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About Barsyl

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    Getting shot at, running for my life, eating beans, and wiping my ass with leaves. In that order.

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    My life is boring, you should watch Forest Gump instead. WAY better.
  1. Awesome! I'll hit you guys up. I don't have a lot off friends that play yet so it would be nice to play with a group. Again, good fight. I lucked out I think though, when I herd the first round of shots I wasn't sure if they were at me or not so I just hid off in the corner for a sec to get a visual. I just assumed the shots were directed at the first guy I saw and shot which kind of makes me a dick since I didn't offer to help, but I was pretty on edge and didn't know who to trust. So far the alpha is a blast, and I've been sticking around on this server so I'll def hit you guys up next time I'm on.
  2. Barsyl

    Long range scope Bug

    True, but there's no reason to be rude and drive players away. It doesn't matter to me that its a popular game atm, I want it to continue to be so. If people feel like they can't some to the forum to occasionally ask a question then people will be driven away. It's not a sin against humanity if some one is new or doesn't know to search. It's minor and doesn't have nearly as much of an impact on the player base as when ever someone comes to the forums to ask a question you deem pointless or needs to be researched first and call them out for being lazy. Not everyone has the time to look this stuff up, I'm happy to answer questions or point people in the right direction. It's the point of the forums, to communicate. Not trying to tell you how to interact with people, just simply trying to make people feel welcome with out being berated.
  3. Barsyl

    Hunger and Thirst timers

    Came here to post the same video. This needs to be circulated as much as possible to avoid anymore posts concerning food and hungry, it's explained VERY well int he video.
  4. Barsyl

    How to cure a "healthy" status ?

    For anyone interested in a very good guide to the current health system: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwNgTnj9hBE It's a long video, but has a lot of effort put into understanding the underlying mechanics of the health system. It's actually a rather in depth system that, imo, reacts a lot like the way a normal human body would in given situations. A lot of it is more logic than a typical health system you would see in a log of games. The narrator also backs up his explanations from either having tested it, or having looked at the source code which gives some of the actual numeric value of some food and health systems. Anything that is not proven and is just conjecture is highlighted in blue. All of this is explained in the video though. Also, if you don't want to take the time to watch the video, the best advice I can give is this. Drink often, but eat even more often. Water is extremely easy to find if you use the map and find the pump locations. You will fill up on water MUCH faster then food, so really I would recommend drinking until you are full at first, then wait for the "im stuffed" notifications go, then any food you find EAT IT. It's almost pointless to keep food in your backpack unless you think you will be going a long time with out encountering any. Look at it like this. Your food goes into an "energy" storage which is basically what you gain from anything that has calories. Your water on the other hand is just that, water. BOTH of these fill your STOMACH. So if you fill up on water until it says "Im stuffed" then you have just filled your stomach with only water and no calories and vice versa. Your water intake is FAR LESS than the amount you can eat though. I think in the video he compares it to about: stomach = some where around 4000 ml ( once you fill this up you will be stuffed and should stop consuming both water and food, though you will start vomiting long before you completely fill up your stomach) Water = 4000ml Energy (calories basically) = 20,000!!!!! ( this means you could keep eating for a while before this is full) Once you have both your water and energy levels satisfied you will begin to regen blood, NOT WHEN YOUR STOMACH IS FULL. Your stomach being full is just simply a notification that you should wait a bit before consuming more water OR energy (calories) The other 2 things are blood and health, both of which will regen when you are well fed AND hydrated. Not one or the other. I really hope this helps, because I don't think I have explained it NEARLY as well as the video, which i highly recommend watching considering that's the guy that has tested all this. So far following what was said in the video has worked well for me and seems to be logical in the sense of how the mechanics work. In the end, for anyone who is just consuming food or water ONLY when it says either thirsty or hungry are just barely feeding and hydrating themselves, basically hanging on a thread of life. This is why some of you see these messages every 20-45 mins, where as I don't think I've seen a single "thirsty" or "hungry" notification in more than a few days of survival.
  5. Barsyl

    Long range scope Bug

    I wouldn't let his response get to you, some people just don't have a way of being polite and should be ignored unless they have some constructive criticism. I would advise looking at the bug list, but as it's such an early alpha, searching for your particular bug might be an issue considering the bug list is quite extensive. None the less, look at the bug list, then if you don't see it report it. Nothing wrong with asking a question that has very little chance of taking up space at the top of the forums with the constant influx of new posts and responses on the forums.
  6. Barsyl

    The M4 sound is very bad, along with the ballistics

    It's been stated in another post I believe, that most sounds and animations are placeholders for the moment. There's not even sounds for doors opening and closing, so I would assume this is something they will be taking care of in the future. Tho I I get the feeling adjusting of and implementing new sounds will be a higher priority considering that the sound of the gun being more accurate does not hinder gameplay, at least for the most part from what I can figure out. You can recognize it's a gun shot and that it is different than the mosin and pistol, so as of right now probably not a high priority as much as an aesthetic feature for more accurate sounds. I also believe I read they just hired an audio guy that worked on the mod ( never played the mod, just followed it so could be wrong that he worked on the mod or a spin off mod of dayz) Though, it's not like I'm going to tell you and others not to report/comment on these things, because that's the point of us testing and playing the alpha, to report/comment on this stuff. Thanks for your input.
  7. Barsyl

    Does this make me a bad guy?

