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Everything posted by Ell360

  1. Ell360

    This is why we should use ArmA III's Engine.

    I love arma 2, I tried to love 3 but it was a buggy piece of shit online, I have a fairly decent PC, 60+fps (no idea what it actually runs at but locked to 60) on solo becomes 15fps online, net code needs some dayz optimisation imo, personally, I refuse to play that game until it is fixed, I've been waiting far too long imo In short, fuck arma 3! Dayz is fine as it is
  2. Ell360

    New ballistic parameters in upcoming patch!

    Woo go Gews, so glad they saw your thread and took notice of what you were saying!
  3. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/157148-correcting-sa-ballistics/ Not sure how its being changed but Gews wrote a post about how the ballistics currently compare to real life...
  4. Ell360

    30 seconds is a joke, make it 5 MINUTES!

    I would be super pissed if in the 5 mins I got murdered by someone lucky though (one of the many reasons I am not interested in rust)... Id maybe agree if it was 5 mins but you can watch your character till you have successfully logged out?
  5. Ell360

    Managing Logout/login post 0.33.114782

    Ah savage, thank you
  6. Ell360

    Managing Logout/login post 0.33.114782

    What happens if you log out and back into the same server? Do you have to wait 5 mins or can you join back on after the 30 second logout timer? I only ask as I have a rubbish internet connection, would be more annoying if i had to wait the 5 mins to get back on...
  7. Did I miss something in the update.... I thought all melee weapons (other than the axes) were poor, like 6 hits with a baseball bat to kill...
  8. Ell360

    Patch 557 still broken

    It's an alpha... Not really sure what your point is, everyone playing the alpha is testing and finding bugs, before alpha release, a small group on reddit helped to test the game, they possibly still are... But things get released and there are bugs, this will always happen, usually even with QA, that's why day 1 patches exist. That's the beauty of it being an alpha though, there is no priority to get patches out (unless something NEEDS addressing, like the security issues a few weeks back). Let's use than as an example, what would you rather they fix? 'I can spawn myself a mousin' or 'Spray paininting my mousin, made it only take 1 round'.... Personally, I'd rather they carry on like they are, small issues that can be avoided get fixed on next update, big issues such as urgent patches with character whiped have a forum post detailing what was happening and why. As for getting updates, what else do you need to know? Anyway, this alpha is better than most alphas (and some full releases.. looking at you payday 2, where I STILL cannot connect to some of my friends) I've played in terms of stability. I rememberwhen arma 3 was first released, it would crash for like, no reason... I'd rather there be a mag exploit than the game close every 5-10 mins. So far I've been impressed with the alpha, especially when compared to arma 3, I've found a few bugs but none that are game breaking.... just don't spray your mousin (or anything), problem solved imo. And out of curiosity, what games have you produced?
  9. Ell360

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

    If u dc whilst cuffed, you should lose your char otherwise nothing will stop people logging if they are cuffed, u never know what people are gonna so so being cuffed doesn't necessarily equal death. However, I do agree that if you dc whilst unconscious after being shot or axed, it should make you respawn, but not if it's due to illness/thirst/hunger. But ATM, surely it's easier or understand if it's simple, if unconscious and disconnect, you have to respawn. Also, the only down side to this that the game probably wouldn't register any difference between exiting and loosing internet connection, should people be punished for having crappy connections? No, but imo, people could exploit it, all they need to do is reset their router... So I have to agree with the way it stands currently