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Everything posted by freethink

  1. freethink

    Experimental Branch: 0.47 Discussion

    Thought the same but they seem to be spawning with the stuff inside invisible. I only noticed because I tried to put rags in. I think relogging fixes it plus picking up, dropping, picking up again might.
  2. freethink

    Woot! No more poor mans UAV!

    Posted about this in the exp thread (and another thread that got deleted) but yes had multiple contacts and no red chain warning. Hopefully it's gone for good.
  3. freethink

    First-Aid Kits disappearing

    They aren't always empty. They just appear to be. Try putting something in them. Or pick them up and then drop them. Happened to me a couple of times too.
  4. freethink

    Experimental Branch: 0.47 Discussion

    Without giving the game away, I didn't notice the proximity alert despite players being close by. Hopefully it's gone forever.
  5. freethink

    Experimental Branch: 0.47 Discussion

    lost my character, still had a good time
  6. freethink

    The spirit of day z is dieing

    concern troll is concerned. Honestly I love this game. I've never played as many hours in an online game as this. Yeah it's super flawed at the moment but it's still a unique gaming experience despite being nowhere near finished. Also I'm getting a bit tired of these people stating that dayz should be something it never was and if it's not what they want then it's dying.
  7. freethink

    Will we ever get the 100 player servers?

    Could be wrong but I think he said the sweet spot was something like 60 players. The 100 person servers were amazing. I starved to death with two cans and no can opener.
  8. freethink

    Not new, returning...what's changed?

    It's like arriving at charles de gaulle and saying "ok I was here on my holidays twenty years ago, I demand you tell me exactly what's changed and for free" Honestly, I'd just deport you immediately
  9. freethink

    compass is not pointing straight

    is it damaged? Is the north slightly to the left?
  10. header or footer would do. We are currently 3 clicks away from the tracker. Let's make it one click. Thank you for reading
  11. freethink

    [meta] Add a link to the tracker in the forums

    I'm not saying it's a waste of my time or anyone elses. What I noticed myself and with other people is that in general we would moan about this problem or that in posts but rarely if ever report the bugs to the tracker even though we know it's there. The idea of a header link to the tracker is to both make it easier to get to the tracker but to also remind people that the tracker is the place to file bug reports. It is an alpha after all and the tracker is central to that. This is just chat. The tracker is the real interface with the devs.
  12. freethink

    [meta] Add a link to the tracker in the forums

    Accepted. Let's make it one click from any page on the forum. It's two clicks from here.
  13. freethink

    Experimental Branch: 0.46 Discussion

    I totally thought it was the beginning of blood tracks. Amazed I'd never noticed them in game or on yt. Bizarre! Cheers
  14. freethink

    Experimental Branch: 0.46 Discussion

    are they a graphics setting? I notice some other youtubes don't have them.
  15. freethink

    Experimental Branch: 0.46 Discussion

    is this new? i.e. footprints watch this vid from about 2:30 on Or have I only noticed these 350 hours later?!
  16. freethink

    New zombie type! Beware!

  17. freethink

    location of balota airstrip?

    I think it's gone from stable too now. It's replaced by a civilian airfield with an atc, warehouse and little else. It's a work in progress.
  18. Should see a big improvement on stable today. I didn't notice any on experimental but I stayed well clear of berezino and the neaf isn't the hotspot it once was.
  19. freethink

    How would you combat player suicide?

    I think the variety of spawn points mitigates things.
  20. freethink

    I'm new here, but I need help

    apart from the initial start up of the game does a ssd actually make a big difference?
  21. freethink

    Experimental Branch: 0.46 Discussion

    They really seem to be spreading spawns out. It's great as it will stop people looting their own bodies. Not judging btw - I've done it myself. One time I was killed, got back to my body, was killed again, and got back to my body again and got killed. Gave up after that:D
  22. freethink

    I'm new here, but I need help

    OP listen to this man! I'd say you want i5 minimum. I have an i7 but not as good a gpu as you've listed and it's certainly playable. fyi I have an i7-2670qm and gtx570m
  23. freethink

    Experimental Branch: 0.46 Discussion

    Has anyone not had their character wiped?
  24. freethink

    Experimental Branch: 0.46 Discussion

    I haven't had any melee issues save for my own incompetence. I did in the last exp and had to rebind the key.