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Everything posted by blacklabel79

  1. blacklabel79

    Concerned about the Sawn Off

    Is this still valid ? I remember the snaploader bug in previous itterations but havent found the shotty to be underperforming since. All my Z and Player kills this week , i used the sawed-off ( albeit from rather close range ) and it drops them every time. maybe this is related to another speedloader bug ?
  2. blacklabel79

    Dayz players evolving together with the game

    Maybe today i give you some Rice and maybe tomorow i blast your head off without you knowing what happend. Depends on the mood really. Tho, hardcore Servers seem a bit more "friendly".
  3. jingels...find the door. :D I wonder if they whould do the Alpha Access again... :D Nicely disguised insults dont hide the fact that you seemingly cant/dont want to read patchnotes or have beign partaken in any Alpha Programm.
  4. blacklabel79

    Will we have acog and red dot combo and etc.

    aha, thanks for the clarification !
  5. Yes COH aka Company of Heroes ;) The central Server Performance was sososososo bad. Almost all games i had the questionable pleasure of testing. ( old Job was with a german games-company ) had horrid netcode, ran like crap ect, ect placeholders everywhere, think of a bug..i prolly have seen it :D ( altho i was better off than the poor sods that had to test "my Pony" games.. :D )
  6. This is a ongoing process by the way. Ist nothing you can FIX FIRST. Netcode and the volume of data transfered from Client to Server and vice versa will be reduced..it was said in some of rockets interviews imoh. It will be worse in between, it will be better. Almost all betas/ Alphas have horrible netcode/Server structure ( remembers the COH Alpha/beta...horrible POS, after release it was fine ) Also...i hope they add slip-ons... :D and ALLWAYS remember the good old bugfix Mantra: "99 Bugs, fixed one...128 bugs..."
  7. blacklabel79

    Will we have acog and red dot combo and etc.

    I might have missread op but...what holds you back carrying 2 sights..or even 3 counting the backup sight ?
  8. blacklabel79

    Berezino popularity.

    I shoot everyone who is just typing. Its 2014 , get a mic.
  9. blacklabel79

    [VIDEO] Play DayZ! (A parody of Daft Punk's "Get Lucky")

    beanworthy. will shake my head slightly again.
  10. blacklabel79

    Logged in, stuff's gone

    This allways seems to happen at the most undesireable times dosent it. Lost a char 2 days ago. Spawned fresh in solny, found the damm press vest right away. ( i had a feeling this wont go well ) go to airfield. Suprise stranger with crowbar. Whack said stranger. Hooraay now got pristine M4, ammo, yadda yadda.( around 25 minutes after beign freshy ) Log out farher away. Go buy more beer. Come back. Char gone. Drink beer. Go buy more beer. Log in again and go loot some more...
  11. blacklabel79

    Hunting ~end of may

    I want the sheep to be poorly animated..have no AI whatsoever and just endlessly spin in place.
  12. blacklabel79

    How to handle close encounters?

    sawed off shotty. thats it. as long as the sawed of shotty is.
  13. blacklabel79

    Faster way to get military geared up?

    Depends on what you aim for thats correct. A trip to balota can be rewarding but as you said timeconsuming. Sometimes it pays off to wander berezino / solny for a while and you surely find a firefight...just wait it out then loot away ;)
  14. blacklabel79

    Whenever you use the realism card for DayZ...

    cant remember where i have read it but wasent there talk about a Thing called "gunbags" to carry multiple main firearms ?
  15. blacklabel79

    Got rope ?

    haha...Holding up People for rope...if i find it i Keep it...i stay alive because of the rope...rope saves´!
  16. blacklabel79

    DayZ - Just a Game? Or also a pretty cool Social Experiment?

    I also found out...the more people are in a Group..the dumber they get/behave.
  17. blacklabel79

    Sporter 22 Mags?

    Allways see those things in the control Towers on airfields... but..why whould you want that POS ? :D
  18. blacklabel79

    DayZ - Just a Game? Or also a pretty cool Social Experiment?

    Everything that involves choice and human interaction can be regarded as Experiment... Example: I suprise a full geared dude with sniper rifle. I sit down behind him ( he has no clue ) and watch him, pondering what i should do. After i finish rolling my spliff i deceide to get up and go like "hey there Buddy" and mr.windowareimportant jumps and almost gets a heart attack. We laugh and sit down and i tell him some Storys and he tells me some. Later his friends arrive and we part ways. ( by the way they dupped their gear and M4 right in front of me so that was a bummer... ) Should i have axed him ? It was funnyer to sit behind him with him not having a clue. Example 2: Meet a freshy with a sporter ( me geard fine, sawed off shotty, pistol, no visible firearm ) and the guy goes "stop i see yoú". Could have blasted the poor sod but not in the mood. Freshy sais he never was in svetlo..so we are on our way. Had a nice conversation with him, got him some gear and we arrive at the airfield. Dont find much and its getting night. AS i bit my farwell ( breakfast ) i notice a figure behind freshyboy whom is aiming at him. I blast away from the shotgun, stranger is dead...and i tell freshy "take whatever you want from this dude iam off..." freshy chuckels and iam out... Example 3: See man in distance, try to break LOS, BAM you are dead.
  19. blacklabel79

    Encountering A Live Streamer

    streamers should all go to hell... :rolleyes:
  20. blacklabel79

    Faster way to get military geared up?

    mhhh millgear. I tend to do it like this: Spawn fresh: craft rags, find water, find food. ( dont get discouraged by open buildings, People are terrible at looting ) Grab everything that might be usefull in the future like the burlap-sack, rope, sticks, ect. Maybe M4 mags if they lay around. hacksaw for if i find a shotty. also fnx mags and all kinds of speedloaders. As for clothing i dont have a Preference at start. Anything that holds alot of items is fine. I tend to downgrade to civilian clothing on the way later. I allways try to get as many protector cases as i can. I place the fnx in them because that thing breaks faster than legs after a 1m "fall". Idealy i end up with the hunting backpack ( lately prefer the crafted backpack but just for the feel from having something i made myself. ) Again, people dont need to go to balota straight away, most disregard the huge amouth of firearms and gear one can find above cherno inbetween the huge housing appartments. ( PLUS balota is only a Stones throw away if you really Need to visit that place. ) but...fastest way to gear up is to kill someone geared.
  21. blacklabel79

    Whats the problem with zombies?

    I shot everyone with a mask if they come too close... dont care if you scream FRIENDLY ...if you wear a mask you are DED DED !
  22. blacklabel79

    Why is everyone an A$$hole when playing dayz?

    So how does RL go for you? Just run away from them till you cant hear it anymore or put a bullet in them.
  23. blacklabel79

    Why is everyone an A$$hole when playing dayz?

    I meet more People that are willing to cooperate on hardcore Servers. Only have been killed ONCE the last 3 days and that was *suprise* in electro. If i meet anyone else anywhere it was mostly short Chats and then we moved our respective ways....
  24. blacklabel79

    Why is everyone an A$$hole when playing dayz?

    Enlight me on your development experience ..thank you. ohhh the game not Holding your Hand ? Other People shoot at you ? cry me a river and man up...geezzz...or Play something casual... ;)
  25. blacklabel79

    Shitting confirmed.

    Also...poo should be the first "object" to be persistent :D