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Everything posted by hannibaldaplaya

  1. hannibaldaplaya

    What dayz could have been without zombies

    If you make bullets like blocks of gold no one will be able to afford shooting anything that moves.
  2. hannibaldaplaya

    What dayz could have been without zombies

    Well, I am pretty sure the reason some want the zombies to go (including me) is that it would allow for the game to be made into a more harsh survival experience where the main threats are the enviroment, your stomach, and others who are trying to survive.
  3. hannibaldaplaya

    What dayz could have been without zombies

    My word you are incredibly offended by a suggestion, can you please calm down? This is a discussion, not a mudslinging championship. The thread is about what DayZ could be if it shedded the zeds, so? Its actually a rather good topic to discuss and talk about.
  4. hannibaldaplaya

    Trouble with racist names

    Most of the time the people with these names are just trying to be 'funny' and are not actual hardcore racists, they are just trying to be 'funny' by having an 'offensive' name. I really don't care when I see someone with such a name, as it is a poor attempt at a joke. Real racism, real sexism, that is a problem, but this is the internet and people just try VERY DESPERATELY to be 'funny'.
  5. hannibaldaplaya

    What dayz could have been without zombies

    Having just read the Road, it is a fantastic book. I will be seeing the movie soon, probably with my Dad, and it has really showed me what I want in any sort of apocalyptic survival simulator game thing.
  6. hannibaldaplaya

    First discount of DayZ standalone on steam

    The game was put on sale - So? The price will get steeper, later, for now its priced reasonably, until the 19th at least...
  7. STOP THE "But its Alpha", this thread is about what I want the game to become in the LONG RUN, not say, next patch- It is simply my thoughts on how easy the game is currently and how it can be changed in the /FUTURE/. I hopped on Hardcore yesterday, to find myself on a rather old character. Despite this, I had only played on him for maybe 2 hours before hand. I was in Elektro, so I looted, a magnum with a surprising amount of ammunition with it, and some basic civilian gear. After, say, 5 minutes of skimming through the high loot places, I looked like this- An SKS, 30 rounds, a pair of shades, and one of the best backpacks in the game. I didn't even really loot much, yet I was energized by the time I had retreated into the woods. I had plenty of ammunition, and yet I didn't even have to really do anything to get it. I found it, without really looking, in 5 - 10 minutes. The rifle, too, I found that thing nearly immediately. This isn't a one-time experience, DayZ SA is currently a game that is easy to gear up in. Unless you stay in hotspots, you will find unlooted towns, and in each of those unlooted towns is enough food to last you for a whole game session and probably a gun, and plenty of ammo, too. Why do I not see my bullets as gems, blocks of gold that have the power to take a life, blocks of gold I have to hold onto? Why can I unload 20 rounds and not really care about my wasting of ammunition? This is a survival game, and I want to feel the harshness of scavenging. Look at Neo Scavenger. Food is the biggest issue in that game- Water is easy to come by, but that means Cholera is easy to catch, as well. You scavenge, find barely any food- Maybe some snackcakes, some crackers, a can of soup, but it isn't enough to stop your hunger. It forces you to hunt, set up snares in the woods, cook squirrels open fires, and if there are no animals in sight, then you might have to attack your fellow man. Starvation is a real issue in Neo Scavenger if you're not near a pocket of civilization. You can be forced to cannibalism, and it feels like actual survival, despite being a turn-based game. You're always on the edge, never having enough food. You can load up a cart with snackcakes when you get to the most civilized place in the game, but snackcakes are snackcakes - Not meals. In that game, bullets are so rare that despite how devastating they are, slings and rocks, bows and arrows too, are the best ranged weapons. Their ammunition is plentiful, yet they lack the range of a rifle, and are harder to master (Though Neo Scavenger doesn't portray this well.) and do significantly less damage. Your rounds never get over ten, unless you're filthy rich, and even then the in-game markets don't sell many bullets. In DayZ, there will be no in-game market unless it is made by players, and if rounds become the rarest commodity next to food in game, you won't see that many people spraying and praying with assault rifles. I want the game to allow you to live off the land, or live off the ruins. I want the game to make guns devastating, but the ammunition rare- The bullets should be harder to find then the rifles, really, with handguns and shotguns being the most common. At the same time, I want people to be rewarded for surviving- They'd have more loot, more food, more experience (not RPG shit, just like, more knowledge of how to do stuff), and I'd want them to be able to do stuff as time goes by. I want people to be able to reload shells, and having the materials for reloading more common then bullets themselves. I want people to scrounge the streets for shell casings, and I want people to work on making bullets for their weapons. I want people to be able to do stuff they would in real life, but whats the point in reloading if there are tons of bullets everywhere? I want the game to be much slower- You start out with nothing, your stomach grumbling, with barely any food in sight. You are forced to hunt, make primitive weapons if you're really unlucky, and save bullets if you get any. I want this game to be a challenge, and I want those who have survived long enough to acquire their loot to be attached to their characters. With more things stocked up, their bags finally full (Right now your bags fill up way too quickly), they would value their lives, as loot would be so uncommon that dying and losing all of that would mean being at the real rockbottom again. I also want crafting to be improved - The forest should be your friend for making simple, primitive, weak weapons, and the city should be your friend for tons of trash that you can turn into treasure. Rocks, pebbles, use 'em in slings, shards of glass, pieces of paper, stuff that isn't directly useful, but can be made useful. I love the game how it is right now, but I want it to become harsh, I want it to become a real challenge. TL;DR- I feel DayZ is too easy to survive in at the moment, and I want to make sure this changes. I want players to be worried about starvation and how many rounds they have less. I want people to be forced to make more precise shots, as they might only have a single magazine, that may not even be half full. I want people's bags to be nearly empty. I want people to be forced to craft alternatives due to the lack of manufactured goods. I want people to save shell casings, just for the possibility of reloading them and making valuable, valuable bullets. I want a harsh game that rewards people for patience, smarts, and ingenuity- Not one that allows dashes to military bases for 500 rounds of 5.56 and a fully kitted M4A1.
  8. hannibaldaplaya

    Loot, Supplies - They're just too common.

