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Everything posted by Rufert

  1. The fact that I don't have very good control over my character. While one to one control over your character in video games is impossible, Dayz does a lot of things that just makes you feel like you're playing mechwarrior rather than being a guy doing stuff in a game. I'm not saying I want to be a backflipping ninja or crazy COD 360 noscoper. But the way you're locked into many animations, can't cancel them very easily. Unable to get your weapon out. Often unaware of what state your body is in(something you'd be able to feel in real life) But instead have to look down your body to see if you remembered to put your pants on before leaving the house, or if you're crouched and if you have your weapon out. The latter made a lot worse by the unresponsiveness of the controls, in particular using and equipping items. I've died numerous times clicking the hotbar to get my gun out, and it not responding, me clicking again, nothing. Third time it comes out, but instantly puts it back again because it then registered an earlier click. It's really dumb. Also, I feel put off a little that every character in Dayz is a very disciplined military man. Most would in my mind be civilian. Since it seems random who is immune to the virus, more civilians than soldiers would survive since there are just more of them. You're unable to easily navigate simple obstacles. Crawl out windows ect. Run up stairs. Shoot from vehicles, or while running. Things that some dumb panicked civilian would do. I'd very much like there to be a panic button, one that immediately cancels what you're doing so you're free to move, at the cost of throwing whatever you have in your hands on the ground. And something that allows you to sprint madly up stairs or over obstacles with the added chance of items falling out of your backpack or falling on your ass. You know, for those times you're being chased by a madman with an axe, sprinting away, but decide going up these stairs can only be done at an elderly mans pace. Also, I feel like bits of the world are badly designed. ARMA 3 has the incremental crouch which is fantastic. Dayz does not. And certain barricades or walls have slits in them that are just between the three different heights you're able to put your character in. Crouch, too high, prone too low. All you can do is get shot from outside. I think that if they're not adding the ARMA 3 crouching mechanic then at least design the world to work with what they have. It just feels bad being shot and killed because you guy is a robot rather than a real person and refuses to look through a crack because it is at a certain(but completely reasonable) height.
  2. Rufert

    Causing some mayhem on oldschool DayZ server

    I'd also recommend this server, but more in spite of the youtube "personalities" on it than because of.
  3. Rufert

    fishing nets in 0.58?

    I've found one. Usual spot near a turned-over boat. Many of which for some reason had loot piles.
  4. Rufert

    Identifying meat/liquids

    I'm a little disappointing that the meat items are named the way they are. One of the things I wanted to do when I read about the brain prion disease and the introduction of cannibalism to the game, was keep a bit of human meat in my inventory. So if some twat kills me and gets my stuff, there'd be a pretty good chance he'd munch on something nasty and get sick. My revenge from beyond the grave. Same goes with liquid containers, I was hoping for the ability to keep a canteen filled with disinfectant or the like for a similar effect. However with human meat being clearly labeled as such, there is no mistaking it for any other kind of meat. Is this intentional or an oversight? In either case. Can we just have it named meat please? And only have the appropriate name for the guy who harvested it from the source?
  5. Rufert

    Identifying meat/liquids

    That's what I'm thinking, we already do that to an extent with berries. Also containers having an option to "smell" before you drink from them.
  6. Rufert

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    This happens for no reason.
  7. Rufert

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    You've probably heard them, for the longest time they made one specific zombie noise.
  8. Rufert

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Also is this normal? Happened when rolling prone in a pumpkin field. I was able to move around invisibly while my torso floated above the pumpkins.
  9. Rufert

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Only if my state is actually unconscious. If going to video allows me to see then it's a visual bug, not a state one.
  10. Rufert

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    I'll certainly try. But that still doesn't explain why I die when I log out.
  11. Rufert

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Forgive me if this has been mentioned before, I searched the topic but didn't find any mention of it. I've had a weird bug a few times now on this build, if I go unconscious from a non weapon sources(zombies, starvation ect) I won't wake up again. I had my friend with me, he said I got up, started moving around as I spammed buttons. But all I saw was still the "you are unconcious" screen. I could see the item bar when I changed items around, and could shoot and move around the world (although blind) logging in and out again just kills me. Anyone else?
  12. Rufert

    Connection failed.

    Any of this going around after the last patch? I'm trying to troubleshoot my friend online. With the hardships that goes with that. He can't seem to join a single server, he keeps getting connection failed. We played two days ago, but even then he had trouble joining servers, but still got in eventually. Today nothing works. I however can still join normally. Anyone else having this?
  13. Rufert

    Connection failed.

    Thanks for the reply. No we are not, we're across town from eachother, we do however have the same isp. The difference is that I've got my router in bridge mode, he hasn't and his NAT is probably moderate or strict, not sure if that has any relevance for dayz.
  14. Rufert

    Low FPS with a good computer.

    Well...Arma 2 is a finished game that has been released for a while and has gotten a lot of patches, and that still runs like anus on newer PCs. I'm afraid we'll only ever see tolerable preformance from Dayz, never good.
  15. Rufert

    View backpack contents

    Kind of yeah, I'd prefer if you could access it, but as soon as you move any of the crap from the main backpack you'd take it off and put it down in front of you to do it. You should be able to quickly use any item in your clothing though, without having to take stuff off. Would make more sense, since the ballistic vests are for storing easily accessible ammo and the like.
  16. Rufert

    Rags + Glass = Shank

    Glass could be an environmental resource lootable from any broken window in the game. Would make for a nice easily but brittle early weapon.
  17. This whole ragdoll business worries me a little and honestly I don't really see the need for it. In most games that have ragdoll phsyics they're calculated on the client, as it is quite hard on the server to send out ragdoll info to all the clients. In this case we're talking about a server that is already strained from keeping track of many, many item spawns, and so far doesn't support very many zombies or players yet. In Dayz you loot corpses, you'd usually want to anyway. Because of this the corpse needs to end up in the same place for everyone, which forces the server to deal with the reasonably CPU intensive physics calculations, and then send them to the clients within range. I dunno, while neat, it just seems like a step in the wrong direciton.
  18. Miasmata did it fairly well I think, you started out plagued and pretty fucking ustless. But as you progressed you got better and better. Not superhuman, you just started out pretty useless.
  19. Rufert

    Players need to make a sound when combat logging

    This one please
  20. Rufert

    If someone kills me ?

    Swede detected.
  21. The way you worded the poll is weird. But I don't see why not. Being able to strip down, shove your crap in a drybag before swimming so you can cross bodies of water without getting done in by hypothermia from having wet clothes.
  22. Rufert


  23. Rufert


    There are a few threads about this. And most people are arse backwards about it. And I very much doubt anyone who has an actual say in the game development are against it. It's just a question of simple ergonomics, of course these threads devolve into mud throwing pretty fast. As apparently if you don't have carpal tunnel by the age of 30 you're a filthy casual.
  24. Rufert

    Milk and Poison
