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About freqzon

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. freqzon

    Something is missing in DayZ

    Idd. If u want a body on the street of the person you killed not to be looted by freshies coming into the city, simply pick it up and stash it in a bush in some yard. Current ability to hide bodies in less than a second is just dumb. Save us ragdoll.
  2. freqzon


    that's why u write in notepad/similar app before making a post =P
  3. freqzon

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

  4. freqzon

    SUGG: Crawling Zombies?

    @ AJ4211 Think you can get a hold of the link for me, please? EDIT: Found a similar discussion thread about it http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/145991-zombie-behavior/. You can mark this as a duplicate, and archive. Sorry for the inconvenience once again.
  5. freqzon

    SUGG: Crawling Zombies?

    So far in-game i noticed a few moving styles for zombies, and that is a HUGE change comparing to the mod. Props to the dev team, seriously. Some run, some drag themselves(walk rather fast) but none crawl. Dunno if 'crawling zombies' was an already set goal for the dev team (apologies for the duplicate if there's a notice about it alrdy), but wouldn't it be awesome to have crawlers as well? e.g situation: You're inside a building, battling another player in the building across. You notice a zombie crawling your direction. To avoid pinpointing your position by shooting/killing the zombie you silently sneak away to another location, giving yourself some time for the enemy player. I can imagine so many more situations with the crawlers in the open world. Just seeing a crawling zombie as you run past an area would bring so much more entertainment, and add that real apocalypse feeling to the game. Many varieties regarding the crawler's bodies. Some could be made legless, some armless or even the mixtures of both. The idea's pretty much incomplete as there are just so many diversities to choose from. So share your thoughts to fill the holes, let's fight for our game!
  6. freqzon

    Pistol Holster Idea

    Terrific idea. Totally for!
  7. freqzon

    No zombies?

    A notice from one of the rocket's announcements. Should give you a pretty clear answer. Important bugs and issues Zombies * Zombies clipping through floors/walls * Zombies hitting through upper floors from the ground floor * Low zombie numbers * No zombie respawning Zombies are a work in progress they are a very active area of development, we consider the current implementation a base level to commence further testing. Their AI was completely redeveloped, which means we need to come up with new (more efficient) methods of their interaction with the world, such as collision, as the ArmA way is not designed for thousands of AI to operate at once on this scale. This will be one of our most active areas of development.