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About nsane

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  1. Having the same issue, even re-installed everything from scratch and it still doesn't work.
  2. That's a very disingenuous partial quote. ". . .but I suspect we will have it configurable by servers. Same with 3rd person. . ." That is a much different thought than what you have in the OP.
  3. nsane

    ban vac no rason hoe i fix!

    You're right. When I thought that they could not be overturned at all, I was commenting on the futility of it. I apologize that my statement was taken that way.
  4. nsane

    ban vac no rason hoe i fix!

    It seems I was mistaken: you can, indeed, appeal VAC bans. Quoted below is the process: Here is the source should you wish to read it for yourself. http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1385172
  5. nsane

    ban vac no rason hoe i fix!

    I can't say what you have or have not done: I was simply wishing to inform you that Valve has never (to my knowledge) ever overturned a VAC2 ban. You can try if you like, maybe they've changed their policy since it's release.
  6. nsane

    ban vac no rason hoe i fix!

    VAC2 bans are never overturned for any reason. He'd be better off talking to a brick wall, unfortunately.
  7. nsane

    502 Gateway Error on forums

    Been getting this all day basically. I couldn't find anything about it on Twitter or Reddit so I thought it was on my end.
  8. nsane

    [GUIDE] Current Effects of Energy!

  9. nsane

    Magnum.... Nuff said

    You do realize that the casings stay in the cylinder, right?
  10. nsane

    These stairs though..

    I've run through a metal wall before, fell and broke my legs. I was helpless as the zombies beat me to death.
  11. nsane

    Admin Abuse on a few servers.

    I agree. Why pay that much money for something I have almost no control over? I'd sooner donate that money to charity than rent a server now.
  12. Exactly. What is the number one argument of those who defend KoS and the deathmatch mentality of this game? Freedom of choice and not dictating the way others play this game. They don't want anyone who disagrees with them to force our opinion down their throats; yet when the tables are turned and we want free choice, all they want to do is dictate the way others play this game. You can't have it both ways.
  13. Good to see them get what's coming to them.