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Everything posted by -DMG-Jonesy

  1. -DMG-Jonesy

    Where is the best place to pk people

    I prefer Elektro. At the church. It calls to me.
  2. -DMG-Jonesy

    A night in the "PVE" server.

    Whoa, whoa.. Not indiscriminately. We discriminated heavily. Against people with weapons, and people with stuff we wanted. People who had nothing of interest to us were spared, or even helped. Generally, our shot to helped ratio is a little skewed, but hey- that's the nature of the beast.
  3. -DMG-Jonesy

    Evil Deeds

  4. -DMG-Jonesy

    Why aren't PvE servers allowed?

    I LOVE PvE servers. No homo.
  5. As the title suggests, I recorded some footage from my session last night. Plenty of opportunistic bandits out there. Killed one, and the body acted like a salt lick- drawing in others, and a few fresh spawns. I also think I may have killed a bambi in error. I assumed he was with my original target. Ah well.
  6. -DMG-Jonesy

    Funny Moments

    Elektro Alamo..
  7. -DMG-Jonesy

    How to OPEN A CAN with BARE HANDS

    Fun fact. If I was starving, I would eat the beans I "lost" off the damn ground, and any edible looking sticks, leaves, or clods of mud that happened to be near said beans. This "losing" materials because I opened a can with an axe or bayonet strikes me as silly. :-)
  8. -DMG-Jonesy

    Describe your first kill

    "BOOOOOM!1!!! HEADSHOT!! " Followed shortly thereafter by- "Damn, this helmet is ruined."
  9. -DMG-Jonesy

    Do official servers have admins? (admin abuse?)

    There is no admin power that can achieve what you described.
  10. -DMG-Jonesy

    KoS is not part of the game, it IS the game.

    I didn't kill this dude. Pretty proud of myself.
  11. -DMG-Jonesy

    Stream Sniping A Huge Problem

    Haven't been able to lock my server. It's strictly a no-no on all server hosts.
  12. -DMG-Jonesy

    You People Are Savages....

    You hurt my feelings. I feel that my response was measured, and justified.
  13. -DMG-Jonesy

    Be honest, have you been a kamikaze new spawn?

    During the reset issues and rolling wipes over the weekend, I spawned on the east coast with roughly a dozen other people. We all stared for a moment, and then somebody screamed "EVERYBODY HIT SOMEBODY!" over the voip, and shit got wild. So many punches. Later, I logged in ready for another go at it, and all my gear was back. I was super disappointed.
  14. Neither I nor my girlfriend had ever played the mod, or any incarnation of Arma. We bought the game off steam on a whim, and love it. We even rented our own server. So...no, I don't think it's a matter of being fun to new players- it's just going to appeal to some more than others, regardless of their history. It's like Cherry Coke. Some people will like it, some people hate it. Doesn't matter if they're a fan of regular Coke to begin with.
  15. -DMG-Jonesy

    Discourage career bandits

    ^ As soon as cannibalism is added, killing fresh spawns will be socially acceptable- as they'll be valuable as a food source.
  16. -DMG-Jonesy

    Discourage career bandits

    Yeah, let's discourage a legitimate style of play. That's sure to help the game grow. Oh, wait. No.
  17. -DMG-Jonesy


    Pick up a magnum. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXD7I0253X0
  18. Admins can't kill players yet, at least I can't. You're on your own.
  19. -DMG-Jonesy

    Battleye... I'm thinking it's not good

    You started bleeding right after you looked out the window. You then crouched, while still ignoring the "I'm bleeding" messages for a full fourteen seconds before passing out from loss of blood. You either got tagged from the roof of the hospital at the end, or caught a round from elsewhere whilst staring out the window. It appears to be the latter, in which case you died because you neglected to bandage. How is battleye responsible for your failure to apply basic first aid?
  20. -DMG-Jonesy

    Blood VS Saline.

    I misread this as "Blood vs Saltines," and only came in to figure out why you thought crackers would be a viable blood substitute. I am leaving disappointed.
  21. -DMG-Jonesy

    Performance optimization

    I'm running a i5 3570k, 8gigs of ram, and a GTX760. Generally, my frames are up in the 40+ range. Sometimes they drop into the low 30s.
  22. -DMG-Jonesy

    Accuracy comparison: DayZ vs ARMA 2

    Oh. I'm well aware. Prior to the shot, we were having that very discussion. "With the MV, I bet this thing can out range my mosin." Not quite, but an amusing bug nonetheless.
  23. -DMG-Jonesy

    Accuracy comparison: DayZ vs ARMA 2

    Not really related to anything... But I made a 500m+ shot with the magnum tonight.
  24. Yes, but he had nothing to lose, but everything to gain. If he'd failed, he lost an axe. If he won, he gained a rifle and other gear. This is why new spawns are so dangerous- they have no fear of loss. Like...the Jacksonville Jaguars.
  25. Tis' not bravery to risk all when you have nothing. The noble bandit was the brave one, exposing himself to rob some bambi when he already had everything to lose. He gambled all, and lost all. You will note, bravery often comes hand in hand with poor decision making skills. lol