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Everything posted by blacklabel79

  1. blacklabel79

    The Story Of Friendly Boy And Kos Girl

  2. blacklabel79

    Clothes That Say: I'm The Good Guy.

    beans for you sire.
  3. blacklabel79

    Why I Play As A Bandit

    are you one of the tl;dr People ?
  4. blacklabel79

    I Think I'm Too Trusting And Nice.

    indeed..but not for the reasons you seem to think. Those PVE ONLY Servers...if i whoud be a full fledged Bandit id go there and rob the hippys all day long.
  5. blacklabel79

    Clothes That Say: I'm The Good Guy.

    Iam 50/50 about the Respirator masks. I like to wear em because they kinda look "badass". Eventho we try to play it friendly ( or as i like to call it "neutral/gentleman survivor" ), its the actions/stance/voice of the other Person that tells you more than clothing.
  6. blacklabel79

    Why I Play As A Bandit

    So wrong. They can KILL you even...
  7. blacklabel79

    Clothes That Say: I'm The Good Guy.

    We held up a man with a payday mask in seleno last night. ( 3PPOFF ) with my friend in his back. he never knew he was there to beginn with. He seemed rather "new" or did play it well. I politely asked for his mask and his stabvest and then we let him go. No need to kill a man with a mask right there...he was alone anyways, no visible firearm and dident pose a threat.
  8. blacklabel79

    Clothes That Say: I'm The Good Guy.

    god dammit..dont you screw up the sheme ! :D yeah..but if there is 5 of them ? And they all offer food and water ?
  9. blacklabel79

    Moisin Ammo Wont Load?

    Please, dont worry. He wont look through one for some time.
  10. I agree, POS meaning "post on site" is needed.
  11. blacklabel79

    Moisin Ammo Wont Load?

    At "usefull suggestion station". Or "thinking about gamemechanics since alphuur" an shit...ah well.. Also..if you cant work out clicking THE FUCKING RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON...just for shits and giggles...i really dont know what could help you survive...( i know you wont, i barly scrap along too )
  12. blacklabel79

    Moisin Ammo Wont Load?

    Its dumb to try and paint a MOSIN in the first place. have some respect...Altho, if you paint it and then use the cleaning kit to make the loading error go away, it whould add some functionality to the cleaning kit. ( i know its gonna be fixed with the next patch but eh...whould be funny for mosin lovers )
  13. blacklabel79

    Moisin Ammo Wont Load?

    wow...really. ? like REALLY ? You know that funky thing in your inventory where it tells you a number under that thing that tells you its ammo? And then..magicly it gets less when you put it into the gun ( as you have worked out by yourself, well m´kinda ). Wrong, as of now..split the ammo and reassamble..its pristine afterwards.
  14. blacklabel79

    Moisin Ammo Wont Load?

    moisin ?
  15. blacklabel79

    Bambi's Knocking Out Geared Players.

    The person has NOTHING but their fists. And you sure should have the ability to win while beign "fully geared" . If you dont...well...you either got tricked or you got careless ( tho they go hand in hand ).
  16. blacklabel79

    Bambi's Knocking Out Geared Players.

    Freshys need to keep the ability to knock you out. If you wear a helmet..ok..fine. But only the motorcycle helmet should offer a certain degree of protection ( tied to the state its in of course )...NOT the combat helmet..
  17. blacklabel79

    Bambi's Knocking Out Geared Players.

    POS will be a huge problem ! :D
  18. blacklabel79

    Clothes That Say: I'm The Good Guy.

    Orange raincoats ! :D
  19. blacklabel79

    For those complaining about development pace

    :( but but...before you can push updates they need to complete the innercirculation of things :( and...man that shit takes time "99..bugs...fixed one... 124..bugs...."
  20. Or one could file several bug reports while making a topic like this :D Have YOU contributed to the pile today ?
  21. blacklabel79

    Problem With No Longer Spawning In/near Cherno

    Also...OP Plays a very boring game.
  22. Ladders are fine. Its stairs and certain houses. We have a Regime of NOT bumping into each other in houses. Noone died of the "holes of doom" and "stairs of Terror" ever since. Altho..this stuff needs to be fixed.
  23. blacklabel79

    Banned For Nothing? [Global Ban]

    Iam affrait the Forums here cant help you. You Need to contact battleeye Support. ( or simply just dont use hax... )
  24. blacklabel79

    Cheat Programs

    I meet a random fishy person ONCE some weeks ago and he called out People before i could even see them. Like detailed..."2 armed Folks from north/west" ect ect... ( we where in a closed building ). I suspected him for using esphacks ( imo thats when you replace the textures, plus boxes i suppose ) He even stated he dosent care about the game at all..just wants to piss people off...gah what a looser. So...i checked again this week and the fella has a nice VAC ban in steam. kekekeke...get em all..ban em all !
  25. blacklabel79

    Problem With No Longer Spawning In/near Cherno

    If you think you Need to suicide to get "a better spawn" and than rant about you dident you dident understand what "survival" means. You try to make the best out of the Cards that have been handed to you. Me and my folk have found shitaton of stuff in seemingly looted towns....