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Everything posted by QUAZIMOFO


    First tries and getting bored

    Get. Off. The. Coast. Go north as soon as you spawn. Head to Msta or Staroye for the water pumps, and then begin looting northern villages. Most are only 1-2km away from each other. 95% of the players stay on the coast so the northern towns are untouched and unlooted and that is where you will find lots of goodies. 1) find a water pump. 2) find a weapon, axes are preferable. 3) get a backpack and clothing with storage. 4) stock up on food and water. 5) profit.

    Stay away from the shotgun(s), here is why.

    I carelessly sprinted into a trainstation the other night and came across 3 guys all armed with shotguns. I got nailed almost pointblank by at least 2 of them. I was hurt but not even bleeding. I managed to pull out my m4 and mow them all down and I just got some scratches and ruined my green hoodie and my ttsko pants. Shotguns suck (for now).

    How to downlaod and play


    Finally after 50 hours....

    People who KOS are cowards at best. It's in the game and I accept it. In no way would I ever tell someone how to enjoy the game they paid to play. But it doesn't change the fact that they are cowardly bitches, too lazy to actually interact with someone. Take pleasure in the fact you are not like that, and know that not everyone in the game is like that.

    DayZ Attachment's for newbies.

    Great guide. Lots of effort put into it. However, and I'm likely to get flamed for being a grammar nazi, but apostrophes do not make nouns plural. Barracks vs barrack's when talking about more than one. If you meant a barrack's door that would be correct to use the apostrophe. Don't use apostrophes to pluralize items. Sorry its just something that sets off a nervous twitch in my brain anytime I see stuff like that. :P

    What is sadness?

    OP, Get off the coast.

    What is sadness?

    i FORCE MY HEROISM UPON THEE! oops caps lock. I like to loot unlooted areas and dump the food in the woods so that when I, the hero, come across hungry travelers I am a godsend. Actually I enjoy gearing up more now that things are harder to come by. I like to get geared up, go to the coast and dump ALL my gear except maybe some food and water, then I start over, and hopefully helped a fresh spawn attain some gear. I dont dump it all in one place, but all over. (Passive-aggressive heroism?)

    Dayz For an iMac

    I was a graphic artist in advertising for 12 years working on top of the line, high-end Macs the whole time and would never ever own one. They are overpriced garbage, at best. You can build twice the 'PC' for half the cost and Windows computers can do anything a Mac can do these days. The only reason people say Macs are the go-to computer for graphics and such is because years ago the software was only available on Macs, which is not the case these days. :)

    I'm chill, bro


    Eating sound

  11. I saw someone running around in a jail. He closed the front door. I approached and opened the doors, magnum drawn. I heard footsteps upstairs. I peek around corner to stairs. No one. I head towards back office and someone appears out of nowhere. I shoot but he vanished as quickly as he appeared. I get in the back corner under the stairs and blam, Im dead. Sounded like it came from right beside me. Some new magic hack?

    New DayZ Update -

    If you are against a logout timer then you are obviously a cowardly exploiting combat logger. Put your purse down, man up and fight back and don't get attached to your gear. Only pussies combat log.

    KOS Hysteria


    My opinion on Killing on sight...

    KOS is for gutless cowards afraid to actually try to interact with people. I dont care that people KOS. Im not the one who has to live with being a scumbag gutless piece of shit coward. :)
  15. This has been happening to me for 3 days now. I will be playing and suddenly get teleported to wherever I was a couple minutes ago and then Im locked up. The game doesnt recognize my keyboard and I have to ctrl/alt/del to close the game. At any given time I get maybe 10-15 minutes of continuous game play in. And yes the bug has been reported. Im just venting. >:(
  16. Camping snipers are cowards at best. That is to say the ones that camp and just kill people for no reason. It's one thing to camp to provide cover-fire for your squad as they loot hangars or barracks, but to just pick off people randomly for 'the fun of it' speaks volumes of your personality. I know there is no real purpose to the game at the moment, no end-game if you will, so people are bored and figure there's nothing better to do. But that doesn't make you less of a coward if you're just sitting 500yards out killing people for no reason. I know full well its part of the game and I'm not saying it shouldn't be. I'm simply stating that KOS'ers and camping killers are nothing but gutless cowards. It takes far more effort, bravado and intelligence to actually have interactions with people, to perhaps rob them with handcuffs, etc. Badguys like that I can respect but cowards that just kos or camp snipe are pathetic, cowardly fucking losers.

    m4a1 alt-tab issue

    If I alt tab out and then back in again my m4a1 just starts to fire and I empty the mag. Same thing will happen with fists, jus starts punching furiously. Pretty bad if you go check db map and come back in game only to kill a member of your team from auto fire or give your position away to everyone within a km.

    How to beat the game.

    I went to balota on a high pop server in the middle of the airfield and sat down with no clothes on. I went afk for 10 minutes as I did a bathroom break and got some food and drink and came back and was still alive.

    Need help? Jump in with Underdark

    I concur! I've been tagging along as a noob and learning lots from these guys and having 10x more fun than when I was lone-wolfing it.

    Can't load empty magizines

    http://www.minutemanreview.com/2008/09/clip-vs-magazine-lesson-in-firearm.html Just sayin'.

    new player here

    Request sent. :)

    Mosin 9130 - Where to find?

    I almost always find one in hospitals; Top floor in a little store room on a shelf behind the door. Attachements and ammo in military bases. The houses with the piano often have ammo on the shelf next to the stairs.

    LOL bug

    OK this bug was pretty funny but it killed me. I was in Electra in some house on the second floor. Zombies saw me and came after me. Somehow one managed to teleport to the second floor. I hit him with my axe which sent me flying backwards, through the wall, outside where I plummeted to my demise.
  24. I went through tons of work just to get a few decent pieces of gear only to be reset when I joined a new server. Definitely a bug.