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Everything posted by kripplez

  1. I've been constantly server hopping (not in a bad way) to find a night server to play in. I just keep ending up in day servers. I remember when i used to find servers it would always be night. -_- Anyway it'd be nice to know if you guys could share servers that might be 24/7 night.
  2. kripplez

    Are there no more night time servers?

    I see. Thanks guys.
  3. kripplez

    Morgan Freeman brings salvation to DayZ. [VIDEO]

    That was..... beautiful... mesmerizing... here you go good sir! :beans:
  4. kripplez

    Chernarus Run

    Totally about to do this right now naked with wellies!
  5. kripplez

    Being a bandit that doesn't KoS feels good.

    And here we see a rare exotic bandit! What a view! Have my beans.
  6. Good Read! Have my beans fellow survivor!
  7. You know a lot could change in a few months of updates (or maybe a year). I'm pretty sure fresh spawns wouldn't be mindlessly running around and punching people in the face like punching bags in the near future.
  8. kripplez

    Char wiped 3 times in a row.

    Experiencing the same problems, mate. Do not grief.
  9. hey shadowfray i joined ur teamspeak so what should i do?
  10. Hey ryan was actually looking for someone to team up! See ya in game!
  11. kripplez

    New Survivor here

    hey same here, looking to group with some peeps too. my steam name is same as my forum name see ya ^^