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Everything posted by blacklabel79

  1. blacklabel79

    Lead Producer of DayZ says, "1PP is better"

    If they whould fix the Position of the cam ( PLEASE FFS ) it be way better... No. Not with more work on the controls and such. Also for a good bearable experience with VR you need stable 60 Frames per second...
  2. wot ? Well, as for my friends when we started out we tried to be friendly and nowadays we are a deathsquad with no remorse. pretty much...Also, there is a certain lack of Imagination what you could do to People we captured...they mostly end up DED.
  3. blacklabel79

    Has anyone found themselves locked in yet?

    well played dick...
  4. blacklabel79

    1st person cameraview is to low

    I found myself walking with he ducked after long hardcore sessions...its....odd
  5. blacklabel79

    Is this too much?

    *boom you are dead... I dont see the Need for hoarding weapons really....
  6. You had to do it. I cant wait to roam the land with a Group of pantless, raincoat wearing, wellies sporting, axe whielding, crying Clowns from hell... :D
  7. blacklabel79

    The struggle when you look too sexy.

    did you even read his post ? gsh... I allways find myself "gearing down" to the likes of improvised courier bag and only keep pressvests really. My mates laugh at me but really, it keeps me activly searching for food and stuff. Iam not a horder...for what anyways..one bullet is enough to destroy everything acumulated.
  8. blacklabel79

    Where'd the hopper go?

    he was the buggyest.... No doors nor fence could contain his wrath... i dont miss him...
  9. blacklabel79

    Laser range finder not magnified?

    it does work well if you dont play alone.
  10. blacklabel79

    The People of DayZ (What Makes You Special?)

    so badass....much wow...
  11. blacklabel79

    Cannibalism - Lets make it USEFUL

    wrong game buddy...
  12. blacklabel79

    The People of DayZ (What Makes You Special?)

    iam meat...iam a meal....iam a walking loot dispenser and that is what you are to me. Words wont change that.....
  13. blacklabel79

    Pffft i remember why im a Bandit.

    YES. every racist deservs that :D
  14. blacklabel79

    Shotgun nerfed

    Right. So...i theoraticly COULD load 2 speedloaders with normal and 2 with bucket. Arrange them in a way i KNOW the game uses them and then go....shoot stuff :D That whould add another tactical layer. Same with beign able to load the pull-action shotty with individual shells. Say...2 normal, 2 slug,2 normal...or any other combination. Yes thats what i was thinking....even better...making it craftable from: leather, ductape, leathersewing kit. I LOVE the crafting part and i WISH they whould add a pletoria more of it....homemeade grenades..IED´s, Molotovs, all kinds of clothing/attchments...ect ect....
  15. blacklabel79

    Laser range finder not magnified?

    mhhh....i have a mosin and a mate binocs and rangefinder, while the rest of the Group scoures through the town below....allways works as designed.
  16. blacklabel79

    Shotgun nerfed

    Interesting X. ( beans ofc ) I was wondering about the speedloader too. Its a nifty Little Addition and iam sure the slugs for the shotty might return at some Point. So you just attach the speedloader somewhere and it pretty much negates the Need to put the slugs in by Hand right ? Indeed than it maybe should just go back to inventory. What attchments could there be for the normal shotty? I saw pics of shottys with slugs on the side or under the gun ? But that wont make you load faster i suppose thats only for storage reasons right ?
  17. blacklabel79

    Pffft i remember why im a Bandit.

    I killed someone i rolled with for 2h, i saved him 2-3 times, only because he mad a racist remark...he had to go down...not even sorry. Even if i run with a stranger i make absolutly SURE he has either no ammo or no gun. I NEVER let strangers pick up ammo if i can avoid that. ALLWAYS be on the lookout for strange behaviour, tone, stance ect.
  18. Found a crashsite in .50 had all the M4 attachments mags one could want but NO m4...gah Saw a m4 but let it be...whouldent find a mag for the next 4 respawns anyways. Wich is a shame given the abdundance of everything else. never saw any of those ever.... :/
  19. blacklabel79

    Shotgun nerfed

    I agree with your Points. Alas it whould ne nice to hear from the DEV´s. But that rarly/never happens on this very Forum, sadly enough. I LOVE shotguns and the bug with the saw off is super anoying sincen it practicly doubles your realod time.
  20. blacklabel79

    Cannot find AK gear

    Rule 1 for finding THAT ONE THING: Clear your mind from WANTING and the goods will be found by you.
  21. Not only cant i find a tent for the life of me but also whould want to spare me the dissapointment of the tent beign gone. DayZ Alpha is a cruel Mistress as it stands...
  22. blacklabel79

    The .51 character wipe

    People die all the time and their shit gets ruined. Dont see the Problem. Iam A ok with a whipe every damm wednesday if Need be.
  23. blacklabel79

    Shotgun nerfed

    Maybe they are not happy yet ? Maybe they might include another type of ammo ? Whatever it might be, iam sure the shotty will return to ist glory once more. PLUS, the nerf mentioned happens in .exp or .50 stable too? Since i couldent find any differences. Used the saw off yesterday to kill People in svet, and the pump for some z cleanup to good effect.
  24. blacklabel79

    Any update on magic leg breaking?

    Henche alphuurrr hurr durrr
  25. blacklabel79

    Steyr AUG bipod

    definetly maybe