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Everything posted by blacklabel79

  1. blacklabel79

    Vehicle overhaul in DayZ compared to ArmA

    Yes. Manual transmissions are a MUST. This aint california.
  2. blacklabel79

    10 bullets follow-up

    why do so many People post so many boring Videos...
  3. blacklabel79

    Hacker teleported me into ocean

    I found this boat but no paddle. I attached some Zombies to push the boat but iam affrait they are not really fast in saltwater. I have a bucket to keep the water out ( boat isent really in pristine condition ). I will find you Buddy and i will save you. Hold out just a little longer !!!
  4. blacklabel79

    Grenades in DayZ,what you think?

    crafting IED whould be really cool. In more than one occasion a grenade or something similar whould have helped me tremendously.
  5. How could you know ? Ist not even FULL Alpha state yet...*confused*
  6. blacklabel79

    Sigh....Character wiped AGAIN

    Only way not to go insane ;) I was MAD! the first few but if you get too attached you might not play AT ALL due to the fear of loosing your stuff. Its better to deal with it and Keep running in Shorts. :blush:
  7. blacklabel79

    Sigh....Character wiped AGAIN

    So you state you KNOW ist Alpha and still rant ? I mean..urgh. I lost chars more than i like but i also understand it happens. And it will continue to happen...for at least...some time. Better hang back and relax. What sometimes happens is if you had gear and Change Servers and then you start at the coast. DONT DO AYNTHING. dont even walk one meter. Log off and join another Server. Chances are you have your old char back. Happend several times to me.
  8. blacklabel79

    New to dayz .. Lost cloth lost flashlight

    I feel sorry for your 30 astrodollars and your capabillity of reading big warning signs telling you NOT to buy it.
  9. blacklabel79

    Sigh....Character wiped AGAIN

    can we have a "i give you my desinfectant spray" button for such Topics please ? On a serious note. Sometimes ist good to back out for a while and come back in 2-3 months and see what changed ?
  10. blacklabel79

    Honest Question

    Buttville must be a lonly place. Who is "we" ? Also...i agree on that there arent enough Zombies at the Moment but lo and behold they work on making them more present...
  11. blacklabel79

    Non kos servers?

    "Play nice or be gone"... oh my...some People really dont get dayZ at all....all my facepalms. Everytime i see such Pop up on my list i want to join it and kill everyone i see... And then i try and get sniped after 2 minutes..so ist all good i suppose. :blush:
  12. blacklabel79

    upcoming optimizations?

    Optimization Comes AFTER alpha...it makes no sense to do this during the beta Phase.
  13. blacklabel79

    Honest Question

    I dont understand your question. Its day Z.
  14. blacklabel79

    Honest Question

    hahah PvE Servers. Joined one...got KoS´ed 2 mins later. IMO they have no place in dayZ. Its just a missleading Label.
  15. blacklabel79

    DayZ Standalone: Killed by teleport glitch/hack?

    ermmmm...you fell down ( maybe some rubberbanding involved )...you died..thats all...
  16. blacklabel79

    What you can do with 10 bullets

    Boring. You found the left mouse button and clicked it...great..lets make a Video about that.
  17. blacklabel79

    Character resets

    how can you tell your "Progress" wasent whiped for testing purposes ? Playing Alpha Versions of whatever game will allways lead to all kinds of "frustrating" moments. Anyways. I had the same happen as you when i thought my CHAR is gone but after loging in later everything was back and "fine". Plus, there is enough warnings about that kind of thing, so it shouldent be suprising that it happens.
  18. blacklabel79

    Sun Tzu - The Art of DayZ ?!?!

    awesome !
  19. blacklabel79

    Swimming to Skalisty Island

    just DONT climb all the way up on that broken ship. Its a TRAP !
  20. blacklabel79

    For those complaining about development pace

    HE TOLD YOU LOT DONT BUY IT ! HE TOLD YOU DONT FUCKING BUY IT YET ! DONT DONT DONT..yet..you had to and now you...gah...
  21. blacklabel79

    To the Dayz staff

    Indeed it is. Thanks for acepting that FACT and still hit the "make new Topic" button ....
  22. blacklabel79

    Less books more zombies

    I say improve book AI and pathfinding so OP can start appreacheate them more. Also herpderp:
  23. blacklabel79

    BRO ARMY - Ep.11

    I want to know how the journey continues !!
  24. blacklabel79

    Bohemia interactive PLEASE READ

    I wonder why People think that art assets have to be redone from scratch. I guess since the bohemia titels share the same Arma engine you can port over alot of functionality ect. What we see for now is typical Alpha. I have worked for a games Publisher and trust me when i say ist even a really good Alpha at that. You wont belive what things i had to endure.... :rolleyes: Software Development takes TIME. Testing changes in netcode takes time. Ist fortunate that there are so many People feeding the System data through playing.
  25. blacklabel79

    A new way to use books in DayZ :D

    Nein. I intend to use it as comical relive when the situation presents itself :D I startet to read robinson crusoe until i got killed and havent found it since.