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About bebopspeedy

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  1. bebopspeedy

    Do you Think DayZ Should Port to Console?

    Dont you just love hearing what others have to say? :D I do! I keep hearing diffrent prices of how to build a decent rig,(less than 400$ was the least I heard,) but the decent ammout to spend on a PC seems to be a sweet spot of 500$ for a decent PC. Just need dah parts. well and the money, sorta need that for parts.. TIME TO SAVE! I took apart an old PC my dad had lying around, it was an Athlon proccessor xD I was learning so much from this guy on youtube I just subscribed too! EasyPCBuilder,or somethin. but I learnt where the ram is, where the motherboard is, and as I was taking appart the PC I noticed in my head.*HEY! this is just like lego for grown ups!* xD I love making topics and checking my inbox and seeing like 10-20 replies. :D makes me feel like people care what I say.
  2. bebopspeedy

    Do you Think DayZ Should Port to Console?

    I love hearing what other people have to say. weather it be No they dont want a console port. or Yes. I dont expect that if they do port for it to take a year or less. I think it would take up to 3-5 years. finishing the SA on the PC(not to forget any other minor patch(s) to fix it up all the bugs when there done)and then working to so called "dumb down" to a console version aswell. I would sell my PS4 to build a PC but it was a gift from my parents so they would be pissed. but I will always be working to join this so called "PC Master Race"
  3. bebopspeedy

    Do you Think DayZ Should Port to Console?

    I just feel I should point out, I want a gameing PC and I know I could build or buy one for the price, but the fact that My Parents bought it for Christmas for me is the reason I have it. If I had 400$ Instead I would have a PC right now. but I have to wait and earn 400$ weather that means I et a part time job (Im 15) or wait to get money from christmas or my birthday.
  4. bebopspeedy

    Do you Think DayZ Should Port to Console?

    Well. it all depends in the style of games you like. COD isnt made for "Kiddies" even though many are found in cod. COD is made for people whom like first person shooters weather it be fast paced or the little nooblet Trickshoters sittin at the back hopin not to be killed. I play cod, isnt my favorite, Id much rather a First person shooter/Survival game such as DayZ to play.
  5. bebopspeedy

    Do you Think DayZ Should Port to Console?

    If you dont like the Idea so be it, In my veiw DayZ Is needed everywhere, to me its a pretty fuckin awesome game that shouldnt just limit itself to a computer, Yeah, I know the PC "Master Race" will get there DayZ alpha state/Fully out first befoe a console is even considered, but I for one like the idea,
  6. bebopspeedy

    Do you Think DayZ Should Port to Console?

    Im not "beggin" Lol. Im asking the veiws of other people, I like to hear other peoples veiws, as long as they arent asses when they state them,
  7. Please Leave a legitimate response to the following question, Do You Think DayZ Should Port To Consoles? Legitimate answers would look like this please, "I do/do not think it should because(your reason here)and that would(how the port would affect you or the DayZ Community)" Please answer truthfully! I do think it should because then I could finally play this game! and that would be great because I could experience the sometimes intense, every move could be your death feeling aswell as the "Forest-running Simulator 2014" Moments where im just running though a forest, or crouching around xD Extra Details: I have a PS4 and hope it ports because My parents bought my console and I cant afford to buy myself a PC but I hope my parents buy me one for my birthday! :D
  8. bebopspeedy

    How successful would DayZ be on consoles?

    I just want to be the one to point out, I have a PS4 and BF4, it supports 64 people, not 20.. Not sure if you were sarcastic, being funny or didnt get your facts right, but either way, Im a console gamer, and would love DayZ To port to PS4, I mean, in the future im planing to buy a PC but, the way I see it is, if it doesnt affect the PC Gamers you shouldnt worry about it, you wont be the one having 9yr old screaming in your ear, aswell, it would add a bigger community seeing as the Fan Base of DayZ has expanded to hundreds of thousands of Console gamers wish lists(either for a console port to come or for a PC to play it xD)
  9. bebopspeedy

    Build A Rig?

    Ill check it out, will help when I come into the funds to buy parts,
  10. bebopspeedy

    Build A Rig?

    I had tried to post, but it fucked up, lol, well, I will take alot of this into account and I like that build you linked, when I come into the budget I will most likely buy this as long as I can improve it if needed later, the only problems really, My age, how little chance I have for a part-time job, the money, and the factI have no lue how to build it/ put it together :P
  11. bebopspeedy

    Build A Rig?

  12. bebopspeedy

    Build A Rig?

    Hmm, I cant get it anyway, lol, It pisses me off when I look at something in .com and cant find it in .ca and it doesnt ship to canada >.> like the sears one was telling me for a zip code, but I cant because I live in canada and there was no option for my postal code >.>
  13. bebopspeedy

    Build A Rig?

    Thank you guys for all the assistance and advice, Ive tried a website suggested about and came across as I see a decent starter gaming PC please let me know what you think and if you think I can do better! http://www.sears.com...20070921x00003c
  14. bebopspeedy

    Build A Rig?

    Thank you guys for all the assistance and advice, Ive tried a website suggested about and came across as I see a decent starter gaming PC please let me know what you think and if you think I can do better! http://www.sears.com/shc/s/p_10153_12605_00335809000P?srccode=cii_10043468&cpncode=27-267575987-2&sid=IDx20070921x00003c