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About JasonYork

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. JasonYork

    Please leave...

    What are you talking about, people have been saying for weeks not to release the game in this state, ever since 0.63. The negativity is what happens when a game is released in this state after such a long time. People are not just blaming the devs, I expect they have a fairly unfair ride after updating the engine and then being told by BI to release the game after such a huge change. There is only so much positive you can give this game until you're hit with game breaking bugs, or so many missing features, or a multitude of other issues that should not be in a game at release and people who bought the game have as much right to express thier feelings, telling them to leave is not your place or right to say. If you buy a car and its wheels are missing, the steering is wonky and the engine leaks, you're going to complain, thats what this Dayz release is, a car crash, the plummeting steam reviews state as much. One things for sure, people will never buy a car from that dealership again. BI did this to themselves because they wanted Dayz out the door before xmas for more money.