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Teg (DayZ)

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About Teg (DayZ)

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    On the Coast
  1. Teg (DayZ)

    Remove 1st or 3rd person - thoughts?

    I didn't mean to stir up a hornets nest - didn't realize this was already a heated topic. I AM new to this game, skinup, but I am not new to RPGs trying to showcase a element of realism, and yet they all fall short by adding a unreal third person view for optimal play. The argument that more people play on servers that are third vs. first is not really an argument at all against this....it really just shows how much better third person is from first. I was never intending to say that I hate third person, but rather first seems pointless in games like this (although I wish it wasn't). Looking forward to playing more Dayz, and maybe meeting some of you ^.^ Keep surviving!
  2. Hello all, I'm relatively new to this game, only been playing for about a week or two now. Love it so far, very cool to take survival to such an extreme level... One thing I am curious about though, is why does this game include third person mode? This might seem like a ridiculous question, as everyone including myself probably plays in third person. However, if this is a true survivor game, why do we have the option to play in third person? It's not realistic, and it's a HUGE advantage over first person players (if those players even exist). Being able to see around corners, 360 degree view without turning around, etc. Every RPG that has the option for third or first view, the better players will always play in third. I like playing in third, i just wonder why RPGs even include first person to begin with. I would love to see a RPG that showcases true immersion by forcing you to play through the eyes of your character, and thus be limited in your reaction time and visibility as you would in real life. Thoughts?