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Everything posted by hannibaldaplaya

  1. hannibaldaplaya

    1st person too zoomed in when aiming?

    Its the opposite for me, as I go with max FOV. I barely get any zoom.
  2. hannibaldaplaya


    We can wait for cars, as long as Segways arrive tomorrow.
  3. hannibaldaplaya

    Question relating Blood regen.

    If you vomit, scoop it up and slip it down your throat? Oh, wait. This isn't real life... If you vomit, just make sure you're at a toilet. :D In all seriousness, I'd suggest staying near a well and gathering as much food as you can and eating and drinking when stuffed goes away.
  4. hannibaldaplaya

    3 Mosin shots will kill a guy right?

    Did you see the blood when you hit?
  5. hannibaldaplaya

    Portable gas stove

    DayZ- It gives you what you don't want. :D
  6. I've found both Press Vests and Anti-Stab Vests in Police Stations. Its always cool to be a new spawn with just a doublerifle and one of those vests. You're obviously a freshspawn, but you've got firepower and some ballistics protection (unless you go with the stabproof.)
  7. hannibaldaplaya

    Tent in standalone

    Oh, the chainsaw. Such a loud, brutal way to take something out. Yet so enjoyable. Its like instant, effective mutilation. A weapon that allows you to commit atrocity before you even finish killing with ease.
  8. hannibaldaplaya

    Dean Hall On PvE

    Lets hope we never get PvE or Pussified Private Hives (50000000 vehicools, self-bludbag, spawn with AS50, no zambies, 234053953295 helicoptas, hunger / thirsty removed!!1!)
  9. hannibaldaplaya

    Dead body flies?

    This thread confused me, then I realized you were talking about the mod.
  10. hannibaldaplaya

    Loot on zombies?

    I want to be able to loot their clothes, helmets, and all that stuff. Military zombies should be a way to get REALLY SHITTY military clothes. Like, all ruined and stuff, maybe a bit of badly damaged stuff, you know, low chance of getting a working product. I really dig some of the zed's styles, though, and I want to BE JSUT LIKE THEM WHAN I GROW UP.
  11. hannibaldaplaya

    Can you trust a stranger with a loaded gun?

    I only do this with random people I meet who go through the process of adding me on Steam or Skype. That way, the chance of betrayal drops, drastically. It shows that you want to be friends. Just my policy.
  12. hannibaldaplaya

    The dirtiest tactic i have ever seen so far

    There was a guy in this thread saying they should be permanent banned for saying those things. I'll have to disagree. Sure, they're dickbags for doing it and deserve to get killed in game for it, but permabanning people for saying things will easily be abused. Before you know it calling someone an asshole will result in you have to buy the game again...
  13. hannibaldaplaya

    Subsonic and Supersonic Rounds [Torchia Tweet]

    If they add reloading, you'll see people picking up the shells and brass from their fired rounds. People will go to Elektro or Airfields just to pick up empty shells on the ground. I'll attach a bucket to the side of my gun so that it catches all of them .:D
  14. hannibaldaplaya

    that abuser...

    Some sort of exploit/dupe for infinite mag capacity?
  15. hannibaldaplaya

    Feedback: Great game, will come back when...

    did you know falling from 4 stories in dayz doesnt kill you but a 5m fall does? now you do
  16. hannibaldaplaya

    DayZ Oculus Rift Performance

    guis faecbuuk bowt teh ocalos raft so lest stap seportin et
  17. hannibaldaplaya

    We need these. Now. Seriously. Now.

    I want segways that are fueled by tomatos.
  18. hannibaldaplaya

    Ethnic Discriminations

    I hunt people who get 60 FPS in cities out of PURE JEALOUSITY
  19. No, I am against zombies respawning when you kill them, UNLESS it is done rather far away. In my opinion, the map should be filled with many zombies that respawn overtime, not instantly after one is killed, that are attracted to gunfire and other noises, perhaps even moving in hoards. I am getting sick of zombies just plopping out of thin air, one for each zed I shoot. A gunshot in a popular area should be deadly, yes, but not because it instantly spawns in a zombie when you kill one with it, but because nearby, faraway zeds start moving towards your position. Plus, this would make low pop servers more dangerous. Why? A server with less players has more zombies, as less people are clearing it out. A respawn timer on the zombies that is reasonable and not instant would allow players to do a bit of clearing out. Plus, if the server loses all it players, by the time the next people come on, zombies will have respawned again.
  20. hannibaldaplaya


    The TS3 overlay is proven to give your DayZ character cholera. Why? Because its useless.
  21. hannibaldaplaya

    we need to talk about the walkie talkies

    Hey, guess what? I have a dog at my house, I have other people at my house who talk a lot, and I also have a mic that likes to pick all of that up too! I didn't know that my DayZ character barks, argues with itself using two different voices, and coughs like a maniac when he's perfectly healthy.
  22. hannibaldaplaya

    Edge of map help..

    That's a lot of short, journal-style posts.
  23. hannibaldaplaya

    EDITED: Are you happy with CURRENT zombie implementation?

    The current zombies can not be avoided by stealth, which is the main issue I have with them. I also hate the fact that zombies magically spawn each time you kill one with a gun. No. Spawn zombies around towns and areas, and have them attracted to gunfire, instead of making them magically bloop out of the sky and come for you for each zombie you shoot. This is just plain stupid.
  24. hannibaldaplaya

    Alien on map?

    *X-Files Theme*
  25. Why cant they just stick to the funny hacks like spamming music or forcing everyone to dance? ;_;