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Everything posted by blacklabel79

  1. blacklabel79

    The lack off loot is not right ???

    OP was too used to the electro run. STOP GOING there...go Inland. You whould be suprised how much stuff People dont find. We found weapons/ammo/clothing FRESH FRUIT in what looked like a fully looted cherno/electro. Alot of other goodies inside the tall building blocks, shitloads of Food Inland and more ammo and more shotguns than we could carry. OFC the firestations ect are empty , only contain fire extinuishers ect...
  2. blacklabel79

    I'm now killing on sight.

    Dont become part of the Problem. Be part of the solution. Also..you trusted a fully armed Group ? really ? If they dident talk ingame after inital contact something had to be fishy.
  3. blacklabel79

    Favorite Melee weapon ( s )

    So, everyone loves a good fireaxe since its "one hit kill" on Z´s right now. But what about the others ? On my latest itteration as survivor in this very Alpha i grew fond of my pristine Splitting axe. Why ? 1. its low profile and dosent stick out like the fireaxe. 2. you need 2 hits to kill a Z if you dont hit the head right away. ( "but bl" you say "why whouldent you want a one hit kill wonder ? ", Because i have more fun axing them and there arent many Z´s around, so it dosent hurt to play with them a bit more and you learn how to kill Z´s and stay in great shape :D ) 3. If you get held up or meet survivors/bandits/heroes ( even in disguise ) a splitting axe dosent seem to be a desired object and you might be left alone. Whats your take on Melee weapons ? Are you a Fire extinguisher fetishist ? Or a crowbar conan ? Also: shouldent we be able to break into houses using axes/crowbars ? I imagine that not all houses might be open like they are now ? ( Say Hospital glass doors Need to be shattered, attracting Zombies too )
  4. blacklabel79

    Shotgun speedloader

    We found several shotguns last night..more than we could carry. And the speedloader. I testfired the gun with the speedloader. Might be i had the loader in my jacket so it appeared Close to the weapon as beign attached. *confused* Anyways...with the speedloader its like a Magazine. Besides...whouldet it make sense to attach it. ( my knowledge about all things shotgun are limited, i imagine its like the "combat shotguns" that have shells on the outside of the gun attached ? )
  5. blacklabel79

    Anybody wish the SA was never released?

    I never played the MOD and iam happy with the SA so far. Most of my friends are in their mid 20´s mid 30´s anyways. More Players means more testing on the infrastructure wich is great for the devs right now. And ofc you have the childish trolls and People that cant read and dont understand the "its Alpha" Thing. Either they leave, or get banned for hacking ( wich is Happening alot right now :D ) OR they leave since they cant camp electro all day anymore and everything else they view as boring. The same Sentiments stated by OP are circulating in the Red Orchestra community too. After every sale its a noob fuckfest. I made it a habbit of leaving the game for 2-3 weeks and come back and see if the noobs evolved to newbies.
  6. blacklabel79

    Shotgun speedloader

    I know i tried that with ONE. But i was under the Impression i have to drag the speedloader on the weapon first. Mhhh...gonna try again later today. Thanks !
  7. blacklabel79

    Shotgun speedloader

    The speedloader Needs to be attached to the gun. So several wont help much since you still have to go to the inventory and Switch them around. Altho...now that i think of it it might be feasable. OR wed be able to attach more than ONE speedloader ? Now that whould be awesome ( say 3 max )
  8. blacklabel79

    Favorite Melee weapon ( s )

    Thats an awefull Long time tbh.
  9. blacklabel79

    [Video] Stupid easy way to kill Zeds...

    you should run around them counterclockwise ;) You will end up in a situation where you chace them, opposed to the other way around.
  10. blacklabel79

    Shotgun speedloader

    It works like a Magazine imoh. You load the gun, you load the loader, attach loader to gun, bam 4 shots ready to be fired in rapid suchsession. After that...handywork is needed to reload everything proper. So i think it works as intended.
  11. blacklabel79

    Books and Bandits?

    I finaly found "the art of war" iam so happy ! as allways, random house, everything else looted besides the books. Oh the poor peasents. Dont they realize a full stomache isent enough ?
  12. blacklabel79

    Food Is Too Easy To Find, Srs

    It should be hard to find Food. I dont see the Problem here. Alternative foodsources are not in yet. The dynamic will Change again when they are.
  13. blacklabel79

    Well this new patch sucks, can't find anything

    haha, barrets and gasmasks looks ridicilous together.
  14. blacklabel79

    Dayz banned arma 2

    It might sound like murky waters BUT...you could have agreed in an eula that a integrated anti cheat system that is licenced by a company transfers the bans over across all titles of said company...OR tie those to a engine....mmhhh. ( interesting, enlight me. ) OR you just hacked your way to the top...in ALL titels of said company....
  15. blacklabel79

    Dayz banned arma 2

    folks should be banned for all future BI titles too :D
  16. blacklabel79

    [BUG] No Loot in Military Camps

    we found more shotguns than we could carry, in the hospitals above cherno. No ammo yet... ^_^ No hacksaw either.
  17. blacklabel79

    Berry Picking?

    I stoped in the woods today traveling because i havent seen that shroom yet. Did they sneak in new ones ?
  18. blacklabel79

    Don't Touch the Spray Cans

    "Art" is a rather hippyish name for a spawn.
  19. Beign a Game tester isent allways fun. Just be happy you dont have to playtest "my Little pony2" like the poor sods at the Publisher i worked for back in the days of yore.
  20. blacklabel79

    A night time question - don't hate

    Not a official word on it yet. Altho i think it was stated that "daytime only" whould violate the Terms ? Nightime isent as "bad" as People make it out to be really.
  21. blacklabel79

    Warning do not paint you Mosin 9130 !

    yeah i know right ´brah , i allways ignore the stupid search function too and call those pointing it out basementdwelling trolls brah LOL...hahaha
  22. blacklabel79

    Izh43 shotgun test/comparison

    nice, thank you. Altho the effectiveness of the sawed-off seems a bit random ? Or is it like the Magnum where you should aim just a Little bit to the left ?
  23. blacklabel79

    Warning do not paint you Mosin 9130 !

  24. blacklabel79

    Spawning new/old character

    this is ridicilous...at least 85 % of this Forums Population has more in common with a random assortment of rocks than with humans that can read and process Information.
  25. blacklabel79

    Mosin painting

    you can prevent THIS from Happening. Log off the game dont "Play" for 1 week and come back.