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Everything posted by blacklabel79

  1. blacklabel79

    Whats wrong with server hopping?

    You could go sightseen instead of hopping around balota all day and than go to elektro to "battle it out" with the other "Kids" ;)
  2. blacklabel79

    Whats wrong with server hopping?

    They cant live without "instant gratification" henche why things like child competitions where EVERYONE WINS exist. I dont care what the Kids do. I found them hillarious. Saw a dude the other day with a mosy Shooting freshys...he missed me 7! times even as i stood still on a open field. Than came closer and missed again 6 times with the Magnum while i zig zaged the fool and gave him the axe. His childish voice was so funny "hey you stop"...rofl... If you feel the Need to Server hop, yes you dident understand what makes this game great or you justify it by saying ALPHA durrrp not much to do me so bored...blablabla....
  3. blacklabel79

    Stealth Zombie updates

    I hade some zombie slut following me for at least some time. Everytime i though i lost her she appeared again. God dammit. I wish there whould be 10x more of her kind.
  4. blacklabel79

    Currency - what would it be?

    can of beans. thats all...oh and maybe wooden sticks...or pristine stones.
  5. blacklabel79

    Item Conditions: Which Actually Matter?

    Iam sure the FNX can be ruined. If you load a pristine mag into one and it sill dosent fire..is ruined. Dont think thats implented for other firearms yet.
  6. blacklabel79

    fucking up elecktro [VIDEO]

    I have seen better more intresting firefight in and around electro. And those where really fucked up.I dunno....dident feel the Need to record it all.
  7. blacklabel79

    Second thoughts about my banditry..

    I was on my way with some random allways having him Walking in front of me. We went along rather well until he made a bad racist remark. He got a Magnum bullet for that in the back of his racist skull.
  8. blacklabel79

    Item Conditions: Which Actually Matter?

    If you split and recombine "ruined" ammo it magicly becomes pristine again. The more you know ;) ( a part in me now wonders how many now loged into the game to see if thats true )
  9. That hefty rubberbanding is a bug. IMOH it if you travel more than ?2km? in 2 minutes the whole Thing locks up. Happend to me alot yesterday.
  10. blacklabel79

    End game?

    I suspect you wont have it that easy to aquire "endgame" gear in the future aka during the Alpha process. As soon as there is more zombeeeeehhhhhz, less loot and so on you will see a change in Player behaviour. I still have a pristine new Testament and a pristine kiwi...i consider this engame gear. This game is about the road. About Srurvival. Striving to be kitted out is too easy right now and imoh not a acoplishment since most People just serverhop like Little bitches. Some People seem to misinterpret it as "all go to Bambi Highway and shoot yer endgear leet weaponZZZ lelelelleleel Rolfbattleofthehax0rz *makes Video about shitty gameplay* "
  11. blacklabel79

    Anyone else seen this yet?

    you wasted a great oportunity for sience man. All you have prooven is that a bullet to the head still works. Maybe that poor sod hasent turned completly ?
  12. blacklabel79

    Character Wipe Again

    are you folks THAT dull ? seriously...THAT dull...
  13. blacklabel79

    Why all this "need hunting rifles not sniper rifles"?

    In a Zombie apocalypse some very rare NATO weaponary is realistic. Maybe from supply drops or stuff like that. Altho...m4s are still plentyfull imo.
  14. blacklabel79

    Playing a Half witted freak! (roleplay)

    I hope to visit your shop some day good sire. I shall add some beans.
  15. blacklabel79

    Painted Mosin Picture

    isent it a bit of gun blasphemy ? i mean spraypainting a good ole mosin in good condition ? ( yes. its the zombie apocalypse but...really ? )
  16. blacklabel79


    People get banned by VAC right now. You know that right ?
  17. blacklabel79

    Developer's diary

    I whould "eat on sight". Also, dev diarys.
  18. blacklabel79

    Confessions of a KOS'er!!!LuLz

    dat effort..op..butt... why
  19. blacklabel79

    less M4s in a week... will everyone make a run on them?

    how about i die again and never see a canopener...?
  20. blacklabel79

    Hacker teleported me into ocean

    not as grimm as your student loans...no sire...or those of your kids...
  21. blacklabel79

    Pretending to be A German

    please..just..dont pretend to be a german...you just..its...wrong. ah come on :D stop kidding yourself. Our natural state is "upset" or in case of my neighbours, "slightly enraged".
  22. blacklabel79

    Crafting News - Can this be confirmed?

    cant wait to craft some "just married" rope ( excuse me iam not a native engl. speaker ) made of 1x rope and 6x empty bean cans ! It will attrack zombies like nothing else...run through town..no pants...and play your fav. song...
  23. blacklabel79


    ah...nothing better than fishing and reading a book while waiting. :blush:
  24. blacklabel79

    10 bullets follow-up

    You might be right sire. I apologize. I just dont get why people feel the need to stream their gameplay or make just "gameplay" videos. And ofc there is moments ingame id like to see again, but i never feel the need to record it...mhhh...