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Everything posted by QUAZIMOFO


    Tell us why we died

    The only thing the dead know is the end of war.

    How can you find food

    Get off the coast. Head inland. Explore the small towns. Plenty of food. Forage for apples and berries. Hunt, kill animals, cook meat, prosper.

    Zeds are NOT zombies; just a small FYI

  4. Why does everyone assume all Canadians speak French? We have ONE single province that is "French-speaking" and every other province hates them.

    To all the "Is Dayz dying?" threads.

    People keep crying for the devs to fix this and that, but there's nothing to be fixed - its all still being built. Some top a-list games were TEN YEARS in development. It's quite amazing that even today people still have no clue what a game being in alpha stages of development actually means.

    High High Loot an some Places

    We can only hope BE can detect these players doing this and ban the lot of them.
  7. There's 2 server options for a reason. I hate 1st person. I get headaches from it on this game. 3pp all the way.

    Awaiting .57

    Stupid question but how long do updates like this normally take before servers go live again? I havent played in a very long time and just got back on tonight only to find all the servers go down an hour into my gaming :P

    My first kill(s)

    This isn't Call of Doodie.
  10. As it should be. All firearms and ammo should be even more rare than they currently are. This isn't Call of Doodie, though most kids think that's the only objective of the game is to kill other players. But that goes with any online game these days. DayZ needs to be demilitarized.
  11. The game in its current state is full on retarded in the sense that its just PvP and nothing more. CoD with some zombies. There are survival elements in the game and there are a few zombies here and there, but it is by no means a zombie survival game. If you aren't going to add in massive zombie hordes then make the few zombies that are in the game massively dangerous instead of just being slightly annoying. They should be able to take, and inflict, massive amounts of damage. Make them a real threat. Make headshots necessary to kill them. Food is everywhere and far too easy to obtain. Make hunting, foraging and farming a real need. There's no way a year or so after such an event that there would be cans of food and bags of rice lying about in nearly every house. Also, hunger and starvation set in FAR too quickly. Hunger should take far longer to set in and would balance out with a lack of food. The game is WAAAAYYYYY to milsim. I would absolutely LOVE to see far more civilian gear in the game, especially clothing. All I find everywhere are gorka clothes, military fatigues or camo hunter clothing. Surely Cernaurussians wore regular civilian attire from time to time. PLEASE remove the player ability to adjust brightness and gamma or at least remove the high levels. Remove the nightvision cheats please.

    WTF was this sniper thinking?

    Sniper ambushes us, clips a buddy in the leg, then gets the drop on me but instead of shooting me he .... well just watch.
  13. http://cabalgaming.enjin.com/forum/m/25710419/viewthread/15669843-super-sexy-fun-friday-night-shenanigans

    .49 Is not an improvement

    I disagree with OP. 0.49 is a vast improvement. If you're having issues with zombies then you need to just blame yourself, not the game. Sure there aare a few glitches but they are easy to deal with and all the content added makes the game more awesome. EDIT: Oh yeah, as for the fps drop people are complaining about. Ive had the exact opposite. I can run the game on very high everything with ambient occlusion on as well as HDR and post process and get 30-50 fps. I got a boost in fps and the game runs much smoother for me. Others in my clan have noticed the same for them as well.


    Today a teammate and I came across a pack of zombies all standing around a cow in Berezino but not attacking it. Then they came after us as I was about to hit f12 so I just missed the screenshot.
  16. Yup, full squad wipe from one pos hacker. Boy this game sure is fun. EVERY SINGLE DAY we play we all get killed by a hacker. Yup, keep up the good work. Can't play the game without running into at LEAST 1 hacker on any server.

    Why does everyone kill me?!

    Dont just go running into some building without first peeking around corners. Dont trust anyone, but that doesnt mean you cant still be friendly. Just learn to be more cautious. Perhaps you need to find a group to team up with. Check the recruitment section and look for some like-minded survivors.

    what's your favorite backpack to use?

    I love the SMERSH packs. How much gear do you REALLY need to carry? 1x extra drum mag 1x canteen 1x first aid kit filled with rags and 1 splint plus food, compass, sewing kit and other misc items.
  19. This game is almost unplayable at the moment with all the hacking going on. Every single day myself and any of my clan members have been running into and killed by hackers. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Its beyond bad. Its fucking ridiculous and pathetic right now. I want to love this game. I used to love this game. AND I just started my new clan, we dished out lots of cash for the website, TS and server, and cant play without getting hunted and killed by hackers. CONSTANTLY. PLEASE PLEASE do something about this shit. Its fucking pathetic and turning into WarZ. Edit: ALSO, We are getting a refund on our game server since we agreed that paying for a game server for a game this corrupted with cheaters, glitchers, dupers, hackers is a waste of money. We may get a server back up and running at some point if the devs and BE ACTUALLY EVER dso something about this fucking bullshit.

    Hello people, I'm a big boy!

    Go home, you're drunk.
  21. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=309390463


    Camoflauge can really help in close proximity to other players, but not so much at distances greater than 200m or so, once grass stops rendering. Heres a not so bad example of camo working well at close range...