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About OACKosh

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. OACKosh

    Cooking in .55

    I disagree with the change which requires cooking hardware in order to create a meal with meat and fire. It doesn't make sense in a survival simulation, it makes more sense for a cooking simulator. In a survivial situation, if a person has meat and is able to create fire, that's all that is required to get a very good meal. For gameplay purposes, cooking hardware could perhaps add a nutritional bonus to the prepaired food, but it should not take away the player's ability to simply roast meat over a fire with a stick.
  2. OACKosh

    Akm damage bugged?

    5.56 is smaller, but I suppose that if you get hit in a non-vital area you will definitely live for a while after, and perhaps be able to shoot back. I just see what my 7.62x39mm rounds do to various targets I shoot, and it's not pretty.
  3. OACKosh

    Akm damage bugged?

    How many of you shot an SKS in real life? Do you have any idea just how powerful that Russian 7.62x39mm "intermediate" round really is? A single shot center mass should drop anyone, and would in real life. The ONLY way you would hope to survive a hit from an SKS or an AK would be by wearing a ceramic plate armor. Mosin would penetrate the ceramic plate though. Ballistic helmets deflecting bullets is a myth btw. : Some other interesting data: http://www.theboxotruth.com/the-box-o-truth-16-level-iiia-armor/
  4. OACKosh

    If you die in DayZ, you deserved it

    True enough that most deaths are "asked" for. My most recent death however happened at server restart, I simply reconnected and found myself dead. No explanation, no reason.
  5. OACKosh

    Weird weapon shaking in 0.45

    Well, now in 0.46 there is no sway at all for all practical purposes. I shoot guns in real life and know exactly how hard it is to keep a steady aim, ESPECIALLY with elevated heartbeat and respiration. My guy in DAYZ has better aim after sprinting than me at rest. It's hilariously unrealistic, but easy. Maybe that's why people want it, it's easy?
  6. OACKosh

    Weird weapon shaking in 0.45

    In retrospect, after playing more, I'm not sure whether splinting did anything for me after all. I think that one simply needs to be REALLY rested to have steady aim.
  7. OACKosh

    Weird weapon shaking in 0.45

    So, I read through most of the thread and considered the information. I haven't used a scoped Mosin pre 0.45. In 0.45 my character had a certain amount shaking which I found unacceptable. It did not make sense to me, so just for the sake of it I tried the splint suggestion. I crafted and applied 5 splints and the Mosin aim stabilized. One splint may not be enough. It appears that the character accumulates various damage from melee Zombie engagements and it affects the aim slowly. Apply multiple splints and check again.