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Everything posted by freethink

  1. freethink

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    and (non-crafted) silencers should be almost non-existent imo. Hopefully they will be.
  2. I have headBob=0; in my config but still used to get queasy. I've never experienced it before in any other fps. From what I've found having a narrow fov and low/stuttering frames per second is the reason for motion sickness. If I'm getting 20+ I'm ok but if I'm stuttering down to low teens then back above 30+ for a while I'll get it. Unfortunately widening your fov will probably have a slight impact on your frames. I found adding ssd helped a bit but ultimately we're are waiting for optimization.
  3. freethink

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    Yep me too. Had to adapt when they removed bullet spawns from non-mil zones. Generally just rocked a repeater/mosin until I got to a base then swapped out. SKS was my first love in this game. I wouldn't care if they removed all the automatic weapons.
  4. freethink

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    Yep generally good advice but I was stuffed and changing to a smaller backpack. I left food in the larger backpack. Also I'm in a low traffic area where food is quite plentiful. I even found a 30 round mag for a mp5k earlier. And a goat and heard but didn't see a chicken. There's no way I'm going to starve before exp gets wiped or there's some sort of update to the cle.
  5. freethink

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    Is amazing how different the experience is for someone who gets on the freshly updated servers and those who arrive the the days after. I was on early. The only thing I'm missing is a scope. I've even thrown food away (a sin!) and haven't picked an apple or berry. But if I died and respawned today, I'd probably struggle to get out of the spawn points and to somewhere with loot left.
  6. freethink

    Going bandit hunting before wipe tonight

    patch/wipe is probably next week and going to be .57 not .56
  7. Therein lies the issue. Are they going to make all the twitch streamers open their sub-only servers to the public? There's rules and rules that are policed. You could report the server in the normal way and see what happens. I've donated to servers but never for guaranteed private access and it's not something I see in my future but I've seen quite a few private shards go down in the last few months too so I've some sympathy with the server operators. Yes it's probably against the t&c but without donations there probably wouldn't be one, let alone two monster gaming servers.
  8. How's it different to the many sub-only servers that various twitch streamers have? Not sure why you are quoting a rule about content creation either.
  9. freethink

    Most detested item in Persistence

    haven't read the full thread but pistol flashlights because they look a bit like scopes.
  10. freethink

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    have you verified integrity of your cache in steam? That normally downloads new defaults if they are missing.
  11. freethink

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    Took out a zombie with one punch and a second one with 3. Still no loot. edit: Oh it's specific to certain servers? DayZ UK5 0-1 no loot
  12. freethink

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    You're a better man than me. I shall be having coffee and cigarettes while I await news of someone finding some loot.
  13. freethink

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    Yeah I only played 10 mins. Ran to the apts north of cherno and didn't see any. Probably just lucky. Definitely no loot. Not even a hat or book.
  14. freethink

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    no loot, no zombies
  15. freethink

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    Yeah I'm cool with it. Probably won't be playing any stable for a while though. Feel sorry for the devs and everyone associated with the game because we're going to see some crazy vitriol directed towards them for months about the 'zombieless zombie game' etc. Very brave decision imo. I'm impressed that they've bitten the bullet on this and the more I see of the devs/dayz team the more impressed I am. Hicks et al eat dink and sleep this game.
  16. freethink

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    Seems a bit pointless without infected especially once you are past the initial survival part. I am looking forward to the hysteria when this hits stable though.
  17. freethink

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    Basically the game freezes then crashes when you alt-tab or whatever.
  18. freethink

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    Odin, a few posts up seems to have had similar issue http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/224844-exp-update-056127thebeast/page-41#entry2263674 I was just on a 75 man without infected and it was running very well. I was only on for about 10/15 mins. I left rather than the server died. Seems like the infected are at the root of most problems with servers crashing. Have a go, I found it a lot different. In fact, I was going to post that I was in zelen for about 10 mins and suddenly realised I hadn't heard any eating/drinking/ammo splitting the entire time which is unusual for dayz especially with so many in the server.
  19. freethink

    Status Report - 14 May 15

    Are the slot sizes in stable going to increase for people who rent servers? The 75 person servers without infected seemed to run like a dream.
  20. freethink

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    similar to what happened with me. first time it was an sks, i crashed 5 or 6 time trying to pick it up. next time it was trying to interact with a lot of loot. Both times it was at one of those non-enterable building commonly seen at mil bases. I think you are right in your theory but I was eventually able to pick up the sks. There was something very buggy about it because I accidentally duped it too. Properly duped not just the normal temporary thing we've had in .56 where it appears like we've duped.
  21. freethink

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    Until beta basically.
  22. freethink

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    Where abouts? Was it just single items (with no others nearby) or items within a lootsplosion?
  23. freethink

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    Managed to craft a courier/improvised backpack by dropping my existing backpack. Also has anyone crashed at the entrance building (the one you can't get in but spawns loot on the porch) at the north of pavlovo mil base in a pile of loot. A few times in .56 my game has frozen then crashed trying to interact with items. Super place to crash and have to log into on a 75 man server:D
  24. freethink

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    servers back up edit: down lol
  25. freethink

    What is the final goal of this game?

    To get you to upgrade your pc.