    No joke. He saw your gun, even if he didn't hear your message. If I have nothing but a melee weapon and some one is pointing a gun at me and hasn't killed me yet, if I don't hear them talking, waving ect or even if I do, I go the other way and count my blessings. Good on you, keep surviving homie.
  8. Good fight fellas. Herd you three firing at each other from a distance, I waited to see who the aggressors were. Once I realized this was dumb and a good way to get myself killed, I just didn't want to take chances so I fired on anything with a firearm. If the dude with the mosin that fired at me while I was looting reads this ( can't remember names so this is probably futile) could you tell me if you were firing through scope or 3rd person? Seems like you fired a lot before I ducked for cover and felt I was lucky I didn't get hit. Then when I fired from that distance I shot through my scope/bi-pod and apparently made a hit because when I found you, you were bleeding and bandaging up. It could have been the zombie that attacked you but it seemed like you were bandaging before he even got near and was just another nuisance for you. From what I've read 3rd person firing is highly inaccurate ( also from experience ) and was thinking that might have been the reason I didn't get smoked. Was a lot of fun, looking forward to more firefights in the game as it develops. For anyone who's curious, I don't normally fire on people. I just try to avoid them (trying for the good guy role, at least until I'm threatened) but felt there was no way I could have gotten out of there with out being spotted. Not that it matters, I'm glad there are bandits, it's the primary reason I'm interested in this game. I just have more fun killing them, and even more fun when I have to worry about them being around any and every corner. Here's to people who kos, you make the game fun for me. Thank you. Death count by other players - 2, 1 mosin, 1 m4 Death count by natural causes - 3, Death count by bugs - 1, Kill count - 4 ( one melee wrench vs mosin, 3 with m4 vs 2 mosin and 1 m4) Looking forward to getting smoked in the back of the head when I'm not looking :)
  9. Barsyl

    serious disappointement

    In my experience in game design this is how I've understood the game development process. Not being rude, just trying to clear things up because a lot of people just feel like saying "it's in alpha" is a good way to explain to people the state the game is in, the problem with that being is that most people just play games and don't know what goes into the development process or how hard and tedious it can be. It's a VERY long process that requires more work than what most people are used to. Game development process goes like this: Prototype : literally BARE BONES. No art, barely any if any animations, core game mechanics and that's about it. This is the stage you set up a lot of your frame work and design that will eventually be the structure the ENTIRE game is built off of. It's like looking at a house that just has the wood frame built, nothing more. No plumbing, no electricity, just the frame. ALPHA (CURRENT STAGE) : A step above prototype. This is the time they start refining a lot of the core game mechanics and making sure they are in a state to be stable enough to reach beta. They start adding and refining things that go under the hood for a deeper playing experience, examples would be stuff like - enemy ai, further map development, base weapons, quests ( if applicable) basically just enough to get the game to a playable level, BARELY PLAYABLE at the beginning of this cycle in fact. At the END of this development cycle you will start to see what the final product WILL PLAY LIKE, not look like, with the exception of some art and audio that would have been implmented during this time. Again I say AT THE END OF THIS DEVELOPMENT CYCLE. That means half the stuff your stating that should already be in the game isn't at this point and will be worked on during this stage. Most people NEVER see a game at this state, but the recent influx of games that are early release is educating people in this. Beta : Mechanics are being refined and finished out while the art and visual appearance, sound, basically the "polish" of the game is being implemented and finished from what wasn't implemented in the alpha if any. Until now there would have been a lot of place holders for things like sound and art, this is where it's implemented. They'll prob continue to add new features but at this point this is the stage at which they work to get it to a finished level that should be ready for a full release. This is the time they finish up the game basically for the masses. Until the end of this cycle you still have bugs and other design solutions that need to be refined, but is well on it's way to be a full release. If you've ever played a beta test of a game, usually they have all this implemented for the player base to start testing it on the absolute PLETHORA of machines this game has to play correctly on . This means most of the beta testing people have done is actually towards the end of the beta phase, and things are being refined and finished for the final game. Release : The finished product. Here we probably won't encounter hardly any bugs due to the fact that this game is getting a MASSIVE play testing during alpha. This is an amazing amount of stats and info that the team can use. This is what I've learned in some basic game development, although this might change from development team to team, it's for the most part how the process goes for a lot of games. I get the feeling that they will be adding the majority of art and animations even before the beta phase after they work through a majority of mechanical issues and game play during alpha. These guys are working pretty fast tbh and doing a great job of it. This is a VERY good alpha stage, most games at this point would be.... well basically barely functional. This game is very functional from the 35 hrs I've put into it, and everything I've encountered as far as bugs and malfunctions go were to be expected from an alpha.
  10. Barsyl

    Seasoned DayZ Vet LF New Players to Help

    Yo, this guy is good peoples. Met up with him tonight and he helped me get a bunch of gear back after getting smoked a few hours earlier today. Was nice enough to hook me up with some gear as well as take me to the nearest military base. Worth teaming up with, really good guy.