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Everything posted by blacklabel79

  1. blacklabel79

    Black Tactical "Swat" like outfit.

    If you mean the new Police building, there is active weapon spawns there. Found at least 3 rifles stacked up in a cupboard.
  2. blacklabel79

    How much authenticity is too much?

    I can only speculate that the reduced damage intake is due to stuff absorbing Impact. I guess this will be tweaked. And IMOH it Needs tweaking back to prepatch Levels with a slight modifyer if you get hit through the backpack.
  3. blacklabel79

    im generally confused

    Yeah thats the aprox. lenght of COD SP. :P
  4. blacklabel79

    Installing on SSD

    Point is. the earlyer models had a life expectancy of around 3-4 years. Maybe something like this: pure SSD for the OS. hybrid HDD for games. Standard HDD for movies/ ect.
  5. blacklabel79

    Would you approach me or KOS?

    This is how those Storys useally start. Elektro is a shithole...everyone knows that.
  6. blacklabel79

    im generally confused

    game is still too easy :D I HOPE that your clothes get wet/damp when wandering around during rain. Thus increasing the chance of getting sick ( and the need of a fireplace to dry cloth or replacment clothing ) and the chance of infecting others.
  7. blacklabel79

    What do you do when waiting time spawn?

    I play fappy bird.
  8. blacklabel79

    To the pantless bandits on the LLJK server

    what Kind of trophy did you extract from their dead, pantless bodys ?
  9. blacklabel79

    Leather Jackets?!?!

    We specificly tried to find one for a friend ( and Respirator for me ) but never came across any in the central inland villages/towns.
  10. blacklabel79

    Least Bandity Apparel?

    For now i have black jeans / tan jacket /grey beanie / boots and the respirator mask / gunholster *with Magnum* and huntingrifle /axe / hunting backpack. Whould you kos ? :D I think the latest additions just look ridicilous. My friends look like a YMCA Crew on sightseen :D
  11. blacklabel79

    Couple things need to be addressed

    How are the attachments confusing ? They useally state what weapon they are made for no ?
  12. blacklabel79


    i can only guess that the finished product will look like someting "dayZ" ?
  13. the one that one is even able to enter that room... or... shooting through the wall.. ? :D
  14. blacklabel79

    Is the shotgun that weak?

    aight. thanks roy. havent used the shotty lately. ;) too ocupied with the hunting rifle. Altho i belive it will be tweaked soon enough.
  15. blacklabel79

    food? Where is it?

    Wrong, they contain books, and sometimes water/food.
  16. blacklabel79


    Welp...i got 220h since dec.23rd. My friends all got equal amouths of playingtime and iam sure there is Folks with alot more. NEIN ! Online Multiplayer Masterrace ! ( well besides the telltale games but eh...they only last like what 2-3h ? )
  17. blacklabel79

    Is the shotgun that weak?

    did they fix the snaploader bug ? IF NOT...dont use the snaploader for the time beign and reload manualy.
  18. blacklabel79

    Where do YOU go to find pvp?

    Just follow the flow of the coastderps and become a herpderp too.
  19. blacklabel79

    Loot respawns need to happen WITHOUT restart!

    Welp....*rant about peoples perception because ALPHHURR removed*
  20. blacklabel79

    Where is the crossbow?

    ...i hope after implenting the bow we are able to carry another rifle alongside with it.
  21. blacklabel79

    [VIDEO] A typical walk in DayZ 1:45

    You know. In ww2, if a sniper fell into enemy hands they couldent expect any mercy. There are reports from all sides that enemy snipers had their limps removed, tounge, genitals ect. left for dead, bleeding out without any medical attention... So what i think of this vid ? mmhhh.
  22. blacklabel79

    So idk if anyone else noticed this...

    I got hit by several Zs yesterday. *dont you love how they hurl thorwards you when you have like 1fps :D* Got hit multiple times...dident even bleed.
  23. blacklabel79

    How do you dress?

    I useally "dress up" at the beginning to be able to cary more stuff. later i dress down again and useally end up with blackjeans/black shirt and some warm hat.
  24. blacklabel79

    If you like dying, come to BEREZINO.

    those fire extinquishers seem to scare you lot.
  25. blacklabel79

    Stupid things you've done

    my friend shot a man today. the guy asked for directions. i told him to lower his arms, its all cool. he did. my friend headshoted a man in stari today and felt bad for it.