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Everything posted by blacklabel79

  1. blacklabel79

    The bow

    You craft it from ashwood stick and rope
  2. blacklabel79

    Crossbow shooting video

    will test on humans today..with ACOG !! :D
  3. blacklabel79

    No "Specialized" Cartridges [Torchia Tweet]

    But thats fine isent it. Even now i carry ammo i RIGHT NOW dont need and later have plenty for when i find the object of desire. Having less guns isent really a bad thing if you have alternatives.
  4. blacklabel79

    No "Specialized" Cartridges [Torchia Tweet]

    Well...down the line as i understand it...they will make firearms more rare than they are now...same with ammo.
  5. blacklabel79

    Two looks for two play styles

    you are wrong. weapon drawn dosent mean they will shoot right away. I have it drawn ALLWAYS on airfields or "hot" zones and have meet People that also had the weapon drawn and also dident shoot, all depends on the communications established. ( but also smallminds like you that shoot because you had your weapon drawn on an airfield....allways bad shots tho ) anyways..beans for OP for making me smirk...
  6. blacklabel79

    how do YOU use the...

    The crossbow should be strong. The Long reload is allready a huge drawback. I cant remember beign killed by one. Altho someone tried on very very close range and somehow missed. Yeah but who carries 10 round m4 mags. I tend to have lots of my beloved yellow boxes and store the larger items in there. 3 Quivers fit. mhhh i will fiddle around with that later, thank you.
  7. blacklabel79

    Another first - did I just witness a zed kill itself?

    Saw some running/falling down steep slopes and died....very funny :D
  8. Firestations are your best bet for those.
  9. blacklabel79

    how do YOU use the...

    ok so...all optics for the m4 fit on the Xbow ( havent tried the backup sight ) and i now have 30 bolts and a ACOG. Hopefully i find more time today to test the thing propperly. Another thing: If i find single arrows they are meant for the bow NOT for the crossbow arent they *confused*. Because i cant put them into the arrowcarrier for the crossbow. ( or maybe its bugged and you just cant right now ) I think i will aim for the knees first...
  10. blacklabel79

    Anyone else think DayZ should switch engines?

    Nein. You dident think this through...
  11. AAAAANNND ist not even good. get hit by Z´s 3-4 times and that Thing is ruined.
  12. blacklabel79

    Do you think the aiming cursor should be in the game?

    yes please lets get ridd of this Thing asap !
  13. blacklabel79

    Love How Everyone Is An Expert

    to be honest iam really happy with my purchase and i have almost 300h on the SA now. I tend to try things out and have fun. I understand development processes and there have been REAL scams compared to how DAYZ was advertiesed....sorry but YOU are cancer. Come back in one year see if you like the game if not...go Play something else..i dont see the Problem here.
  14. blacklabel79

    Love How Everyone Is An Expert

    ...after all that has beign said here...i dont have enough Hands for the facepalm galore this post Warrants...srsly...
  15. blacklabel79

    Character wipe...

    Maybe you got robbed during logout ? As otehr said switching Servers often and joining "shady" ones seem to also Aide to loosing your char. Best is to stick to a selection of 2-3 Servers really.
  16. blacklabel79

    how do YOU use the...

    Iam planning on having a Revolver as backup.... Anways...anyone know what attachments work ? All the m4 optics or only the acog ?
  17. blacklabel79

    Love How Everyone Is An Expert

    I noticed a certain trend in recent years. People learn they are entitled to everything and demand instant gratification...guess what...the REALWORLD isent working like that. How much i hate all those Little shits...gah. ( /oldmanrant over )
  18. blacklabel79

    how do YOU use the...

    mhh i see. So People dont use it becasue the reload is too Long and Targets useally move too much ? I whould just camp somewhere and shoot the 20 arrows and see what might happen...Also, arrows take only ONE Slot like normal ammo wich is nice.
  19. EVERYTHING you really really need/want becomes so rare you will NEVER find it. ( ist a ZEN ting, you have to clear your mind from looking for that ONE item...do that and you might find it ) But´granted, in your next life ingame you will find plenty of said item. LRS scopes are kind of rare. Almost as rare as fresh/pristine Kiwis. Press vest/stab vests are pretty rare too. Also...i cant find "the art of war" right now wich makes me sad :(
  20. blacklabel79

    how do YOU use the...

    ...quoted...i was wondering if there could be an attachment to reduce reload times ? ( think medival speedloader ??? ) Is that even realistic ? *anyone with some insight on IRL crossbows, whould be welcome*
  21. blacklabel79

    Your DayZ embarrassing moments.

    I was embarresd of myself yesterday. Meet a friendly dude, ran with him for a while, we talked, killed a fisticuff Bambi that came at us 3 times...but then he tried to handcuff me twice ( he had them out while i ate ) So i told him we gonna part ways, i ran some odd 50 meters..turned and shot him in the head. ( with a loaded BLAZE he gave me as a token of trust ) I dragged his stuff off his Body ( so it wont dissapear ) and felt really bad since the dude was nice....( BUT that handcuff Thing..eh ) so to rest my Soul i knew he whould come back and i just ran at him,, droped everything and let him kill me. too bad...could have been the beginning of something i guess....( minus that damm handcuff Thing, iam too paranoid for someone making a "joke" with cuffs...)
  22. blacklabel79

    how do YOU use the...

    Allright now that is a HUGE drawback. But what about the General handling ? I mean i have 20 Bolts and really want to use them...guess i have to make another balota run to test it out on range with the ACOG.
  23. blacklabel79

    how do YOU use the...

    Of course and yes i should have added a disclaimer that sais..."yes if you think ist POS please dont reply" I know this Thing has drawbacks but there must be SOME use to it. Since i HOPE the game moves away from the "hurr durr m4 pewpewpew" anytime in the future, id like to get propperly acquinted to the alternative options presented right now.
  24. we are super tactical until some gets bored and YOLO´s it.
  25. blacklabel79


    I had that mindset too...we parted ways. I can make a electro/cherneo run in under 60 minutes and come back with everything i will ever Need. I like the randomness of things and i like the craftable stuff alot. Altho there Needs to be alot more to be crafted !!!! I found shitaton of Food and even enough stuff for a improvised bag in a berezino thatw s full of emanies and dead Bodys :D People are terrible at looting especialy when put under pressure.