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Everything posted by Bakercompany86

  1. Bakercompany86

    I can't stand this any longer.

    Well you are an expert on programming and software development right? Since you clearly have such a large understanding of how long it takes to code and compile. So I'm curious, how many programs have you written? How many languages do you know how to program in? Are you familiar with the development process? Do you know how long it takes to develop anything? Have you ever written your own game? Or any program for that matter? Do you understand the process in which you find and repair bugs and glitches?
  2. Bakercompany86

    I can't stand this any longer.

    Good thing the game isn't slated for release until 2015.
  3. Bakercompany86

    I can't stand this any longer.

    Not really. I'm actually enjoying the game even with it's flaws. I do like we should and report bugs using the bug tracker, then go out and try to find more bugs. You know, since it's been blatantly pointed out that it's an early access alpha and the main goal right now is bug fixing. Not satisfying the crybabies who think they're entitled to something they're not. What I don't do, is sit on a forum all day whining like a child who was told they couldn't have ice cream before dinner.
  4. Bakercompany86

    I can't stand this any longer.

    Tell me, what programming languages do you know fluently?
  5. Bakercompany86

    I can't stand this any longer.

    So I guess you missed that part about revamping the engine from the ground up huh? Tell me again about your research?
  6. Bakercompany86

    I can't stand this any longer.

    Thanks for putting words in my mouth, but I most certainly will not. The game was out for what, 3 days? 4 days? And we saw 3 patches? Now 4? Glad you guys did your research before trolling....
  7. Bakercompany86

    I can't stand this any longer.

    You're right, I have other choice words for you at the moment. So you're clearly not a developer or programmer of any type. So I'm glad you have such a strong opinion of something you know absolutely nothing about. Chill out and go play Call of Duty or something.
  8. Bakercompany86

    I can't stand this any longer.

    Seriously bro, are you a game developer? First off, the game is functional. That's a lot more than other games in an alpha stage can say. Second off, it wasn't just a warning that the game was buggy. It said borderline broken/unplayable at times, and if you don't want to support the development of the product DO NOT BUY IT RIGHT NOW. Those words came straight out of Rocket's mouth.
  9. Bakercompany86

    I can't stand this any longer.

    How is it a pathetic excuse? I mean, he clearly said "unless you want to help support and develop the game, do not buy this right now." How is that a pathetic excuse? Seems pretty loud and clear to me.
  10. Bakercompany86

    I can't stand this any longer.

    Just remembered gang, we were all warned.
  11. Bakercompany86

    I just killed a Bandit with a Mosin holding up new spawn

    In regards to health regen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwNgTnj9hBE
  12. Bakercompany86

    I can't stand this any longer.

    Just make sure you take all the anger, and redirect it into bug reports :) That's how we get shit fixed.
  13. Bakercompany86

    I Combat Logged :( Burn Me At The Stake, With Taters

    Unfortunately this is all about player choice. If someone gets the drop on you, you are at their mercy. And some players aren't KoSing to be dicks. They do it because of the chance that they might slip up and you take advantage of it. Say they break out the cuffs, and you take that opportunity to whip out a pistol and blast them. The only way around it, is to be a better player. Be sneakier, never let your guard down, and always try to get the drop on the other guy. If there is more than one that you can see, it's a losing proposition right off the top. If I see someone and they look hostile, and they see me, I take off running. Plenty of stuff to hide behind to gain the tactical advantage. And if they have a firearm and you don't, just keep running :)
  14. Bakercompany86

    I Combat Logged :( Burn Me At The Stake, With Taters

    Unfortunately it's still kind of lame, even if you gave them a chance to rob instead of kill. The correct course of action is to run like hell. When they implement anti-combat logging measures, it may be your only option.
  15. And where are you when someone spawns on the coast? Exactly. Hand your average citizen an M16 and ask them to do any of the above. Might as well ask them to fly a plane.
  16. Bakercompany86

    Sales numbers

    No Troll. While DayZ is Rocket's child, I do know there's an entire development team working on the game. And unless Steam takes 75% of sales, 5 million isn't even close.
  17. Bakercompany86

    These stairs though..

    Never died on stairs. I do wonder why my character can't move up steps quickly though...
  18. Bakercompany86

    After Death .. Summary/Statistics-Idea

    I support this :)
  19. Bakercompany86

    Sales numbers

    794,975 x 30 = $23,849,250. Of course Steam gets a cut. Not sure how large though. Even if they took an unrealistic 50%, Rocket has made them $12 million. Although I'm sure Steam doesn't take 50%, I'm just not sure how much they do take. It's awesome though :) At least we know they're getting funded!
  20. I'm all for stat tracking of any sort. Kills, deaths, time survived, longest survived, cans of beans eaten, etc. As long as it's an EXTERNAL tracking method, like a website. But I definitely want to know these things. Especially time survived and longest time survived. And yes I want to see leaderboards for that (and only that really). I think it would cause many challenges to pop up with players wanting to try and hunt down the top survivors. Or "current longest living character".
  21. Do we need to find something for bandits to do other than troll the coast? Yes. Do we need to force them to do this by punishing them with something like insanity? No. No matter what you do, what insanity system you implement, some people will always be trolls. If you implement insanity, then they'll just have their buddies kill them and protect them until they can come recover their gear. Wash, rinse, repeat. Of course if others would stop feeding them kills at Balota, we wouldn't really have this issue. I find people in 3 areas along the coast that are armed and hostile, Cherno, Elektro, and Balota. It's not hard to figure out. Stay away from these areas until you're ready to hunt the bandits.
  22. Bakercompany86

    [SA]WeaponZ Survey

    It's probably been said before, but I'd really like to see a version of the 1911 make it into the game. Also some form of Glock (especially .40 cal). Both are widely popular, so it makes sense to find them. Another use for .45 ACP, and an entirely new caliber of ammunition. Something like 78% of American law enforcement use .40 S&W. So I could see them being around :)
  23. Bakercompany86

    Does the standalone run better than the arma?

    This is a poor time to ask this question. It's in alpha. So it's not optimized yet. After time, the community can better answer that question. For now, the answer is probably no.
  24. Bakercompany86

    Day Z Fan Film

    Lmao! Awesome :)
  25. Bakercompany86

    Spawn locations.

    I prefer the coastal spawns. Personally, I think it should be restricted to the east and SE coast. Nobody should spawn near Balota. That way new characters are forced to go through the same song and dance. Find a weapon, find water, find food, proceed.