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Everything posted by Nanoha

  1. I've died to ladders and one chair broke my leg and another pushed me through a second floor wall and I plummeted to my death. At least I haven't lost any limbs or died to gates.
  2. Nanoha

    Should Cannibalism be in DayZ?

    Food needs to be scarce enough to warrant this.
  3. Alpha is typically for features, beta is usually stability/optimization and polish. Gonna be a while yet.
  4. Nanoha

    M4 / Mosin zero different?

    Short answer is it shouldn't matter. It depends where on the body you are aiming. If you imagine a circle on your target in which your bullets will hit (due to random deviation), then centring that circle on the head will result in a lot of that circle being off target. If it is centred more on the chest then a lot more of that circle is on the target. If you are firing at someone's head at 200m with your gun zeroed to 200m then the circle will be centred around their head. If you then zero your gun to 100m the circle will be centred lower down (perhaps on their chest). With the Mosin (and it's tighter circle) the circle on the chest might well be completely on a person, where as the if it was on the head it might go outside. Shots fired zeroed at 200 then might miss but shots at 100m zero would hit. For the m4, it's got such dire inaccuracy that the difference between the circle on the head and the circle on the chest at 200m is probably quite insignificant. A simple picture would demonstrate this far more effectively than words but that would involve uploading one somewhere.. Ah range I would zero correctly and just aim for the chest.
  5. Nanoha

    My FNX45 does not work...

    Ruined mags DO work, ruined bullets also work, ruined guns DO NOT work. Ruined bullets either load them and fire, or load them and empty them with a pristine/no bullets in your bags and they will come out pristine too. Ruined mags can be loaded if you have a non ruined mag of the same type. Put non ruined mag in gun, shoot bullet, hit R to reload which swaps the mags. The gun will still fire. Ruined gun just does not shoot. It'll go click click click even with genuine pristine bullets+mags.
  6. Nanoha

    Would you have shot this guy?

    Gun out + not running in opposite direction -> shoot. Only time I am happy to leave people alone is if they don't have a gun or if they are heading away from me. Guns are just too dangerous to leave people wandering round with them. Personally though, I would rather have a gun and risk getting shot over it than not having a gun and being unable to defend myself.
  7. TTSKO pants/shirt, Ballistic Helmet, Gas Mask, gun of some kind.
  8. Several times I've been lying down on a hill looking down and shooting and the bullets have hit invisible stuff right in front of me instead. Crouching instead solved that. As for zeroing, if someone is 100m away from you in the horizontal plan but far below you (down hill) then they are further away so you would think you need to increase your zeroing. Unfortunately, zeroing assumes you are firing horizontally and is calibrated as such. If someone was, as the crow flies, 100m down hill from you and you had your zeroing set to 100 your bullet would go right over their head (assuming you aim at the head). What you need to do when firing down hill is reduce the zeroing. I've been graphing this out on excel, and given the numbers I used (had to use quite low bullet speed or the angles being changed were so small)), to hit someone 500m away horizontally would require my gun to be elevated 18.5 degrees. To shoot someone on a hill inclined at 30 degrees 500m away (down hill) from me my gun would have to be elevated by 14 degrees. Both elevations are measured relative to a straight line between me and my target. Since elevation angle is proportional to zeroing (higher elevation angle = higher zeroing) and down hill targets required lower elevation than straight targets we can see that you must reduce your zeroing when firing down hill. Taken to the extreme, if you are firing directly down then what would happen if you use zeroing? Your bullet would never hit the target. When I am playing a dirty, sky scraper camping sniper on BF4 (...) if I use my range finder to shoot at someone 200m below in the head the bullets will always fly high, I have to reduce me zeroing to compensate. The reverse is more forgiving, your zeroing should be quite reasonably when firing up hill. To hit a target 500m away up a 30 degree hill I needed an elevation of 19.5 degrees. At 45 degrees it was pretty much similar. Shooting down hill, reduce your zeroing.
  9. Nanoha

