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Everything posted by mattr19

  1. mattr19

    DayZ Development progress makes no sense

    The only people who complain about the development of this game are people who do not have real professional jobs. If they did, they would understand that doing anything right takes an incredible amount of work. I am not a programmer, I am a microbiologist, and I know the sheer amount of work it takes to accomplish big projects, and I respect other professionals who work hard in their field despite people berating them constantly. Look at it from their perspective. All i am saying. edit: Do you think any of them go to work saying "I do not really care, I'm going to put in no effort?" No, they work hard so that they can get promotions or get into new projects. They put their life into it. You are going to get a great project, just give the professionals time to work.
  2. mattr19

    DayZ Development progress makes no sense

    Would you want to talk to a community that whines about everything, bitches constantly, and acts like they could make a game better than you? I enjoy reading the status reports and following the game, but it is becoming clear that the development team does not even like talking to us anymore because of people like you that don't know anything about anything constantly spewing garbage. Makes me sick. Sorry for rambling, but you ungrateful people need to learn your role and be quiet.
  3. mattr19

    DayZ Development progress makes no sense

    Not reading a thing u say. No one cares what you think. The game will be great, be patient.
  4. mattr19

    Booby Trap your Gear?

    I really like the idea of tripwire booby traps, but yeah, also agree, they would have to disappear on server reset so they didnt last more than 6 or so hours. I can see myself running in the middle of the woods and setting off a mine someone placed there 3 weeks ago lol.
  5. mattr19

    Booby Trap your Gear?

    That's like martyrdom from COD. If they put that in the game I would probably stop playing, unfortunately. edit: I would not stop playing but I would be angry about it.
  6. mattr19

    Am I doing something wrong?

    You get what you get, i tried unparking my cores, tried lowering graphics settings, tried lowering view distance and scene complexity, still the same. Just gotta role with the punches. I get as low as 25 FPS in novo on a full server.
  7. mattr19

    Am I doing something wrong?

    join the 2.6 million people saying the same thing.. in due time my friend, in due time
  8. mattr19

    Brass Knuckles

    take it from two punches to one punch for a KO with the knuckledusters
  9. Well, I guess I was wrong. Thanks.
  10. If they were going to take away the LRS they wouldn't have added the ghillie wrap.
  11. mattr19


    find em all the time in the construction site in berezino, good place to look man
  12. mattr19

    Hell of a DayZ (fan film) - Live Action

    great video, thanks for the hard work, really enjoyed it
  13. mattr19

    Stable - 0.48 Discussion

    Best Dayz patch so far.. great work.. ungrateful pos people who don't do anything with their lives acting like they deserve a perfect game instantly.. ridiculous
  14. mattr19

    Stable - 0.48 Discussion

    Tents are in. Read more closely, bro.
  15. mattr19

    Stable - 0.48 Discussion

    You probably weren't in an official server. What was your server? edit: I am also wondering about the first person servers
  16. mattr19

    NPC Helicopter Death Squads

    Hey guys, after about 650 hours played I would like to make a few suggestions and see what you guys think. I think there should be NPC helicopter death squads in this game sent by organized NPC survivors OFF MAP to exterminate all human-like life in Chernarus. This would aid a few areas of the game that upset many people. Lack of player interaction Would explain helo crash sites that are on fire Would heavily increase the fear factor due to its loud rotors and light machine gun Would explain the presence of Western weapons The key is to not make it overpowered. Make it rare. Something like a Blackhawk with a pilot/copilot, a door gunner, and a guy with an m4. Make their loot stay on them like a real player. And make zombies follow it from all around so if it comes for you, your only hope is to run like hell and team up. Thanks for reading PS. We need a hunting backpack rendered black as well
  17. mattr19

    NPC Helicopter Death Squads

    I agree, player helo teams would exist as well, but I think a rare NPC team would increase immersion because the burned up sites do not make much sense right now. Again, I love the game and would never complain about it, but they are peculiar. And maybe they have some other device to cause zombies to swarm and form a horde.
  18. mattr19

    Bases, persistence and mechanics

    I would like the ability to put tarps or camouflage coverings over our structures/vehicles/bikes so they are difficult to see from the air.
  19. armbands are confirmed, research before posting
  20. mattr19

    If you like dying, come to BEREZINO.

    lol i dont post a lot but I have to say the OP is the biggest douche I've seen on this forum so far. Bravo.
  21. mattr19

    Why is my DayZ so slow?

    ahh, thank you for that... i play on a TV so i need it enabled, my apologies to jock
  22. mattr19

    Why is my DayZ so slow?

    max fps is 60 sooooo
  23. mattr19

    Teleported into the middle of the ocean.

    Haha i get wiped twice a day and you have been trying for days to die. Thats great.
  24. mattr19

    I bet that KoSer was pissed off!

    Lol why is everyone so mad?