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About ThatSwoleGuy

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Lol fair enough, sorry to spike back at you.
  2. Has anyone managed to figure out where this thing spawns? It's everything I want in a firearm!
  3. Look I don't expect you to know solely from my post but I've been around DayZ for a LONG long time with this account and a few others, I certainly realize it's an alpha. I would just figure with the immense amount of financial support the team has received that there should be larger steps towards solving these big issues, it's hard to even play this build with the mindset of testing it because of this issue.
  4. Hmm, I understand the release process, I suppose it's just very disappointing keeping up with this game for so long and what could easily be the no.1 worst issue is still yet to be fixed.
  5. I can't figure out for anything what the issue is in this game with the clients monitoring where players are. It seems like the game is in a constant state of synchronization with player characters hopping around like fucking neutrinos, I've come back from a bit of a leave and I'd like to know if any steps are being taken to fix these issues? It makes PvP a bit of a luck game.
  6. ThatSwoleGuy

    44. experimental servers not up?

    I wish more servers near me would switch to the newest build :/, panzies.
  7. ThatSwoleGuy


    Yes please beards.
  8. ThatSwoleGuy

    Theory about bugged spawn points.

    Damn! They found it before me, I'm curious to know if I'm correct.
  9. ThatSwoleGuy

    "He's dead" he says, "Go loot" he says.

    Lol it's alright! I am usually only an idiot on the gallery board anyway.
  10. ThatSwoleGuy

    "He's dead" he says, "Go loot" he says.

    I don't disagree at all my friend. Just thought I'd throw my distaste out there. Now that it is out of the way, funny video OP.,Your's Truly Edit: if it was too hard to realize I'm a devout hardcore player teasing a regular player. This board is for fun ah? Apologies for offense.
  11. Is it perhaps a possibility that there is a hardcoded limit somewhere to the amount of spawn points available for items ? It seems to me that each time a new spawn point is added an old one is deleted, now these spawn points may be disabled purposefully but it is my guess that is not the case. It is my theory that old spawn points are being deleted by new, is there any information on this made public by the devs?
  12. ThatSwoleGuy

    "He's dead" he says, "Go loot" he says.

    You deserved it, corner peaking 3rd person weasel. That is all.
  13. Just curious whether or not it would be possible to find a 'clan' or group of people who play survival games in a fairly regular fashion. By this I mean say a regulated game of DayZ on a specific server in which everyone would be restricted to a specific area and try to survive. Is there anything like this anywhere?
  14. ThatSwoleGuy

    Anyone actually enjoying the game more at the mo?

    The hoe is a two shot kill on zomboids I believe. I'd like for the zombies to be improved in the glitchy/wonky sense before they increase the numbers too much more. Right now it's fun and if I am wise I can avoid most all blows. As long as I am able to skillfully avoid damage and detection later on I want as many zombies as possible. It'd be awesome to entire the fire house and see a scene from the Walking Dead, 100 zombies slowly turn to meet my eye.