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About captainvette2112

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  1. captainvette2112

    0.63 Experimental Release Check list

    I get it...... but my only point when talking about the lack of Base Building and Vehicles was...... with the exception of #1. Prone 360 Aim, #2. Injury, and #3. Stamina, what is there in that list that is in anyway exciting or that will radically change/improve gameplay? Im not trying to be difficult or a dick... I just dont get the hype. They demoed 0.63 7 months ago at Gamescom and since then THIS list of total filler fluff is the culmination of 5 years of Alpha marking the official Dayz Beta ??? With promises of updates to follow?? Its ridiculous. And its not even the DEVs being ridiculous because frankly I dont expect anything from this game anymore.. its the community. The internet blows up with Dayz Hype cause of this update and THIS is it ???? Ladder climbing, disease, and swimming..... I mean I guess if you feed starving people a cracker they will freak out too.
  2. captainvette2112

    0.63 Experimental Release Check list

    According to GameTracker between Epoch and OverPoch there are 833 players right now... and thats just the first 25 listed servers. On a Weds afternoon. How many players are on Official Standalone servers right now ? 500 ? maybe less? And by the way how in the hell is base building / transportation NOT a top priority in a survival game? The reason Standalone is dead is cause there is jack shit to do after you gear up. you gear up, you walk around aimlessly, you die... repeat. There is no goal, there is nothing to work for. For the last 5 years Standalone has been nothing more than a time sink deathmatch shooter with terribly inconvenient respawns. Adding reloading animations, rag doll physics, new trees, and sickness dosent change anything. Once you have treked up to NWAF and Tissy 50-ish times there is nothing to bring you back to this game. Where is the content? Things like sickness, environmental exposure, injury are all just FILLER time sinks to make end game content more interesting........ the problem is there is NO END GAME CONTENT.
  3. captainvette2112

    0.63 Experimental Release Check list

    i cant help but notice that BASE BUILDING and VEHICLES are not mentioned anywhere on that list.... This is why Dayz Standalone is DEAD. This is why MORE people are still playing the MODS than Standalone. No one gives a damn about Ladder Climbing, Falling, Swimming, Diseases, Enhanced Melee Combat, New Reloading Animations, Animal Herding...... ok maybe I shouldn't say no one.... 98.5% of the people dont give a damn about any of that crap. There is a reason people prefer the clunkier, uglier, glitcher, MOD version of this game..... End Game CONTENT!!! Devs... if you want to actually save this trainwreck disaster of a game from its death bed..... repeat after me..... BASE BUILDING and VEHICLES, BASE BUILDING and VEHICLES, BASE BUILDING and VEHICLES, BASE BUILDING and VEHICLES, BASE BUILDING and VEHICLES. So keep polishing your turd and call me when you have BASE BUILDING and VEHICLES.
  4. captainvette2112

    We need 60-100 player sever

    Cars/Heli's are the key to more player encounters.... they shrink the map... in a good way. No one wants to run from Berezino to Zelenogorsk so instead people stay localized
  5. Lost faith in DayZ? Nope. Epoch and OverPoch are still great and with Epoch going to Arma III its just going to get better. If you are talking about Sucks Ass (aka SA) I never had much faith. The reality is their "paid alpha" was really just a quasi venture capital scheme to jump start development which was stalled and hadnt yielded much even after being 1 year behind schedule I doubt SA ever makes it past "alpha". The development is just too slow plus I bet 90% of the people who were ever in the market to buy this game already have. There isnt much growth and there are other games in the same genre coming out that will crush it.
  6. My friends and I are back to EPOCH. Is it a little glitchy and full of hackers? Sure. But at least it has some content. There is literally NOTHING to do in SA, I honestly have a hard time calling it Alpha. This game is still in pre-alpha development. What they called "paid early alpha" was really just an investment drive to push along a totally stalled development
  7. captainvette2112

    Number of Weapons in Mod versus Standalone

    Vanilla sucked compared to some of the other MODs that came later, so there's that. Its funny that when some people bring up the Vanilla they act as though that is what has been driving the DayZ hype when EPOCH is FAR more popular then Vanilla ever was. The success of EPOCH is what has pushed the hype of this game for the last year
  8. captainvette2112

    Experimental patch..what a winner!

    I really dont understand the excitement for SA adding features that the MODs have had for years LOL. YeeeHaw... progress At this pace maybe 5 years from now SA will have 1/2 the features and content of the MODs. Sounds like a recipe for success to me.
  9. captainvette2112

    Why we Should Compare SA to the MOD

    SA has been a pretty big disappointment for me. They did do a few things right that improved on the MOD..... like the inventory system, the controls, and all the enter-able buildings. Other than that however I cant really see what almost 2 years of development got. At this point I have pretty much given up on SA and all I really want is someone to add the inventory system of SA to EPOCH and call it a day.
  10. captainvette2112

    You are Dead at the N W A F Fire station tower

    Why are you even way the hell up there anyway? There is nothing that will spawn up there that wont spawn within a 5 min walk of B-Town. I mean if you really like playing Running Sim the Alpha by all means keep going up there otherwise its not worth it. I perfer Grabage Collector Sim the Alpha so i'll just keep picking up loot in Berezino
  11. captainvette2112

    What to expect in the next update

    Im expecting that most of that list will not actually be in the next update. DayZ SA Beta - December 2018
  12. captainvette2112

    All I really want is EPOCH SA

    I think the point of this thread is that it clearly isnt.....
  13. captainvette2112

    the future of dayz

    Its not about ease. An admin can setup an EPOCH server to be as hardcore as you want it to be. Its about what the game can do. The crafting system of EPOCH makes it a better game. Tweak the loot tables as much as you want but the core of the game is still better.
  14. captainvette2112

    All I really want is EPOCH SA

    Wanting has nothing to do with it. I want to have a 3-way with Mila Kunis and Jennifer Lawrence It took almost 2 years to get SA to an empty content-less shell for what was really a pre-alpha development investment drive (aka "Paid-Alpha"). Since then they have been dolling out updates about a pace of about what? 1 per month? So again.... want has nothing to do with it. Cant.
  15. captainvette2112

    All I really want is EPOCH SA

    Hey Dean... can you just let the Mod-ers take over now please. You made your money now let some people who can actually finish your game take over. EPOCH Standalone.... . I just want someone to take your improved inventory system and throw some EPOCH on top of it.