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About icarus99

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  1. icarus99

    GriM's Salvage & Supply Co.

    I love the idea of an Apocalypse themed unit. Do you organize training and events in SA, how is that working out? Do you have a white listed server?
  2. A hacker attacked your server today at about five minutes after four. 16:05 EST. You may want to review logs to see who was on. The screen displayed a message "everyone in the world is fighting. fight for your life" The death screen was replaced with "F____ You" with no option to exit. Whichever, buy a replacement for mommy's love hacking package that is online.
  3. I'm not sure if it's just part of playing the mod or not, but the biplane should probably be reset. I crashed in on Pik Kozlova, and it should have been destroyed by the contact with the trees, but somehow it's fine. It's just lodged in the trees. The only reason I bring it up is because it's such a common location that it won't likely get left alone for seven days.
  4. I heard it as a rumor back in the old days. By doing CTRL E and setting myself up in helicopter I find the sandbar East of Skalisty Island. I've been looking for the UH-1H on a hardcore server and can't find it anywhere. There is also an inflatable boat, but no fishing boat. Just wondering if they're stashed out at sea. Someone must be logging in to preserve them no? Does it still do the 7 day respawn?
  5. Just wondering, because I attached a scope to a crossbow once, when I first saw the attachment system. And I turned an M9 into a brick by putting an M9 supressor on it.... no SD ammo. Then I couldn't detach it.
  6. icarus99

    Coming back to DayZ after 2+ years.

    That's what I'm getting at. I don't find a recipe with Herb Box in it, or PVC dish, or a few of the other things.
  7. icarus99

    Coming back to DayZ after 2+ years.

    Same boat. I came back after about a year playing with the SA and Arma3. I've been playing vanilla hardcore/mercenary. It's a solo game now. My questions are: -Crafting items, how do we use them? I see the journal, and crafting recipies but many items aren't listed. plastic box herb box etc... I can't seem to find any wikis with these things on it. They are all about SA.
  8. Step one - be prepared to lose everthing. Step two - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zrjVYHOiNk&feature=youtu.be
  9. Middle age guy. I can play about three hours once a week regularly with pick-up times on other nights. My play time is always 8pm-11pm after the kids go to bed. Hard end time to save the next work day. I'm not experienced at mil-sim, but would like to use some group tactics, and learn some group tactics. The holidays will throw a wrench into the plans, but maybe we can get organized in the new year.