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Posts posted by JohnFromSteam

  1. Basicly you should be able to walk slowly, while you are doing any kind of "handsign" in my opinion.

    Be it holding your hands up, "the highfiving hello", flipping people off or pointing, we should be able to walk slowly at the same time tbh :)


  2. Hello! My friend thought of a new F2.

    Suggestion: Pressing F2 allows you to also walk with your hands up, but slowly. 

    Reason: To take someone off the road if you do not have handcuffs. It's far more effective to have that than telling them to walk slowly.

    Friend: Morpheus

    • Like 7

  3. I started when I first saw PewDiePie's first video about DayZ. Even though I DO hate PewDiePie, at the time, I thought he was awesome and that game looked so realistic. I got a new rig and bought the game and the mod in june-august-ish. I kept playing the mod, then the sub mods, and now, I play the SA. I do not regret putting 100+ hours in DayZ, as I have met some awesome people and I had a lot of fun.

    PS: Still havin' fun :D

  4. New patch kinda feels smoother at times prolly due to some optimisations.

    Loving the new zombie respawn - first time I saw 7 zombies coming at me at every turn. Loving it!

    Catch rain with canteen cool!

    Hating new axe pose. Feels unnatural to need to raise your axe before youre able to click. Please bring back old mechanic where you can still swing from the ready pose.

    It is there but if you read the known issues, it says it ain't working now

  5. I went to electro and a guy ran at me while i was looting a building. it was so laggy he hit me with his axe and i ran away. i tried to fight him indoor, but the combat is so incredibly laggy, it is heartbreaking. what a dick too, well i ate all my food before he got me. sadly my internet collapsed while we where fighting at that point. (alot internet problems past days) so at least i hit him once or twice. i reconnected but it said i have to wait 90 seconds or so and reconnect again.


    what looked like combatlogging for him, it surely wasnt ! so i wont be playing for some time now.

    Hopefully your internet goes back to normal. The combat ain't that laggy, as the experimental servers with 40+ peeps is wild. Plus make sure its the closest server to you.

  6.  I just drank some alcohol tincture on accident instead of applying it and my character dies.what...the... fuck...

    Read the description of the tincture. It says it is quite heavy and even to use it as a bath would have to be distillin' it.
