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Everything posted by hannibaldaplaya

  1. hannibaldaplaya

    Can you die for an injury to your ... backpack ?

    Oh, wow. Another reason to not wear a mountain pack. If this is true, they need to fix this.
  2. hannibaldaplaya

    the zombie thing

    the world of broad assumptions
  3. If only we had more Experimental serverssss.
  4. Your post makes lots of ASSUMPTIONS. Though I do not KOS not all KOSers are small-penis losers who rage when they die.
  5. Sure, why not, I will apply.
  6. hannibaldaplaya

    Spoiled brats

    Wow, all of the people who vioted 'No' probably did so with a silver spoon in their mouth.
  7. hannibaldaplaya

    I can't believe I just now realized this

    The more you know.
  8. hannibaldaplaya

    Would You Want To See a Player Report Button?

    I want a button that plays an edited version of the Ghostbusters theme where the word Ghostbusters is replaced with Dupebusters so that I can kill filthy duping scum in style.
  9. hannibaldaplaya

    Dem server numbers

    What the man above me said.
  10. hannibaldaplaya

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    Yeah, this can't be desync, there was just twitch-teleports, no random moving / clipping into buildings. He was blinking around, not lagging about.
  11. hannibaldaplaya

    What the f*ck is going on on the coast?

    The problem with this is that you are making grand assumptions. Not every freshspawn is this thread's OP, but hey, waste your ammunition. I'll tear up all of the shirts on their corpses and use those rags proud, knowing that they are from souls that's bodies were torn by a 7.62mm round (correct me if I'm wrong).
  12. Your first question lacks an option for "my focus is encountering new players, be them friendly or not, though i attempt to make things as interesting as possible"
  13. hannibaldaplaya

    Let's talk about the Long Range Scope.

    I can't wait until scopes are available in tons of magnification options... ;o;
  14. These routes will lead to your death. GO INLAND INSTEAD. ;-;
  15. hannibaldaplaya

    Target Practice

    To follow up with Target Practice's tips on a thread titled Target Practice, I have a few of my own. I'm a bit more lucky when it comes to encountering friendlies, but here are some tips I have- Do not appear hostile. Be friendly, charismatic. Joke around a bit.Listen to someone if they have a gun pointed at you, unless you know for a fact they are going to kill you from previous knowledge (such as seeing / hearing them kill others). I've had friendlies who have ordered me around at first, telling me to take a mosin, then proceeding to handcuff me, put ammunition in my pockets and some food, and then leave. I later added these fellows on Steam, but that's another story. Unfortunately, its hard to tell intentions. If the guy sounds like a dick, take your chances against him.I'd suggest playing on Hardcore servers if you can deal with DayZ's first person system. From my experience, the players there are a lot less hostile and its easier to get around without being spotted by others if you know your shit.Know when to flee. I've died in gunfights just because I don't know when to turn and run.Try to prove your loyalty to others by offering things- Offering ammunition you've picked up to people who have guns that could use that ammo is a good way to show to them you're actually a cool guy. Be weary, though. Make sure they actually have rounds, so they don't just take them from you and use them to dispose of you. I'd suggest only doing this with people you think are cool.Always be careful. Don't trust people, until you're in a skype / TS3 / steam call with them. I'd suggest asking to using a third party voice program with anyone you meet in game you want to play the game with. It makes the other person feel safe and doesn't give up your position through proximity VOIP and also shows you're not luring the guy into some heavily armed clan you're on teamspeak with.
  16. hannibaldaplaya

    will you get the full game if u bought the early access

    It will use a model where the price gets higher until release, where it will be, well, released, and all who have purchased it before will have it. Then, less frequent patches / updates to add to the already existing finished product. Booyah.
  17. hannibaldaplaya

    WTF my character needs to poop! Help please!

    You have to get a rare portable toilet that spawns less then can openers.
  18. hannibaldaplaya

    Blu trees and grass

    I want your glitch. *droools*
  19. hannibaldaplaya

    Ban wave within the next maintenance?

    Unfortunately, DayZ hacks do exist. There are videos, and one of my dumbass 'friends' uploaded a screenshot showing off his ESP. I always wondered how he knew there was PU scope in that building... Lost a lot of respect for the guy after that.
  20. hannibaldaplaya

    God Mode and teleporting in Kambiwobo?!

    Hacking- How do people feel cool when doing it?
  21. I only get agitated when afyer I am shot a squeeker holds in his microphone button and spurts out cuss words and bad memes. I just sigh and respawn, though.
  22. hannibaldaplaya

    Can we haz this?

    I have one IRL and you can really deal some damage from up to 8000 meters away- From what I heard, its due to the incendiary frankenfurters it fires which cover a whole 1km by 1km area in devastating flames. OP as shit.
  23. hannibaldaplaya

    For science!

    now i know why to not wear a pilot's helmet
  24. The only trouble with getting inland is that you'll find yourself starving by the time you get yourself to a town inland... I have had a gun, ammunition, and an axe, along with some matches, yet starved to death. I can not wait for hunting, so I can stalk animals in the woods and get myself some real food.
  25. hannibaldaplaya

    Good Ol' Kill-Ban

    I really don't see a problem with KoS in DayZ- I have rarely encountered it, and when I have, who cares? You get to respawn and try again. Woopie fucking doo. I have mainly got shot in areas where you should be ready to get shot, such as airfields or cities like Elektro or Cherno. I mean, come on, what do you expect? Do you think everyone is super nice? I've met A LOT of nice people, but this is from my experience. ON TOPIC; Report these servers. They can't get away with this retarded KILL=BAN shit. Plus, they can only kick who they see kill. There is no kill log, so they are basically bluffing, but will probably abuse their powers.