, that will take a while. I'm suggesting a damage buff to the melee until the system is better fleshed out and reasonable. -
Calling someone a moron who is doing something original and creative, yeah, okay.
To all of those who yell ALPHA at any sort of suggestion
hannibaldaplaya posted a topic in General Discussion
I'm sick of everyone screaming ALPHA when someone makes any sort of complaint. ALPHA TESTING is about providing FEEDBACK so that the game can improve. This isn't a linear rollercoaster we're riding, we can CHANGE it so that it is better. Also, I know the disclaimers told me to not buy, as the product would be buggy, but I can deal with that. What I can not deal with is a community that literally YELLS AT EVERYONE WHEN THEY SUGGEST SOMETHING.- 50 replies
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To all of those who yell ALPHA at any sort of suggestion
hannibaldaplaya replied to hannibaldaplaya's topic in General Discussion
I'm talking about how my CONSTRUCTIVE THREAD about melee was dismissed by people who said that since the game is in ALPHA there is no need for the flaws of the melee system to be pointed out and suggestions on how to fix it to be said. I've seen ALPHA yellers on lots of constructive threads. -
Unarmed / Low Tier Melee Players not Listening to Armed Guys
hannibaldaplaya posted a topic in New Player Discussion
Also known as why you end up getting shot when you're unarmed / have a melee like the bat or crowbar, maybe even the hatchet. Me and my friend held up a guy in Elektro, outside of the Firestation. I got him to put his hands up and told him to drop everything, and we waited a minute, telling him over our microphones to drop his things. He didn't, so we shot him. Instead of just shooting him on sight, we tried mugging him since he didn't have a gun. If you are mugged by someone, listen, and you'll probably be able to get out alive. You'll probably be shot if you have a gun, though. Off topic, but the best part about us killing that guy? It helped us out in the long run. His corpse was right outside the game, so when a server-hopper we spotted in the Firestation was about to leave, he went to loot the body and we shot him with our pistols. I guess he picked the wrong server to finish his hopping on, or he may have just been in the area- He really came out of nowhere and luckily my pal spotted him. -
Bambi's Knocking Out Geared Players.
hannibaldaplaya replied to Dcknipe's topic in General Discussion
No, this needs to be removed, fuck everyone who thinks it is a good ability. Not everyone is Mike Tyson. When I'm wearing a helmet and gasmask, there is no way you can knock me out with one weird punch you swing at me while you run at me. There is no fucking way. This "feature" makes it so that freshspawns aren't defenseless, which defeats the fucking purpose. The game is supposed to be harsh and making it so you can one-hit knockout fully geared players defeats the purpose. Also, I've never been knocked out with a one hit punch, mainly because I either avoid or shoot defenseless assholes due to fucks like you. -
The CCSD (Chernarian Creepy Stuff Department) Needs investigators for the Radio transmission mystery.
hannibaldaplaya replied to rydekk's topic in General Discussion
I'm late to the party... I'm waiting for people to hear this;' It's 'Harry' from managment. We have a problem! There's big mess over by the Condos on 122nd se st! One of the residents' water pipe burst, wet all over! The whole buliding is gonna be flooded soon... hope you can get this shit ASAP... Don't go easy on the mop! -
When I go into a military camp and find enough magazines to fill the largest ingame backpack, we have a huge fucking problem, especially when each magazine is completely and utterly full. And this is only for 5.56mm. 7.62mm, .357, and .45 acp are like 50 times harder to find. I've found thousands of 5.56mm magazines, but only a couple .45 acp magazines (though I have found tons of bullets for the weapon) and only a handful of .357. When I've had a mosin, I've found that I have to drop it for an M4A1 because I couldn't seem to find any ammunition for it. Ammunition should be rare. High caliber ammunition should be extremely rare. 5.56mm shouldn't spawn more then food in some locations.
Ammunition should be extremely rare
hannibaldaplaya replied to hannibaldaplaya's topic in General Discussion
*antigame Its supposed to be realistic and harsh, not necessarily fun/exciting. -
noope, firefights are fun (ouo)
Zombies Attack Animals and attracted to dead players / animals
hannibaldaplaya replied to angry pineapple's topic in Suggestions
Yes. Me like. -
The fists are overpowered and neeeeeeeeeeeeeed fixed. Its so trollish and unrealistic. Oh, I punched you in the back of the head and you're knocked out cold despite your ballistic helmet! Makes sense, right?
Add this, devs.