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Terpy (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Terpy (DayZ)

  1. If you don't know the map by heart or have a map & compass, you will probably NEVER find the NW airfield and you'll spend days wandering around, lost in the woods. My advice if you really wanna head north, find a compass, learn to read the signs near towns and either find a map in game or Google DayZ map. Just hope you don't run into a vetern that knows what a M4 with no magazine in it looks like.
  2. Terpy (DayZ)

    I Cannot Die!!!

    In those instances, I've found punching a zombie in the face is the best way to solve the problem.
  3. Terpy (DayZ)

    Dealing with Zombronies

    Just to further clarify this point, the fireman axe is the best melee weapon against the zombies (and players for that matter). You don't even have to be that accurate with it to one shot them. The best method I've found to combat them is to let them lunge at you (dodging the lunge of course) and then swing at 'em, they're pretty slow.
  4. Terpy (DayZ)

    You know you've played too much DayZ when...

    I've seen barns while driving through rural areas and thought the same thing, "I'd loot that in a heart beat".
  5. Terpy (DayZ)

    day/night cycle

    I play on MO servers and also noticed that daytime is actually from around midnight till noon. It is pretty inconveniant, so I agree, basing the in game time on the server time is a great idea.
  6. Terpy (DayZ)

    Lighting the Lamp?

    I've never been able to turn it on while it's in my inventory. But if it's on the ground, you can right click on it and turn it on. I'm guessing it's not the type of lantern you carry around, just put it down and light up a room, it is REALLY bright.
  7. Terpy (DayZ)

    Can I suicide?

    It might just be me, but broken legs don't offer the respawn option, just what seems like an enternity of dragging your broken body around on the ground waiting for the sweet mercy of death via any means possible (usually dehydration or zombies if I'm in a city).
  8. This is probably the only "annoying" part of the game for me, not being able to respawn unless you're unconscious or dead. I broke my leg the other day about a hours walk North of the shore, no one around and nothing to do but drag my broken body towards the nearest place I assumed there'd be zombies (in hopes that they'd put me out of my misery). No luck, had to wait the 30 minutes till he died.
  9. Terpy (DayZ)

    saline vs blood bag

    I'm gonna have to look for that healthy indicator. I ate enough food and drank enough water to get to "I'm feeling really full" (on both food and water) and never saw that in my inventory. My character must be a little "slow".
  10. Terpy (DayZ)

    What Have YOU Found

    After about a week of daily playing, today I found my first (and second) box of breakfast cereal. Ate it out of the box, haven't tried mixing it with milk or water yet (I haven't seen powdered milk in a while anyway).
  11. Terpy (DayZ)

    How to stop bleeding?

    In a pinch, if you're still wearing one, you can drop your own t-shirt, tear it into rags and use it (instead of having to find one).
  12. Terpy (DayZ)

    How do I run from zombies?

    I think you run faster when your healthier (not thirsty / hungry). So, if you're that close to passing out, you might be slower. I've had no problems out running them to the point of them giving up today, and I was chased at least 6 different times. Having said that, I didn't try any fancy out manuevering tricks, I just ran off in a straight line as fast as I could.
  13. Terpy (DayZ)

    Useless Items

    The screw driver can be used as a weapon and to open cans of food (although, you spill some of the food this way). I've also heard that the motorcycle helmet adds protection from blows to the head (not sure about gun fire though).