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Everything posted by shister313

  1. come try out the new server we have made first 15 people that come and want to make it home get donater boxes to build there base (if they want) custom addons the ai can be brutal at times just come check it for yourselfs and have fun! overpoch Server ip :
  2. so basically client side when its not i have 75 mbs down and 30 up and have had the 100k desync issue along with many others
  3. cant get a extra ghz out of it its laptop if you could clock it stable that high it would overheat it badly
  4. shister313

    Confessing my sins....

  5. shister313

    Whats wrong with server hopping?

    ^^^100% they will weed out eventually
  6. shister313

    Unplayable, almost

    i hate to be this guy BUT the CoD players will be gone soon enough this is not there kinda game just have to deal with it till then
  7. shister313

    Mass teleport hack still exists.

  8. shister313

    DayZ Experimental Branch patch?

    its not out yet they delayed it cause of bugs
  9. shister313

    So i just went on a Rampage...

    I keep track of my kills on paper till they implement some kinda stats im currently at 42 kills and 6 deaths thats out of 220 hrs of gameplay
  10. so when will there be some servers we can try it out on? anyone know?
  11. ZOMG He spoke to his community someone get this guy a cookie bout time just keep us posted even if its just a i took a rotten shit today post lets us know your still there rocket and thank you for the update
  12. shister313

    What is the Next Big Patch?

    No one knows next patch because this dev team doesnt like the community enough to even keep in contact with them
  13. been sitting with all my friends DESYNCING TO HELL
  14. shister313

    Next patch: a big one?

    ill be happy if they just fix the desync issue allready its unplayable for me and for the people i play with that is gamebreaking
  15. shister313

    Strength in numbers?

    gotta play solo because of the desync issues
  16. Devs should atleast let people know from a sticky the they know the desync is a problem and there looking into it they are litterally not saying shit even about anything like you dont even interact with community at all shit face serGAY titov would do that come on everyone has respect for you guys dont lose it
  17. shister313

    Next patch due?

    im guessing never CASH GRAB ;)
  18. shister313

    CPU or GPU, whats the problem?

    somthing is wrong im running a 480 3 gens older of flagship card then you and im getting 50-60 fps in any city with all settings to high my cpu is amd 8350 clocked to 6.5ghz although it drops to like 30fps while streaming
  19. shister313

    Desync when near friend

    yep i can even play 100k desync with a 20 ping lol like wtf
  20. shister313

    Rude conduct by players.

    prolly just sat there and waited for hours to get people as the come up latter defenseless
  21. shister313

    20 Plus Million Dollars Later...

    they been working on it for over a year now and this is what we got the mod with new ui wow thats sad dont say it takes time to make a game because this game was allready made when they started its just sad and quit giving the poor excuse its alpher you guys are so gullable i smell one thing and one thing only CASH GRAB
  22. shister313

    Lets make it a little easier for the Devs

    you see my profile pick i think of you mods.
  23. shister313

    I can't stand this any longer.

    really they have nothing to show for that long wait other then a fancy UI game still runs like a mod and all you fanbois thats gonna say its so hard to build a game and do i understand that yes i do but they didnt build this game its arma they built a clunky zombie ai this really is a shame to have released it in this state alpher or not for us to wait so long should have been more to give us im not saying they wont fix most of it or even all of it just saying maybe they should have waited a bit longer to release it even as alpher
  24. shister313

    Alpha - Bet

    L-LOLING good one wubber banding