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Everything posted by blacklabel79

  1. blacklabel79

    ║NEW║ DayẔ Standalone Update (20/01/14) Information Video

    I do when they dont add anything new or Show some creativity.
  2. blacklabel79

    Mosin is single load now

    I hope i will have the abbility to remove the spraypaint from a ww2 era rifle that was in good condition before some idiot had to paint it black and green because he thinks that whould look cool IMOH thats the perfect punishment for ruining such a collectors item :D
  3. blacklabel79

    I am a terrible human being...

    A stark reminder that the foundation of civilization is very thin. I came to the realization that force feeding People crap is only "funny" once or twice.
  4. blacklabel79

    Vehicles: For or against them?

    Mhhh a Toolbox like the yellow case and ammo boxes ? Very good idea ! I wonder how People whould react to cars. I mean. What holds someone back to just headshot the Driver from 500 meters away or ambush the car-Party at a gasstation ? kekekekeke. Oh and something like this should be possible :too:
  5. blacklabel79

    Vehicles: For or against them?

    We dont know enough about on how vehicles whould differ from the mod. But id say they add another "mission" or "Goal" in as what could be archived in the game. Fuel and Parts should be scarce. Sidenote...i think it should be possible to refuel those Little Gastanks on the bigger White ones that are behind some residential buildings.
  6. blacklabel79

    Why some people even do play DayZ ?

    I think this link might be of interest at this point : http://www.pcgamer.com/2013/03/13/call-of-duty-red-orchestra-2-interview/
  7. blacklabel79

    Clothing to go with Red Down Jacket ;3

    I know but i want more. Stockings whould be cool even for the folks not setteld in their gender as of yet. Could be used as headgear too. Or as a replacemnt of ropes ? :D
  8. blacklabel79

    Clothing to go with Red Down Jacket ;3

    what ? it has at least space for the handcuff keys AND some painkillers. :D But this whole thing leads me to belive that we need female size and male size clothing. IMAGINE THE POSSIBILITYS. also..finding a flower dress whould be kinda funny. I mean..we get a fucking burlap sack WHY NOT STOCKINGS EH ? Having something to hide dean ?
  9. blacklabel79

    Clothing to go with Red Down Jacket ;3

    No Pants and a press vest. than take a bible into your Hand and run through elektro.
  10. This sounds mysterious and you should use the bug Report to help further development of the game.
  11. blacklabel79

    Looking for a TEAM of survivors to play with.

    The weapon is called a MOSIN. Not moisin or moistin or whatever debraved way you want to call it. Its a FUCKING MOSIN NAGANT. get it right for once PLEASE.
  12. blacklabel79

    Whats wrong with server hopping?

    How you explain that the dev Team activly tries to prevent it in the future ?
  13. blacklabel79

    Skinny Jeans ? Myth? Or no?

    they are :D
  14. blacklabel79

    Post Your Gear So Far

    I recently ditched all the Military gear but Keep it black and classy ;) ( wonder about the face of the lucky Soul that came across shitloads of pristine combat clothing in a random house )
  15. blacklabel79

    ║NEW║ DayẔ Standalone Update (20/01/14) Information Video

    ooohhhh...so hard work. ( Stop kidding yourself. You just state well established Facts/bugs, than you go through the patchnotes...gah. Everyone who is interested in the development process of the game allready knows. ) But eh...certain parts of the Population dont like to read. I guess you did them a Service than.
  16. blacklabel79

    Unplayable, almost

    Calling it a full game is a bit of an exegeration OP. Not even half the content is in there yet. Its flooded with children who wank over their "endgame" gear and hopefully leave after that stuff gets reduced and Server hopping Comes with a Penalty. ( oh and i found that KOS on the coast mainly happens on American Servers...i wonder why that is...) *insert ALPHA warning here*
  17. blacklabel79

    Press play, close your eyes, what do you see?

    anything from beethoven or tschaikowski fits this game rather well... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhXyhBdjjRY
  18. I dislike all those streamers. There are exeptions but most are just Attention whores. If you have such a ego that you NEED to stream your shit gameplay and you enter a Environment like dayZ you deserv a bullet...thats all.
  19. blacklabel79

    ║NEW║ DayẔ Standalone Update (20/01/14) Information Video

    is that for those that cant read patchnotes ?
  20. blacklabel79

    M4 in your hands and Mosin on your back, or visa versa?

    in soviet russia mosin sucks you...oh wait that came out wrong.
  21. Well that might be the case FOR YOU. Maybe this guy has some principles that dissalow him to ever get caught and even IF to go down in flames. Also, he dident say he will rather die. He stated he wont allow it. ;)
  22. blacklabel79


    Plus you dont understand that what happend to you is BOUND to happen if People try to falsy advertise their Servers as PLAYER FRIENDLY NO KOS ONLY PvE wich goes against everything that makes DayZ unquie. Also...i think People go there to specificly KILL anyone they come across just to piss them off :D
  23. How so? As it stands RIGHT NOW the process of geting some fresh loot after respawn and the travels it involes is far more interesting than beign fully geared with "nothing" to do. ( besides Meeting up with friends and going to elektro and Bambi Highway, or doing sightseen ) I never got handcuffed ( ok once but we messed around and my friend really wanted to handcuff someone wich lead to hillarity, he had no keys ). People attempted to but i ignored them got out of sight while they seemingly roleplayed some policeforce wich i found to be pathetic.
  24. blacklabel79

    How seriously do you take your gameplay?

    Depends. First off, if your brother is younger he only experienced "fun shooter games". Hes not used to a tactical approch but as you said he adapts. IMOH you can only be good at this if you "take it serious". Did you allways help him to get gear ? If so...Strip him naked and send him North. He will change his stance on that stuff rather fast. If iam alone i useally come from the Woods and only check the buildings i KNOW that have stuff i might want. If with People or a Group i tend to stay a bit back and have overwatch, covering them. I found that People comming from games like redorchestra and the like have it easy to adapt. Another friend of mine is just too impatient and allways want to go back to "the Action". ;)
  25. blacklabel79

    Why ARMA Engine?

    lets port it to unreal 3 ( hides in a bush )