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Everything posted by TwstedFate

  1. TwstedFate

    BattleEye Admin Ban?

    The unfortunate part of this, is that this is what was implemented to prevent ghosting. Dtrain, the best thing for you at this point is to find a server and stick with it. That ban you got is temp, but, a pain none the less
  2. TwstedFate

    BattleEye Admin Ban?

    With that said, as I seemed to have made myself / my server a bit of a target, which is fine, I have just checked my ban logs, and they are indeed empty. Right now, other than VI, I am the only user that has access to them. Peace out.
  3. TwstedFate

    BattleEye Admin Ban?

    You are correct. As I said, I will fix it. I have told them once how the process works. However, again, this is if Thelonesurvivor was banned from my server..... IF .
  4. TwstedFate

    BattleEye Admin Ban?

    Not sure how many of you are server owners, but, I are one. And I know that thelonesurvivor has been on my server. But, to the point, YES, server owners CAN ban. However, due to the rule of Bohemia, if we cannot provide significant reason as to why users were banned, then we can yes have our servers shut down. With that, those bans stay in place from what I have seen, up to one week or the next server maintenance day. Then those lists get cleared from all servers. Thelonesurvivor, if you think it was my server, let me know directly, I will make sure your not still listed. I know I in particular did not ban you. But, it might be possible that one of my 3 officers did. none the less I will fix it. [sU] Twstedfate Soldiers United - Hosted by ViLayer.
  5. Reduce zombie spawn to once, in an area that is occupied.
  6. TwstedFate

    Moisin Ammo Wont Load?

    Firstbornchicken is correct, if the rounds are ruined, or if the weapon is ruined, they wont load.
  7. Um No....If your going to wear the UN Beret, then you must, as the UN, run from any engagements and seek refuge from anyone who will protect you....
  8. Try sticking to one server and if you switch servers, make sure its 1. The same type of server (ie hardcore / softcore) 2. Stay in each server no less than 1 min. I have found that even on my clan server if I go in, leave with in a min and come back in, for one of many reasons, that I will have lost my gear....I believe its been an Anti-hopping "feature".
  9. TwstedFate

    Name change

    When you first start the game, look to the lower right corner, see your name, click, you will see the cursor flash, back space off what you dont want and type in the new.
  10. TwstedFate

    Mobile Releases?

    Im torn on this subject honestly. As much as I am kinda tired of running everywhere, I really think I would like securable storage first. IF the vehicle, say an Opel, came with "keys" so that when you were logged off, it was "secure" then fine....otherwise, I would like to be able to securely store my hoard before worrying about vehicles.... Thats my two cents.
  11. TwstedFate

    Tent cities.

    Check the type of server your on. Hard Core vs Soft Core....I think the loot availability is different.
  12. TwstedFate

    Rename Towns and Signs or remove foreign language

    Well, the masks thing is from Payday2....dont really have a pupose in the game...I think that was due to bohemia... As for the rest...well, if everything was in Russian, then you'd need to learn Russian to play the game....not much fun there. If you looking to have a map that is both in Russian and English, go to www.dayzdb.com They have the towns and translations.
  13. TwstedFate

    Rename Towns and Signs or remove foreign language

    The location is in Russia....get over it.
  14. TwstedFate

    I'm now killing on sight.

    As I used to say while I was in the Army.....when in doubt...whip it out. Of course this saying was referred to when seeing someone you werent sure was an officer or not. Better safe than sorry. SOS, KOS, BOT.
  15. I get both sides of this however, here is another point that will come around. People who dont want to PVP, will end up getting and locking down their own servers. This allows them to maintain their own PVE desires with their friends. This is something that I am a fan of. I like PVE, and like the adventure of seeing whats out there. IF we have more zeds, creatures of the forest and other certain maladies to worry about, I dont want to worry about getting PVP'd. Is that a case in the real world should this happen, sure would be...but, this game unfortunately cannot provide the same sustainability that RL does.....well not yet. Hey Rocket, I know you bringing creatures of the world into the game. Some will be agressive, some will not. But, do make sure that ALL creatures are meat. Then lets consider fishing too. This will allow for lighter spawns of "canned" food. Maybe boinling water for drinkability seeing there is only so much of the water purification tablets....stuff like that will being more "real world" than anything. There is my two cents.