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Everything posted by freethink

  1. freethink

    DayZ slave trade?

    12 hours a slave. Obviously it's just some sort of consensual role play.
  2. freethink

    Suddenly get 10fps in EVERY game

    Good call. If I run from battery even on maximum performance setting I get single figures. Often freaks me out when I accidentally knock out the power cable.
  3. freethink

    Location of worst fps?

    For me, it's Zelenogorst (sw of the map.) I'm happy with anything over 30fps but in Zel I was in single figures for a while. It's a huge, huge place. Also I heard reports from people saying Svet was terrible but although I took a hit I am always in the high twenties. Similar with Novo. (I'm playing in exp. 0.47 with a nvidia gtx570m) So where's the worst for you?
  4. freethink

    The Standoff! (Hardcore)

    what did you think was in the 30/30 akm clip?
  5. haven't watched the video yet but I'm guessing yes. watching now.
  6. freethink

    DayZ sunshafts...

    I didn't but seeing how we agree at a fundamental level I am also not going to debate semantics.
  7. freethink

    DayZ sunshafts...

    It's not actually realistic imo. Ok if I look straight into the sun I will be blinded but in rl I can easily walk towards the sun and see where I'm going.
  8. freethink

    Noob question lol

    yep frames per second. I find if i'm getting below 30 it starts to feel like it's stuttering but above that it's fine. It I had to choose between paying a minimum of 20 euros for the mod or a few quid more for the sa then it'd be sa every time. Nothing against the mod.
  9. freethink

    Noob question lol

    You'll be able to play standalone. For reference I have an i7/gtx570m and it's playable. I get about 60fps in the countryside and mainly over 30 fps in cities (with some exceptions)
  10. freethink

    DayZ sunshafts...

    Yep it's over the top.
  11. freethink

    If you die in DayZ, you deserved it

    The only time I haven't blamed myself is when I've been killed as a fresh spawn but even then I ultimately blame myself. I find myself obsessing over my last death and what I did wrong all the time.
  12. freethink

    Noob question lol

    Jump into the standalone. Specs?
  13. freethink

    Location of worst fps?

    I get similar there but zel is a whole other level of stuttering frames. Have you been?
  14. freethink

    Noob question lol

    http://store.steampowered.com/app/33930/ combined operations is an add on for arma 2. You need arma 2 plus combined operations at a minimum to play the mod as far as I know. I'm not an expert though. I've only played the standalone. I wouldn't like you to spend cash on arma 2 and then have the shock that you needed to buy more stuff before you could play the dayz mod. There's far more experienced players on here. I'm sure they'll chime in. Good luck.
  15. freethink

    Not regaining health when energized and hydrated?

    I found it a lot harder and I've had both bright green and 'healing' hasn't come up. Try having another pipsi and waiting. It'll kick in eventually. My big issue has been getting 'stuffed.'
  16. freethink

    Noob question lol

    Quote from steam: The Day Z Mod requires both Arma II and Arma II: Operation Arrowhead. For the best experience (including high detail textures for all models used in the DayZ Mod) purchase Arma II: Complete Collection.
  17. freethink

    So, in this one town I found 5 LRS

    You are on .47, .46 was the lrs everywhere but no binos
  18. freethink

    Sprained Ankle (instead of instant broken leg)

    There's already a "my leg is painful" message that isn't the same as a broken leg. I'm not sure it has any effect except maybe vaulting (could've been a server issue though.) It's fixable with a splint. Similar message for arms too. So I'm sure it's coming.
  19. Ignorance isn't the same as stupidity. The op started a thread asking for answers not insults.
  20. Nope. There's no guilt by association although if I were be/vac I'd keep a close eye of the hackers friends. You should delete him anyway.
  21. freethink

    Why does hardly anyone report abusive servers?

    Reporting does work but we're lazy humans. Hardly any of us report stuff to the tracker either. The reason is every little step on the way is like a hurdle. Two clicks to the tracker? Nope. If it's not in my face and easy then chances are I won't make it. Report servers? No chance. It's lots of steps and each step is a hurdle and each hurdle means it's less likely we reach our objective. I've been thinking of posting this to the tracker but I haven't bothered because although I care I don't two clicks and fill out a report and some more clicks care. I think it's a joke we don't have a link to the tracker on every page of this forum. Another thing someone mentioned is there's so many trolls these days that the reporting would overwhelmed with troll reports. I say ban players for multiple false reports. Have a notice on the reporting form telling them they could be banned for false reports. If there was a report server button in the server list then and it sent server name, ip, reporter names(steam id and in game name) then at least we could quickly get rid off all the servers with names that break the rules. Have it 3 strikes and they can't hire a server again.
  22. freethink

    Why does hardly anyone report abusive servers?

    because there's not a button that says "Report Server"
  23. Why not just play on experimental? I stopped playing on stable weeks ago because of hackers and I don't intend on going back any time soon. Any security fixes will generally go on exp. first plus most people with paid hacks aren't going to risk playing on a version the hack isn't stated to work on. The only hackers on exp. will probably be hack authors and most people who use hacks don't have the technical knowledge to write them. In terms of risk, even if we accept there are hackers on exp., there's still a far lesser opportunity of meeting one.
  24. as I suspected a european server. haven't played the vid, presume it was an eastern european.
  25. freethink

    Experimental Branch: 0.47 Discussion

    According to the site that I included in my bug report, it's still possible. What happened was battleye banned lots of users using a paid hack that included that ability and bis made it impossible to steal the way they were stealing but apparently they've found a new way. I suppose the silver lining is that this steal vulnerability is a relic of the old engine so as it morphs into the new one things like this should be rare. It's basically the reason I only play exp. Just like we be, bis are testing exp so are the hackers. Where about on the map were you btw?