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Everything posted by darksteeljorge

  1. darksteeljorge

    Aircraft carries

    I wish more civil gear. Where is the ruger 10/22, Remingto 870, hunting rifles as 25-06, 30-06, 270 etc etc
  2. darksteeljorge

    Clothing Pockets (Separate the inventory slots!)

    Ehhh.... NO
  3. darksteeljorge

    tactical foregrip handle for m4a1

    Im waiting till' ak's and some other guns I wish they add (H&K G3, G36 and some others)
  4. darksteeljorge

    Clothing changes

    What about ponchos ? Yeah the mexican ones! they can be on top of any type of clothing (except jackets) They have NO slot spaces BUT they cover you from rain and cold
  5. darksteeljorge


    lol ?
  6. darksteeljorge

    76 - Possibilities list

    LMAO cannibalism!!!! jajajajajajja xD when I saw that I laughed like crazy
  7. darksteeljorge

    States should display icons, not text/annoying sounds

    I would like to be able to turn icons on and off in normal servers, and permanent off in hardcore. I like the model you did
  8. darksteeljorge

    Base Building Suggestions

    Lets just let Rocket and his team surprise us.
  9. Such a GREAT IDEA. I wouldnt tought about that never. but what about cows, horses, donkeys as well ?
  10. darksteeljorge

    Zombies with EARS will help LOWERING unneeded Player Killing

    this is a zombie survival, we need a huge amount of zombies. If you dont like it play Nether or somethig else
  11. This is like saying that when an apple from a tree falls instead of going down goes up, thats against all physics laws. Now not being able to use a cool beret in dayz ? That agains all Standalone laws
  12. darksteeljorge

    No firearms.

  13. darksteeljorge

    Simple NOT exaggerated base building

    I've tought about that too, but the only problem is the house lol, finding a good house is gonna be hard, even more if you want to store a car and a helicopter. Ill just let Rocket amaze me with his next updates
  14. darksteeljorge

    Which vehicles would you want to see in DayZ?

    Pick-ups in which you can attach turrets on. Now im not saying make a call of duty but it would be nice being able to have "a little advantage" when you get ambush in your vehicle
  15. darksteeljorge

    Radiation zone

    Its stupid lol
  16. darksteeljorge

    G3 A3-4 weapon suggestion

    I say either Fn-FAL and G3 are ok because they use 7.62x39 so theres no need to add more ammo types which allowes the dev team to create more variety of weapons and faster
  17. darksteeljorge

    [Suggestion] Land/Air Vehicles wanted in the SA!?

    I vote for any pick-up you can mount them a turret on it and suvs too
  18. darksteeljorge

    Bowls, plates and glases

    :beans: Yo! guys. I was thinking about cereal plates. I mean You have cereal, powered milk, water. :emptycan: what if its added a bowl or plate where you can make milk using powered milk and water. ;) Drinking milk with take tirst off as well as some hunger. :beans: And in another bowl or same one, you can mix milk and cereal which is going to take mor hunger off and after eating cereal you are not as thirsty as you would be by just eating raw cereal ????? :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :beans: :beans: :beans:
  19. darksteeljorge

    New Map Idea for DayZ

    I've been in the north and its not finished. what about a "Natural Park" where mountins have snow, maybe some lodges, etc etc
  20. Its to much, I mean often when I find a Mosin I find just 5.56 ammo. Now Imagine all those guns you find a 9mm Beretta but you cant find ammo you just find 7.62x39, 7.62.54, 45 ACP ect ect.I agree with the 1911 beacuse its the calssic, and the 50cal turret fot later cars and base defenses.
  21. Hola, es dificl que el creador haga esos movimientos como el gta o el CoD, porque este juego se basa en realismos y ese tipo de movimientos bajaria mucho los fps y para que quieres algo asi como GTa si puedes tener algo diferente como arma y dayz ? o quieres nadamas un deathmatch giganete donde la unica diferencia es que comes y si se te avaban las balas ?
  22. darksteeljorge

    G 36 Please

    I wish we could see the mexican FX-05
  23. darksteeljorge

    Some Ideas

    You cant turn into zombie when you die because rocket said they use different mechanism
  24. darksteeljorge

    Pistols in hands should not be ruined when shot

    I think ruined stuff should be fixed because an m4 shot ruins the whole thing, I would say every shot ruins just one thing in inventory
  25. darksteeljorge

    Fix shoutgun ranges

    Not because is a shotgun its going to be very short range, A shotgun with slug shots can travel around 20-30 meters