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Everything posted by harridoesgaming

  1. harridoesgaming

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.114008

    Nice fixes!! BTW: When should we expect the anti combat logging and anti loot farming queuing system?
  2. harridoesgaming

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    Nice updates, cant wait for steam to push this out...
  3. harridoesgaming

    10 min Pvping whit my clan!

    Man this isnt fkn COD. Ive only been playing the game for a week with friends and its obvious you don't treat this game like that.
  4. Hey guys, Just thought Ill share with you guys a funny moment of confusion which may of been a result of looting for to long and suddenly having a thirst for some action. Enjoy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MIuGtKGJXw
  5. harridoesgaming

    [VIDEO] This is what happens after 4 days of looting and no action

    Some people asked me if I shot our team mate. I know its kinda hard to see but I shot the actual bandit while my team mate shot our team mate :D
  6. harridoesgaming

    [VIDEO] This is what happens after 4 days of looting and no action

    Haha thanks mate :)
  7. G'Day gents... Been playing DayZ SA for a week now and I really love it how ever the constant dieing to kid bandits that think this is COD is really starting to piss me off so ive decided not to log in till I know I can team up with some people to increase my chances of survival. I finally have some good loot as well. Im Australian is if there is any Aussie groups please let me know!! I also want to team up so it will make my YouTube videos of DayZ SA more interesting :) Cheers!!
  8. Hey guys. Im new player to this great game, ive always wanted to get into DayZ mod version but never had time for it. Now I have some time I brought the standalone alpha and have to say I love it and I wish I started to play this game long ago!! I have a small Youtube channel and I made my first impressions video of DayZ standalone. I will be playing this game actively and making videos for it. Here is my first impressions video for anyone that wants to watch: Also if there are any Australian groups that play the standalone let me know !! Im aussie and ill love to group up with some people becuase I keep dieing to bandits within an hour or so :/ Cheers!!