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About natehi88@aol.com

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  1. natehi88@aol.com

    Why putting heart attacks in game makes no sense

    I'm actually curious if people have been using or got a epi-pen used on them? It says one of the side of effects is irregular heartbeat. Aren't you able to defibrillator out of it though? I never got to test this in experimental and probably never will (due to the whole solo'ing concept).
  2. natehi88@aol.com

    What is the playstyle people would give you.

    Can it be hero and bandit? I do shoot anyone that gets near me (I trust no one and I'm perfectly fine playing solo), but I do hunt stupid servers/clans that start to build up notoriety to trying to farm all the time and auto kick. More so said clan members I find in other servers.
  3. natehi88@aol.com

    Why putting heart attacks in game makes no sense

    Like what Naraga said it's not good for solo players. I'd say a lot of us enjoy the challenge of playing solo. Especially for me taking down scumbag clan members who have a track record in these forums for abusing the servers. 1 v 2+ > needing a babysitter with a defibrillator.
  4. natehi88@aol.com

    Do you understand the meaning of Dayz Alpha?

    That cuts both ways. I seen some really good innovative ideas here with elaborate and intelligent comments and you get the one who inflate their post count go, "alpha" and that's it... They themselves either are as stated inflating their post count and/or don't know what alpha is themselves. It's meant to help look for bugs, crush exploits, flush out the script kiddies asap, and even bring new innovative ideas. It's really annoying seeing such great ideas and bugs found and yes I have seen a few repeat threads on certain bugs, but going, "Alpha" or "been said" isn't helping ANYTHING! If the issue has been stated and acknowledged and you can see the person put in some good effort, than be a good Samaritan and link that bigger thread. It's partly why I didn't want to make an account here and type for quite some time... overly self entitled people smearing newer people into the ground with this nonsense.
  5. natehi88@aol.com

    Kill on Sight - Complaining

    Pretty much the kill on sight complainers in a nutshell. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNl-Hydyxh0
  6. natehi88@aol.com

    The true reason behind KoS

    To be honest if I had to choose between the TWO options, I rather see more threads supporting KoS then being against KoS. Of course both sides constantly flooding new threads isn't helping at all, but I was getting a bit worried with all the anti KoS threads going to cause a tidal wave with their tears.
  7. natehi88@aol.com

    What Ruins DayZ

    The sad thing is, I stopped reading 2 paragraphs in... I didn't realize he made a WoW reference... he just acts like a WoW player... really annoying and self entitled over stupid nonsense.
  8. natehi88@aol.com

    What Ruins DayZ

    I swear half these threads I read here remind me of Actiblizzard's forums... so many illogical, whiny, and self entitled people. This is like a giant list of dumb requests. Like ever since those clowns caved, these people think they can request anything and it will happen.
  9. natehi88@aol.com

    how to discourage killing on sight - Rocket reat this

    That's asking too much. Since a lot of them just want to go full carebear mode. I seen a lot of games go from greatness to utterly mocked due to the carebear swarm... I really hope DayZ isn't one of these games in the future.