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Everything posted by blacklabel79

  1. blacklabel79

    Cheat Programs

    Can you give examples ?
  2. OP comes across as bitter. Sorry they canned your game BUT that dosent mean dayZ will never be "finished". Altho iam sure it will be released at some Point. Modding a Alpha is Kind of a moot point...relax and see how things progress... Whatever happens...i have more fun with the pre-alpha than i had with full blown comercial Releases in then last...years. These kind of threats are just a disguise for "haters" to voice "ligitimate concerns" ( hint, the whole its A SHEME bs...this is capitalism, game development isent charity, you as a "fellow developer" should know that ) instead of just lay back and enjoi the ride.
  3. blacklabel79

    Confessing my sins....

    Yup...went into "blind rage axemurder" mode really quickly...
  4. blacklabel79

    How Not To Surrender - Short Video

    Maybe try and talk more. Its understandable you have your pistol drawn. As Long as my 2 other friends keep aim on you, iam free to talk to you and see if we could resolve things.
  5. blacklabel79

    Confessing my sins....

    after 3 days of relative friendlyness we got a´stark reminder of how fast things can escalate into a full blown fuckfest. We went down to solny to help newbys with Food and water. We meet a Group of 3 really scared dudes and left Food for them on the way. We felt good and high fived each other. In good Spirits we ventured further. Still packed and with a mindset of true philantrophes. Another freshy comes up and i talk to him a bit while my friends gather some more. ( around 3 right now, one with a backpack whom stands a bit on the side ) We make it clear that our intentions are nothing but good. Next thing that happens is that 2 more freshys come in running trying to knock my friends out. I dont hesitate and start axing away to save him. In the process the other freshys seem to deceide its time to also try out their fists too. I Keep hacking away in a massive rage ( all the time explaiming that we came here to help them ) and my friends shoot and use their bats and axes until there is nothing but silence. 10 lay dead...than we hear a faint voice "dont kill me please", ( he was hiding in a bush all the time watching the Massaker ) i reply "Its save now, we killed all these People". We give the freshy water and food and he legs it as fast as he can. Comes to show that in DayZ, even if you have the best intentions, be prepared to defend yourself even if its "only" newspawns.
  6. blacklabel79

    If I Spawn In Solnichniy One More Time I'll Puke.

    Everytime we get bored and come to solnychny to help freshys, shit escalates rather quickly. Love going there :D It means sudden death but also glorious victorys. I guess the spawns will change during alpha once more.
  7. blacklabel79

    Best Place To Find M4 In Electro?

    Best way to find a m4 in electro is NOT going to electro. :D Venture to the big housing blocks between electro/cherno/balota just above those Citys. They contain all you whould need. Lots of weapon spawns, a Police Station / Garage, Hospital / Office building. ect ect. Everytime we go there, even on full Servers its almost never looted. And its way closer than balota too. ( also less bullets in the air )
  8. blacklabel79

    Reaction On Dying

    depends. I dont get too mad anymore and embrace my freshness after a dead. Sometime i laugh my ass off dying because the circumstances where so hillarious and congratulate my killer via voice chat and wish him a pleasent night. :D
  9. we need a graveyard for painted mosins :D
  10. blacklabel79

    One Kill On Sight Thread To Rule Them All!

    henche why iam strongly against unique identifyers for bandits/heroes...gah...
  11. blacklabel79

    Penguins in Day Z?!

    One just dosent walk uphill. You wigglewalk !
  12. blacklabel79

    Burlap Sack locations?

    It does. And its extra creepy at night.
  13. blacklabel79

    Do you suffer from "Pristine Fever"?

    All the "bandits" you refer to..i have never seen them ( probably because they where SOOOOOOO well camo´ed lol, not )..only douchbags in Groups, and we saw them from a mile away ;) I dont belive in camo. Sorry brosef...Just because we wear raincoats dosent mean we cant fight back. We just have a different mindset about what this game has to offer... ;)
  14. blacklabel79

    I Conduct Social Experiements on DayZ Players.

    Really in vid 2 the guy with the mosin sucked ass....such horrible placed shots...should have punched him out for beign that bad.
  15. I wonder why FAT FUCKS insist on beign called curvy...YOU ARE NOT CURVY YOU ARE FAT ! gah...
  16. blacklabel79

    Items you'd like to see on DayZ

    I want to see drugs and alcohol. Weedfields and Beer... ty.
  17. blacklabel79

    I'm now killing on sight.

    After 2 nights on HC only i conclude that is indeed the case.
  18. blacklabel79

    The benefits of being a "Hero"

    Some People really cant look farther than the Barrel of their gun. We have way, way , way more fun beign the crazy "cult of the raincoats" than anything else we tried. It makes for such more colorful ( heh ) gameplay than just trying to kill everything that moves. If i want to have gameplay like that i load up "red orchestra 2" and have my realism shooter fix. :D Exactly. And as soon as you exepted your faith it leads to hillarious/ touching / suprising moments.
  19. blacklabel79

    Do you suffer from "Pristine Fever"?

    I Value a orange raincoat more than even an M4. I dont care about the condition its in. I like the ragged worn out survivor look...you millgear fans can Keep on wearing those green/Brown stuff and all look the same... :D
  20. blacklabel79

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    Something like a "there have been X amouth of deadly accident in this area". :D or "X Days since last accident"
  21. blacklabel79

    Dissapointed new player

    nice one...
  22. blacklabel79

    Balota loot?

  23. blacklabel79

    Kill on sight reasoning

    Dear diary. we joined a hardcore server today. At first we meet another equaly naked folk and took him aboard after we told him about the raincoats. Intruiged, he followed us. On our way to the 3rd mountain backpack, that we wanted to present to him as a token of our trust ( orange ofc ) , we ran into a shitaton of zombies and some armed folks that tried to save us off the bat. I forgave em the little shrapnell wound, wich ofc iam sure was a mistake and they patched us up. They dident wanted to hear about raincoats much. We wiggeld a silent goodby. We finaly arrived at the promised pack and i explained the outlinings of the raincoats a bit to our new friend. We all got a good laugh out of it. We meet another founding father of our cult and tensions grew a bit. ( he has a unhealthy addiction to handcuffs. Its forgiven tho, giving his age. ) But our new prospect kept tagging along. Shortly after we saw a freshy dressed in black and as i turn, a man in a ORANGE raincoat, an axe and a shotgun stood there silently . We offered trade and prayers. He oblidged and moved closer....he droped the raincoat. I drop a hoddy. we inch closer... AND THE MOTHERFUCKER AXED FUCKING EVERYONE RIGHT THERE !!! all 5 of us :D ( my friend spawned close and ran back only finding another freshy in a pile of bodys exclaiming "OH MY GOD WHAT HAPPEND HERE!!! ) brilliant...only in DayZ ...no KOS involved.
  24. blacklabel79

    I've been wandering a bit and have not yet found....

    True that, still with a unhealthy addiction to 90´s ( early 2000 ) pc tech :D
  25. blacklabel79


    Iam ready for a "are longboards more feasable in cherno than real skateboards" also "shouldent you be able to drop off the roof of a trainstation ?" and "should i be able to ollie a Z ?" The thing is...skateboards are not even good as firewood. ( too much glue ) The wheels/trucks /bearings might be of some use... There are some nice downhills in cherno too. :D