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Everything posted by blacklabel79

  1. blacklabel79

    Rain makes the game unplayable.

    also..the rain isent the same for everyone. for my friend its sunshine but cloudy..for me it pouring down.
  2. blacklabel79

    Remove Spawn Timer when joining same server.

    its purposfully buggy just to PISS YOU off. yes..you.
  3. blacklabel79

    The lack of food

    mhhhh. I allways find enough food. People are horrible at looting at times. Found fresh Veggies, tuna, something that looked like a looted berezino. I whouldent general say food is scarce. What towns you have been to ?
  4. blacklabel79

    I died being forcefed M4A1 magazine rounds...

    i wonder what was going through OPs head.
  5. blacklabel79

    Todays Fix Erased My Character

    as more connections are trying..the less hassle later ...
  6. blacklabel79

    Bean cans armor

    the only time you should be able to fit a motorcyclehelmet into YOUr PANTS... ..is after you used the hacksaw on it.
  7. if you manage a wild bore into beign your mount in cherno...
  8. Gah, i hoped they fixed that building allready. Glitched in there by accident and was trapped. Was pondering staying and spook Server hoppers :D
  9. blacklabel79

    Do we want a reward for surviving?

    right. if anything than beards and longer ponytails for ze womenz
  10. blacklabel79

    Airfields and military bases are dumb

    Stop running around on the coast. Even if we join full Servers where say cherno/elektro are fucking empty we ALLWAYS find everything we need in the 3 appartment complexes above the City. Almost every town behind berezino contains something that helps you survive. Go Inland...
  11. blacklabel79

    New Gun B95

    Can you elaborate on that please ? Thank you !!
  12. blacklabel79

    Do we want a reward for surviving?

    cant vote since i thought survival is the goal...ah silly me.
  13. blacklabel79

    DayZ Carrying Over into Real Life...

    i walked by house with a open maindoor...though "ah, damm, looted allready"...
  14. blacklabel79

    New Patch = Gift from God

    ooohhhhh you have to leave the coast now ? So sad...
  15. what makes you think it is intendet to stay like this....
  16. blacklabel79

    I have never had so much fun

  17. blacklabel79

    NO i dont want your help go away

    You could have tried and hide from them and then BAM! Punch them from behind. You missed a opportunity here OP. Now hush..back to the coast :D
  18. blacklabel79

    dayz.exe has stopped working = the new Hl2.exe? lololo

    wow. What a insightfull Threattitle. Thank you OP. This must have required some serious brainpower to come up with something to discuss. *applause* But to the "Topic" at hand: This Alpha crashes far less than lets say "red orchestra2" wich is out since like what now ? 3 Years ? So no...not an issue. Altho who knows if it gets worst and then better during alphuurr
  19. blacklabel79

    Constant PVP ruins the fun of this game

  20. hehe. This sure is entertaining. Tho i was anoyed a bit because i had to wait after "session timeout" ( screw you flatmate and your Streaming habbits ) but couldent help but thinking how anoying this must be for People that grew a habit on hopping Servers and ghosting in combat. Ach all mein lulz !
  21. blacklabel79

    Dear "Bandits", please...

    ...please put some thought and heart into your acting. Me and my Buddy, we where on our way to Berezino. We where rater well stocked up besided him only having 40 rounds and me 20 for the m4. We looked spiffy ( press vests and all ) and approached Berezino from the construction side direction. Now...between the little houses there is a dude with a burlap sack running in circles. We keep our distance and approch thorwards the construction site as another character pops up waving telling us: "We ( he later corrects to I ) got robbed. there is bandits over here and we need help." I talk to him for a bit but his acting was so bad, we pulled out telling him not to follow us or he and his friends will go down. As we slowly retreat i see a third character with a axe and a backpack trying to flank us. It was such a obviously bad set "trap" it was laughable. We deceide to fall back a bit more and we ponder what to do. We finaly deceide to test how retarded these guys will get to get us and hunker down in a building. Holding the upstairs with clear sight on the door. Since we are patient folk, we wait. After a short while we hear talking outside and a exchange of words errupts. We get taunted with "we have all time in the world, come out" and as that isent fruitatious they switch over to chicken noises. No sweat at this point..my buddy has the door covered i check the window for the sniper ( wich iam sure they will deploy sooner or later )trying to have a look inside. They probe the door a bit and get wounded. Now 3 of them try to rush upstairs ( really Folks you are THAT dull ? ) and get mowed down by my friend. Now i see a figure moving from my position and hesitate for 1 split second too long and get shot by the sniper i myself predicted ( hehe oh well ). My mate takes all my ammo and keeps holding the stairs while i make my run from the coast back to the crimescene. He is hiding all their bodys because we want to piss them off to the max. Now 2 of them with m4 storm the building and take my mate with them. Now ist 5:2 and iam almost back at the building. I find a lucky fireaxe on my way, Strip off my cloths and run. I reach the house and hear eating/reload sounds. I race upstairs and hack away on the fools. One goes down the other combat logs ( yeah right you brave mofo...). I grab a m4 and fiddle with the damm inventory. 6:2 I hide the Body with the loot i cant take and wait. Shortly after the last of them tries to rush the building. He blasts away from a 60s mag and catches some bullets too. 7:3 WE told you to go away, WE told you to leave us alone...nooo you had to follow us and in the process lost 4 People fully kitted and another 3 halfway decent and your life too. Was that worth it ? tl;dr Bandits..please but some more effort into your act if you try to lure people into "traps".