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Everything posted by CynicalBeans

  1. CynicalBeans

    Welcome to the Psikhuskas (Mental institution)

    Well, there are two large hotels in Cherno, one with a plane crashed into it and the other one is in one of the new apartment complexes..its a matter of designing their interior and making them enterable(They could be a hotspot for finding decent civilian clothing). I believe the game currently lacks enterable structures that are still fairly dark regardless of time of day, we need some windowless hallways imo(the hallways between cellblocks in the Walking Dead Prison for example).
  2. CynicalBeans

    Infected Diet

    I am assuming that the Infected are cannibalistic, I searched the forums for some sort of a confirmation to this, but failed to find one. So do they run after survirors to kill and eat them, or just maul survivors to death just because they are extremely violent due to the virus??
  3. CynicalBeans

    Welcome to the Psikhuskas (Mental institution)

    Yeah, definately..we got small prisons that look like police offices with temporary holding cells, hospitals, Offices, We need a mental Institute and a large prison for permanent confinement. Definitely needs long empty hallways that echo any sort of sound such as footsteps, opening doors, infected screams. Something like: Perhaps cells with Infected still in them, sort of like this: And of course creepy looking rooms:
  4. CynicalBeans


    Lets call it a feature, I'd love to see two infected mauling each other over a dead carcass..XD
  5. CynicalBeans

    About the eating sound

    Rocket has mentioned in both of his pre-release streams that they have barely touched sound in SA and that majority of it is just placeholders.
  6. Besides the Infected, Im all for trying to achieve as much realism as possible, shooting guns isn't supposed to be easy ...either learn how to properly or go play CoD. Great suggestion OP :thumbsup:
  7. CynicalBeans

    Player Controlled Zombie discussion

    I thought that the dayz zeds are rabid cannibalistic humans rather than undead. Wouldn't make sense for dead players to come re-animate. Having player characters who have succumbed to an infection become AI controlled zeds would be cool though...
  8. CynicalBeans

    Item ideas!

    Straps for weapons as attachments and the ability to craft simple ones from some rope and duct tape.
  9. CynicalBeans

    Is the Magnum even in the game?

    Nope, the .357 isn't in the game yet although it was in the patch notes. You can find the ammo for it though
  10. CynicalBeans

    Some things I would like to see...

    The north star is already there, It has been since the mod. One of my favorite things to do is look for constellations while running between towns at night..XD
  11. CynicalBeans

    Military bases

    Balota is okay for the most part.Maybe if they took away the barracks and that area with a bunch of tents closer to the shore where you can easily pimp out your gun within 5 mins. That should really be somewhere up like NEAF
  12. CynicalBeans

    Head torch

    I have to agree, the light does seem to shine low. It's not so bad when you are using melee, but with a firearm the light shines just below where I'm aiming at and that is kinda annoying..
  13. CynicalBeans

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Roadtrip to Moscow! Looks like i might need to find me a car...