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About stealth_katsu

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. stealth_katsu

    Would you approach me or KOS?

    I would KoS, but only because I want that awesome hat.
  2. stealth_katsu

    Recommendation for a good voice changer?

    Awesome suggestions! Thanks guys :)
  3. Anyone know of a free voice changing software which can be used to change the sound of your voice when speaking through a mic?
  4. stealth_katsu

    30 seconds after logout question

    But this isn't true. Last night after playing for 1 hour+ in a few servers I was able to connect to another server immediately.
  5. stealth_katsu

    30 seconds after logout question

    Quick question, according to the new patch, your player will remain seated in game for 30 seconds after logging out (discourage players from combat logging etc). Therefore it is the player's responsibility to get somewhere safe before exiting the server. I'm on board with this plan and think it is a great idea. My question is this...Suppose you log out after a 2-3 hour session in the middle of the forest. You decide immediately after logging out to join another server where your friend is playing. Because you had been connected to the prior server for a considerable amount of time, the game will allow you to join your friend's server immediately (no cooldown wait timer) Given this scenario, your character would be physically present in two servers simultaneously for roughly 25 seconds. So, what happens if you are some how killed in that 30 second time period while your player is sitting in the original server (chilling in the forest), but you have already connected and are actively playing on a different server? I tried searching the forum for an answer to this, but didn't see anything conclusive. Any help or input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  6. Seems as if all the hardcore servers have very low server populations. Rarely do I see a game which has 20+ people. Is the community of 1st Person that small? Or I am doing it wrong? When I go into the main server browser, I have it set to sort by game type to see all 'Hardcore' servers available. Are there other servers that I am just not seeing? Usually there are only 10-12 hardcore servers running in total.
  7. stealth_katsu

    New Spawnlocations

    d4wn, you seem like a very sad, negative individual. Please refrain from posting drivel that adds no value to the discussion at hand. People perhaps might be inclined to hear you out if you step down off of that soap box.
  8. stealth_katsu

    I'm not KOS (I swear)

    Loved the story. 10/10 would read again. Thanks for taking the time to share it with us!
  9. stealth_katsu

    Only able to chamber one round in Mosin [Help]

    My apologies, and thanks :D
  10. I currently have equipped a spray-painted black Mosin in pristine condition. I am also using prestine ammo (not sure if this matters). Anyways, right now the game will only let me chamber one round into the gun. I cannot load the standard 5 rounds at a time. Any thoughts or ideas on what might be causing this issue to occur? Thanks in advance.
  11. stealth_katsu

    Take On Me - Day Z Music Video

    It was an absolutely beautiful afternoon in post-apocalyptic Chernarus. I was rolling through the outskirts of Solnichniy without a care in the world. I had my music turned up, my direct chat blasting 24/7. Life was so good. Apparently one of my neighbor survivors felt differently. Please enjoy!
  12. stealth_katsu

    My video.

    Bambi or fully geared vet, they all bleed the same... And I smile every damn time.
  13. stealth_katsu

    Day Z - Fun Encounters and Mayhem

    A 10 minute video I made containing bits and pieces of interesting encounters and wild antics. Enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3JOS0UOw5vI&feature=em-upload_owner
  14. This, and it isn't even close. I have had a character which has been alive for roughly 40 in game hours (15+ play sessions). This character has played on 30+ servers and has never had a an issue.
  15. stealth_katsu

    KoS NEAF, Good Times...

    Couldn't agree more!