    Item degradation and hit detection

    It is to encourage people to rob rather than kill. I do like it but it can be annoying at just how badly everything gets destroyed even after a single bullet. I think it needs to be toned down a little. Perhaps, if a backpack gets hit it chooses a 4x4 area at random and does a little damage to anything in that area instead of you (or just reduces the damage). Surely a backpack full of protective cases stuffed with beans should provide a little protection.
  10. It's happening consistently with me when I rejoin. Even if the gun works fine when you pick it up, you relog and it no longer fires. Never had an issue with the FNX, even if I put ruined mags in.
  11. I picked up a magnum fine, loaded it fired no problem. When I joined a server later it would not fire, just goes click click click with bullets in. Reloading does nothing, dropping and picking up does nothing. Picked up another revolver, loaded and it fired fine. Rejoined server, same thing; click, click, click. My friend whom I was playing with had the exact same issue.
  12. Nanoha

    Like to See Squad.xml Added

    Given that no one really has any identity in game I think this is a good idea. Everyone looks the same more or less but a badge would let you recognise people (if you frequent the same server). Help you know who you can trust etc. When I read these forums, people's names mean nothing to me, I don't even read the names but I recognise a lot of the avatars. Logos like this would have a similar use in game seen as you can't really recognise people by their appearance.
  13. From my experience you most definitely run slower with a weapon drawn. I can't say for sure if this also includes melee weapons as I usually have a gun out but the speed is significant. If one person had a gun out and sprinted and another sprinted unarmed you would quickly see the unarmed one gaining distance. I see no reason why it wouldn't work with melee also. Against melee just sprint away in a straight line, 90 degree round buildings where possible, confuse them with some back track. You could also run thought houses if the doors are open, it's usually more awkward to go through when carrying a weapon. You may also notice that you can close the doors while you are running through, that should help also. Against a gun, zig zag like a mad man and pray.
  14. Getting full on geared then hitting the coast to kill new spawns sounds real fun. Gotta love pvp.. The best bit about this game as far as I'm concerned is the feeling you get when you spot someone or start getting shot at, such a buzz. You don't get that popping new spawns. The most fun I've had is during interactions with other people, kos absolutely ruins that.
  15. Nanoha

    How much is too much?

    Lol, planning to start your own war? If I have an ammo box I will fill it as you might as well. Then I usually keep 2-3 mags of the largest capacity I can find (unless they are the single slot type then I suppose I'd take more). 2 ammo boxes is a bit much but it's not like it takes too many slots and what else are you gonna carry anyway?
  16. Nanoha

    Healthy status

    Eat all the food you have/can find, then drink water from a pump until it says you are full/stuff, sit around for 20 minutes. It takes 20 minutes of having enough food/water before it will start to regenerate. You don't have to sit around but if you are sprinting non-stop then you will lose water/energy and might no longer meet the criteria for regeneration. I don't think there is a thing that shows if your blood is regenerating, only your health but seen as your health can't regenerate unless you have full blood any healing/healthy status should imply full blood. Do watch the vieo that Pommesfee posted and also the follow up. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVGxHTXbaoo#t=2370 They explain what is going on.
  17. Nanoha

    Toggle between crouch and stand

    Mine is toggle.
  18. Nanoha

    First play of Dayz

    Much better :P
  19. Nanoha

    First play of Dayz

    For the love of God, paragraphs. You clearly have some brains from what you've written so be kind enough to make it easier on the eyes. No one likes a wall of text :(.
  20. Nanoha

    Blurry Vision after fighting

    IF you care enough to find out how it works then check out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVGxHTXbaoo#t=2370 otherwise, blood and health are 2 separate things. The blur shows how low your health is, disabling post process will stop the blur but you will still be near death (even if you do have full blood).
  21. Nanoha

    Swimming with a backpack

    This was also an issue in the mod so I've been too scared to swim. Ladders, gates and water - scariest things in DayZ. I did roll around in a pond but it was too shallow to start doing any swim type animation (it was just like proning normally).
  22. Nanoha

    I used to be nice, now I just KOS

    Only time I would ever KOS is if someone has a gun and you're out giving them to people? What do you expect.. As long as you are the only one with a gun and you play nice the world is nice (well ok stupid people will try to melee you but you can easily shoot them and them dying from stupidity is quite appropriate). It's when the dicks get the guns that problems start (which you have now become...).
  23. Nanoha

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    Barely had rubber banding before but now I do get it. Items are also slower to interact with now.
  24. Nanoha

    Blurry Vision after fighting

    All you can do is stay well fed and watered and eventually your health will start to regenerate (it will say healing in the status). Note this does take 20 minutes to kick in.