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Everything posted by blacklabel79

  1. blacklabel79

    The svetloyarsk community

    hint: its the governor.
  2. blacklabel79

    How Many People Were Killed By You?

    I dont keep track iam guessing something between 25-30 in 190h SA.
  3. blacklabel79

    The svetloyarsk community

    They are payed in beans and on occasion in brains :D
  4. blacklabel79

    The svetloyarsk community

    I join and then overthrow your tyrany ! Also..nurses will be transformed into strippers. Svetlojarsk will be known as the little las vegas of cherno !!!
  5. blacklabel79

    So..we Went To Solny The Other Day And..

    we tried not to :( as i said..we went in with the best of intentions..stayed too long..made some mistakes and got some good laughs out of it. Later on we just tried to get our shit back...and it turned out better than expected. i know what you say and if you whould understand german you whould hear us debating about what just happend. And that, imoh, its the more interesting part. If a game forces you to debate morals..than finaly "gaming" might mature. permadeath. Or, just call all of the above bullshit and just play and have fun.
  6. blacklabel79

    Why I Am Friendly

    chaotic/neutral gentleman bandit if the need arises... but fucking your day up if you really need to fuck with ours... ...you explain it with choppy graphics ? wow...
  7. blacklabel79

    Alt Tab Death

    it should be a challange. No?
  8. blacklabel79

    delete thread

    OP managed to kill his own topic with the title. Kudos and beans.
  9. blacklabel79

    Why I Play As A Bandit

    nope. the basics are the same. "i hop because i want something". some look for the rush of adrenaline. some seek "zeh loot".
  10. blacklabel79

    The Picking Berries In Game Fiasco :)

    no fucks given...are you able to write in another language than fucking english...? ( hint, you dont )
  11. blacklabel79

    Show Off Your Current Character!

    ist right above this one..also your char Looks as boring as can be.
  12. blacklabel79

    The Picking Berries In Game Fiasco :)

    You also dont know "fun" or "whitty comment" ?
  13. blacklabel79

    The Picking Berries In Game Fiasco :)

    berets grow near black Castle...come on, everyone knows that alleady...
  14. blacklabel79

    Mosin is single load now

    read the damm changelog.... alstho i love that "bug" if you going to rape a mosin with spraypaint you deserve a Penalty. Also they could have made it so that a cleaning kit gives back the abbility to load 5 bullets again.
  15. blacklabel79

    Pve Servers : Not So Pve...

    Play on hardcore Servers...the "Kids" are useally in 3PP:ON land...
  16. blacklabel79

    Clothes That Say: I'm The Good Guy.

    If you AIM a gun you are a threat. If you have it lowered you are at least 2 split seconds away from aiming so...ye..."bro" you get shot faster if aiming...( circumstancial ofc ). Upon Initial contact with loners we useally have the "contacter" a gun drawn and the "observer" in a flank overwatching booth parties on the ready until we determined what to do and how to react to the loner.
  17. blacklabel79

    The Way I Hope Private Hives Will Be.

    I dident play the mod. can you good people please give me and the other "newbies" ( heh ) your expereince with private hives from the mod ? thank you so much. ( prepares beans catapult )
  18. blacklabel79

    Shotgun Snap-Loaded Shells Bugged

    AHA ! thanks for that. The other day i killed someone with the shotty from aprox. 30-40 meters, straight headshot, booth rounds fired. DED. I "snaploaded" and creept on the other dude...shot him from 10-20 meters, nothing happend. Had to use the axe to get him. That was so confusing. I tip my hat to you good sire and throw some beans in your General direction.
  19. blacklabel79

    I Think I'm Too Trusting And Nice.

    Nah...we stoped playing on regular Servers and only do it "hardcore". :D The changes are significant. I urge you to try. From the 10! Encounters we had the last 3 days: 5 - friendly and trading ( initiated contact, talked first, than leaving cover while lookingout for my mate ) 2 - talk and wishing well ( but hold em up at gunpoint, check whats the deal is ) 1 - held up and made giving us his vest and clownmask ( we threw the mask in the woods ) 1 - a axemurderer out of nowhere ( but that was funny and a perfect ending ) 1 - i was chaced by a Group of 3 rather fresh spawns and they exclaimed "we gonna kill you motherfucker, you know ist gonna happen" i just screamed at my friend in TS to come closer ( he couldent see much, stil alot of bloodloss at this Point for him ) and jogged into his direction all the while replying to my hunters "yeah whatever mate, you wont kill me today". I turned a Corner and my friend is in the fucking middle of the road ( epic rescuer style )...i pass him and he pumps them full of lead....whos the dumb motherfucker now...haha ( also, dont chace someone too far even if you have 2 friends with you...you had a shovel and the others nothing...shame..you could have lived and we even whould have given you Food..but noooon...so subsequently you had to die. Oh and the bigmouth that was right behind me with his shovel combat logged, yeah right... ) Oh and Encounter X = the Massaker... :D all in all...good times. in hindsight, it was the best decicion to leave regular mode behind..best fucking decission...
  20. blacklabel79

    Post Your Gear So Far

    "Endgame" you haz it.... :rolleyes:
  21. blacklabel79

    I Think I'm Too Trusting And Nice.

    why are you going to elektro....especial on NA Servers... elektro is a shithole.
  22. blacklabel79

    Any Can Tell Me Why Moslin Reload 1 Shell ?

    mhhh moslins taste like chicken... :D I hate that they fixed that "bug" if you spraypaint over a rifle and even several layers, it makes sense that you have to use the cleaning kit to load more than one bullet...gah..that whould have been a nice Chance....
  23. blacklabel79

    Cannot Use An Item (E.g. Drink/eat) If It Is "ruined"

    You shoudent be able to fill ruined bottles/canteens. The percentage of edible Food in a can should be determined by the state its in: 100% = pristine 80% = worn 60% = damaged 30% = badly damaged ruined should only contain, if even anything, 5-10% PLUS the modifyers depending on what you have to open it. The whole "wear on items" needs more depth.
  24. You should play with other People. The dynamics change drasticly. Also..there is no GOAL. You have to set it yourself. *and going to airfields and then hop for "ze engame badass Military lootz" is a s boring as you describe it* We try to do that in that we visit towns we havent been to in a while or try to find other People and see how the interaction turns out. You seem to be stuck in a box and its up to you to get outside of it. ( oh and...yeah...see you.... :D )