    The title has "too much loot" because the topic is about why I hope there won't be "too much loot" in the future. You make ZERO sense, seriously. Am I not allowed to make a thread on what I think the game should become by starting with how much loot we currently see in the game?
  9. hannibaldaplaya

    Loot, Supplies - They're just too common.

    The title - "Loot, Supplies - They're just too common." It isn't a question, its a statement. What the fuck does the title have to do with me understanding something? Of course I understand the same, stupid, pointless thing you have been throwing at me in poorly written text throughout this whole thread.
  10. hannibaldaplaya

    Loot, Supplies - They're just too common.

    Do you not realize I understand why there is 'too much loot' in the game and this thread is about what I /hope/ the game eventually becomes? Are you that thickheaded that you can't realize I understand why there is so much loot in the game, and I simply want to make sure that it is eventually tuned down, while making suggestions on how to make the game harsh?
  11. hannibaldaplaya

    Will the new AKM suck ?

    The dispersion in this game is ridiculous. The engine is built for long range engagements, but the weapons aren't.
  12. hannibaldaplaya

    Loot, Supplies - They're just too common.

    Thank you for replying with something that has to do with the thread in the first place, beans for you.
  13. hannibaldaplaya

    Please, say NO to helicopters.

    So you can't have a car that doesn't go down in 5 shots from an AK? I meant cars with plating on 'em, Mad Max style, gosh.
  14. hannibaldaplaya

    Loot, Supplies - They're just too common.

    They are not 'for nothing'. Did you even read my post? I know the game is in bloody Alpha, that doesn't mean I shouldn't be posting threads about how I want the game to be harsh and unforgiving by the time its finished. Holy hell. You want to know whats uncalled for, as well? Calling someone's posts "rage posts" and saying their thread is "for nothing". I don't even think you read the damn thread...
  15. hannibaldaplaya

    Please, say NO to helicopters.

    Well, I'd rather see motorcycles and armored vehicles. Helicopters will make camps useless and if are made realistic, such as needing a lot of knowledge to know how to fly and needing a lot of fuel, what would the point even be? Actually. Yes, add helis, make them so complex that the ratio of successful flight to crashed flight is 1:450. :D !
  16. hannibaldaplaya

    Loot, Supplies - They're just too common.

    Yes, I have not read that book though, I ordered it from my local library yesterday, though. :D
  17. hannibaldaplaya

    Loot, Supplies - They're just too common.

    Despite the big red banner telling you I want the game to become this in the long term, not immediately, since I know this is an Alpha, you decide to post yet another useless, "its alpha so no" post. This post is centered around what I hope the game becomes, can you not get that through your thick skull? I'm not complaining or whining in this damn thread, the only point I show agitation is due to you fellows who can't seem to understand that threads like this very one, which show my concerns, my hopes, and what I want the game to /EVENTUALLY/ become are something you're supposed to see during development. I am concerned the loot will stay this way and the game will always be as easy to gear up in, I just want to make sure that doesn't happen. This is a period of testing, I know this, I just wanted to put a thread out there showing what I want DayZ to become when it is finally released. Provide something productive to the thread, or leave. Your post adds nothing to the discussion.
  18. hannibaldaplaya

    Changing the ridiculous loot spawns

    So this shouldn't be acknowledged? Its like you are saying no one should suggest or complain about anything in the game because, you know, that is a great way for stuff that doesn't make sense to be acknowledged by the developers. THIS IS ALPHA. WE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE DOING THE STUFF YOU THINK PEOPLE SHOULD "KNOW BETTER" ABOUT DOING.
  19. hannibaldaplaya

    Mosin Compensator

    Look in red restaurants, that is where you will find them! They're mighty useful on the Mosin.
  20. hannibaldaplaya

    Loot, Supplies - They're just too common.

    Read the top of the thread, by the way, it has been edited, and hopefully you'll do the same to your post when you see it. > - >
  21. hannibaldaplaya

    Loot, Supplies - They're just too common.

    Arma 2 multiplayer is a total bitch to me. DayZ SA, somehow, is more optimized for my ass computer then the mod is. :/ PLUS, this thread isn't a complaint- I STILL ENJOY THE GAME, I was just PUTTING OUT SUGGESTIONS FOR HOW TO MAKE IT HARDER IN THE LONG RUN. No one seemed to have understand that, so I'll edit the thread and put it in nice, red, big, bold print.
  22. hannibaldaplaya

    Loot, Supplies - They're just too common.

    The Mod does not run well for me, compared to the Standalone, and is way too infested with easy mode servers for me to even try and play.
  23. hannibaldaplaya

    Loot, Supplies - They're just too common.

    Where did I say I expect this at the current stage? I clearly said I want it to become this. My word, this really agitates me. This is a survival game- It is just in Alpha, and it has a long way to come. Clearly I can call it a survival game! The fact you took one line out of my thread in an attempt to spurt out one of the worst examples of 'butt its alpha' is plain silly. This is not a rant thread, its a thread about what I hope the game becomes and how easy it is to loot up CURRENTLY. My God.
  24. hannibaldaplaya

    It's all gone wrong

    Whats wrong with the patches... ? They haven't added that much, but it hasn't destroyed the game?
  25. hannibaldaplaya

    Devs need more pressure.

    No amount of money can allow a good game to be made in a day, especially one of this sort.