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Everything posted by mattr19

  1. mattr19

    Need saline near cherno

    Lol yeah dont trust anyone on these forums to help you man, were like a pack of rabid dogs.
  2. mattr19

    [Suggestion] Keep em separated

    Why doesnt your PvE group find, befriend, and work together with a good PvP group, and form a community that can specialize in labor.
  3. mattr19


    Sup, We can take one more. This is my steam name. Later
  4. Accept my steam invite, I will be in game.
  5. Sup man, Me and my buddy could take another. Let me know if youre down. Later
  6. Sup man Me and my buddy are looking for two players as well, and we'll be on all day. Let me know if u wanna. Later