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Everything posted by -DMG-Jonesy

  1. -DMG-Jonesy

    PSA: Friendly servers make no sense ATM

    I sure as hell am! And it works. my server is full more often than not.
  2. -DMG-Jonesy

    Bullet Penetration in DayZ Standalone

    I've recorded bullets coming through walls at me.. I also manage to shoot a player through "glass." It doesn't appear to have killed him, so I assume the bullet was slowed by the obstacle.
  3. My server has a similar name. It's just a name. I KoS in there, like WOAH.
  4. #1ppworldproblems. Seriously, need rcon..
  5. -DMG-Jonesy

    Idiotic moments in banditry

    I've never been held up. I'm either shot before I see the dude, or I'm told to put my hands up- and I run like a Kenyan late for work. It sounds fun though.
  6. -DMG-Jonesy

    Sudden realization!!!!!

    I can't wait to harvest a crop of berries off the body of some hippie who has the audacity to come into town. Mmmm. Can almost taste them.
  7. -DMG-Jonesy

    Putting backpacks in hand - Looting in "safety"

    I don't often loot my kills, as I'm generally doing it for the lulz... But when I do.. I drop my own pack somewhere safe, run to the corpse, grab the pack off them, and make for cover. Then I can move back to my original spot, take what I need, grab my gear, and go.
  8. -DMG-Jonesy

    Killed by Invisible Squad in Electro

    I don't even know what this means. lol
  9. -DMG-Jonesy

    Need help UPGRADING my computer hardware

    I picked up a GTX760 to replace my aging ATI card, and I'm quite happy with it.
  10. -DMG-Jonesy

    Finally found Press Vest

    You and I are fixin' to have a territory dispute. Best call the surveyors. And the funeral home.
  11. -DMG-Jonesy

    3rd Person and KOS are connect

    I KOS in 1pp, and 3pp. There is no correlation. I just like killing people.
  12. -DMG-Jonesy

    Killed by Invisible Squad in Electro

    Walls are bullet resistant, not bullet proof. So yes, it's possible. * I've recorded it before. You can skip to 4:00 if you want to see the bullets coming through (or you could just watch the entire, awesome video.) the wall, nearly hitting me- one even seems to skim my pack. I barely squeaked by without dying.
  13. -DMG-Jonesy

    How do you protect yourself against betrayal?

    I only play with my friends, and girlfriend. They're generally in the same room with me. If they turn on me? I cuts' them. I cuts' them deeeeep. It works remarkably well as a deterrent. For everyone else I meet in the game? Oh, I just kill those fools.
  14. -DMG-Jonesy

    10 min body despawn?

    THIS IS A TRAVESTY! UNACCEPTABLE! I use corpses as bait, all day, errrrrryday. Now I have to lure another scrub into the killzone every ten minutes just to keep my traps set. BS. I want a refund/class action lawsuit/petition/reparations/etc! lol
  15. -DMG-Jonesy

    Dyslecxi shows just how amazing 1PP only is in NEW video.

    He states his opinion on the matter. He also suggests playing 1p is a new experience, and might take people out of their comfort zones. Which is true. He's not berating anyone or rustling any jimmies. lol He likes first person, and he's trying to share why. I don't know, I guess it could rustle the jimmies of some superbly oversensitive folks- but they're likely too busy making "Why am not PvE servers?" threads to bother reading this or watching the video. Their jimmies are safe. ( See? ^ That's a jimmie rustler. )
  16. -DMG-Jonesy

    Dyslecxi shows just how amazing 1PP only is in NEW video.

    Nah, I'm no stranger to saying scathing, terrible things. He pointed out a simple truth to the matter- had the players passing him been in third, they would have likely seen him. It's not so much a dig on 3pp as it is an observation. I liked the video.
  17. -DMG-Jonesy

    Dyslecxi shows just how amazing 1PP only is in NEW video.

    I don't think he said anything terribly scathing or controversial.
  18. Five minutes of glorious PVE, edited down for your amusement. NSFW. Adult langue and bambi deaths.
  19. -DMG-Jonesy

    Any good Standalone YouTubers?

    Not a huge fan of vids with voice-over. Maybe it's necessary for some, but I feel it's overdone.
  20. -DMG-Jonesy

    I killed a girl and I feel bad about it.

    Don't feel bad. (About the gender anyway..) My girlfriend plays. Uses the direct chat to charm people. And then shoots them in the back. ......She's a monster. She/he/it- whateva. None in DayZ can be trusted.
  21. -DMG-Jonesy

    Gameplay Vid: Another successful day in the PVE Only server.

    We search for "PVE" in the server titles, and then load up. There aren't many to choose from, thankfully.
  22. -DMG-Jonesy

    Why aren't PvE servers allowed?

    Wow, three swings and three strikes. 1. Wrong. 2. Look harder. 3. Also not allowed. Still loving the PvE servers over here- some of my best encounters have happened on the supposedly "PVE ONLY!" servers.
  23. -DMG-Jonesy

    Unarmed Players Loitering Around

    Did you ever see that abortion of a film "Failure to Launch"? It stars Matthew McConaughey and a talking horse. Anywho- it pretty much explains why some new spawns never move off the coast, or out of the basement.
  24. -DMG-Jonesy

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    You know who else tried to get a specific group of people to wear an item of clothing so they could be easily identified? Hitler. jk, jk, jk. Seriously though, terrible idea. You might as well just make "teams" if it were implemented. Shirts vs skins, deathmatch arena.