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Everything posted by blacklabel79

  1. blacklabel79

    Speculation about "coming" loot system(s)?

    id say we wait and see ? how about Patience ? no ? saying a System is STUPID , RETARDED ...whatever have you..before you tried it or see how it works out is indeed just that...
  2. blacklabel79

    Another game breaking glitch

    how about no? Also, the idea to port it to PS4 was thrown around since the SA announcment only now it is official...nothing new...
  3. see this alot lately. You have to put all the stuff on to see the Content. Same with EVERY mei pac i find ..i HAVE to pick it up even if i only Need the water purifying tablets.
  4. what a tear repository.
  5. mhh... you all missed something... *realy belivable survival mechanics: sickness, severe punishment for BROKEN bones, a elaborated stamina system, cold/warm and its positive and negative effects, scratchwounds ( chance to be infected ), burns and their appropriate treatment. A system that allows for, the longer you live the more hardend you get...thus making chances of infection significantly lower.ect..ect...endless old lists.
  6. finaly... i for one welcome a clean slate.. *we will see about the duping part, also..please give a whipe date....so we all can have a nice duping war, down in berezino...
  7. blacklabel79

    Another game breaking glitch

    chaning scope and replacing the renderer is a lack of professionalism ? Dunno what you are up against...
  8. blacklabel79

    Another game breaking glitch

    Problems with netcode will be on/off happen/not happing during Alpha..that is to be expected...anoying ? yes..."gamebreaking" no...since there is no game yet...
  9. blacklabel79

    Reporting status loot on military base

    there is tonnes of AKM/AKA101 out there...TONES....we allways dismatle them and throw them in random bushes, same with ammo/drummags now that we are back with the m4 ( altho i see myself switching back to 101 anytime soon ) I have seen mosins with ammo right next to them and shotguns with ammo and speedloader in the same cupboard. We found several 30rnd .22 sporter mags too...all in civilian Areas...
  10. blacklabel79

    New patch equals crazy drinking glitch

    You might not be a programmer right ? use the damm bugtracker instead of making pointless Topics...we have ALL seen it...you can prevent it while going to the Exit menue while you drink or so, i heared... This is Alpha...there will be more of this Happening... but on a sidenote...this could be implemented as suicide Option...go to a ledge and drink your last sip...than...good bye cruel world... :D
  11. blacklabel79

    Lots I loot

    yes...and there is allready too many of them. :D oh how much i loved the scarcity in weapons /Food on EXP .48 :/
  12. blacklabel79

    Two helicopter crash sites at balota in one server

    found the same some weeks ago, altho, under green mountain :) We got attacked on balota at a crashsite by at least 15 Z´s...we wished it was at least 5x more...
  13. found one right on the tarmac in balota....we got SWARMED...by Z´s, looting it. *eh we got rid of the AKM anyways so the bullets where well distibuted...we scattered the parts and mags and ammo in random bushes around balota :D Got a M4 out of it after finding 2 more ( one right behind green mountain..the other not far from zelenogorsk north ) whom only spawned attachments and ammo... I REALLY hope there will be more Z ambush ...swarms, groups, tides...call em what youZ want...
  14. blacklabel79

    7.62mm rounds now rare loot?

    last time i looked for them was oN EXP before stable..and man..they where rare...i found 3 !! THREE bullets...in al of novo...
  15. blacklabel79

    What do you think is the future of Dayz SA?

    I love how people get insight into beign a software tester this gamey way....HA.... there might be a acumulation of software and hardware working together at the end of this tho...
  16. blacklabel79

    BI servers?

    you mix up cause and effect here friend. Summon the allmighty SEARCH option, on the very top and knowledge shall rush through you...
  17. blacklabel79

    I found a suspicious M4

    lets just hope they fix the pish-easy to do dupping shit thats rampant still
  18. blacklabel79

    Need a Character Restart ( stuck under building )

    run at the wall and Switch weapon...
  19. blacklabel79

    Stuck in a building

    run at a wall and Change your weapon... this will glitch you out 99% of the time...try it..no Need for a Support ticket...
  20. blacklabel79

    DayZ is literally unplayable at the moment

    Youd be in for a suprise...EXP gets whiped every patch so if you migrate over you will come here again with he same complains. As of now id stick to the official Servers. I have a selection on my favs that never failed me. And..i hate to say it but....most People that seem to be ending up with cleared out CHARs where serverhopping like crazy...
  21. well sounds like you deserved it than. :D Altho i HATE the fact that one is visible before one can even react... We did some testing with this yesterday and my friend appeard AFTER the timer and please wait and could react right away, while I appeared roughtly 10sec before i could react... strange...
  22. from what i can tell ( and this is more Feeling than fact ): the damage inside the pack is distributed from top left to lower right in exact the order the items are stored. Thus after i had one row of "useless crap" in the first row subsequently ruined it seems to not harm anything below it...ALTHO, could be that the damage i took wasent that severe. On the other Hand..i got one-hit killed by some Z bitch some days a go so...who knows... Another Thing...i NEVER store anything valuable in Pants or uppergarments...just not worth it since they get ruined the fastest. BUT i do store helmets in them, i have NO idea if that helps a bit but iam just too stubborn to give up that practice...
  23. blacklabel79


    buttpacks... hihih hihih hihihihihihihih
  24. Are you SURE you got killed by someone else ? I logged out in sketchy places *top story of buildings, ect* i had this happen once or twice in now almost 550h of dayZ. Also, never get attached to your gear too much. YOu will loose it anyways AND i guess they gonna whipe everything pre-release anyways.